Rewind Circlet (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, rare (minor)

This gilded metal circlet magically bonds with another nonmagical object, which it's either found with or can be bonded to. If the circlet spends 1 hour in contact with another nonmagical object, it becomes bound to that object, breaking its bond with any previous object. While wearing the circlet, you can use a bonus action cause one of the following effects:

  • Return the object to your hand if it left your possession since the start of your previous turn.
  • Reform the object if it broke.
  • Repair any damage done to the object since the start of your previous turn.

The object must be within 60 feet of you for any of these options to take effect, and you must have a free hand to cause these effects (as though casting a spell with a Somatic component).

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