Harlequin Mask (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

The harlequin mask is an intricately carved magical item that takes the form of a theater mask with a unique design. It is crafted from a lightweight yet durable material, and its surface is adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant colors. The mask has two distinct faces, each expertly crafted to convey the essence of tragedy and comedy.

While you wear this magic mask, you can use an action to shift its appearance to comedy or tragedy, or back to normal.
Comedy. When the mask is set to the comedy face, it morphs into a cheerful countenance with a mischievous smile. The surrounding aura brightens, filling the area with a sense of joy and lightheartedness. This can generate feelings of mirth, laughter, and positivity in those nearby. You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma (Deception and Performance) checks when attempting to entertain, distract, or deceive others.
Tragedy. When the mask is set to the tragedy face, its features contort to display a mournful expression. The surrounding atmosphere darkens, casting shadows and creating an air of solemnity. This can evoke feelings of sadness, despair, or even fear in those nearby. You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma (Intimidation and Persuasion) checks when attempting to instill fear or sympathy.
The effect of the mask lasts until you remove the mask.

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