Hypnotizing Pocket Watch (5e Equipment)
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The pocket watch in question source |
Wondrous item, Very Rare (Requires attunement by practicing with it over the course of a long rest) This magical pocket watch was created by a powerful enchanter that allows the wielder to influence the minds of others. This Pocket Watch has Charges equal to 1 + The attuned Charisma modifier or 2 whichever is higher. The Pocket Watch regains 1d6 expended Charges daily at dawn. If you expend the watch's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, The watch breaks and stops telling the time and can't regain Charges until repaired. Which can only be done by an Artificer over the course of 12 hours using 1,200 gold worth of materials. Charged Time. As long as the watch has Charges the Pocket Watch can tell the time or the equivalent of time no matter the dimension or location. Muli influence. When casting a spell using this watch's feature the watch itself will concentrate on the spell. Allowing a spell caster to still cast spells like normal. When using 2 features of the watch at the same time. Like using Subliminal Messaging twice or casting both Subliminal Messaging and Full Control. The caster will be forced to concentrate like normal on the spell of the second feature used. When the watch is destroyed or breaks the watch will cease concentrating on the spell it was concentrating on and the spell will end. Subliminal Messaging. As an action you can expend a Charge of the pocket watch to cast suggestion with a spell save of 15 or 8 + the attuneds proficiency bonus + their Charisma modifier whichever is higher. Full Control. As an action you can expend 3 Charges of the pocket watch to cast the 5th-level version of the spell dominate person with a spell save of 15 or 8 + the attuned's proficiency bonus + their Charisma modifier whichever is higher. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend. Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Equipment → Wondrous Items |