Wilsod Munitions™ Anti-Mischief Cream (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, rare

A small, metal, cylinder-shaped tin decorated in bright, flashy paper. The top of the tin has a small circular piece of paper on it that sports the Wilsod Munitions™ logo, with the words "Anti-Mischief Cream" in bright orange lettering beneath it. The paper around the base of the cylinder is of an alternating red, yellow, and orange stripe pattern with various explosive speech bubbles that provide bits of information about the product. On the bottom of the tin is a tiny black and white warning label that details the possible side-effects that the Wilsod Munitions™ "Anti-Mishief Cream" can cause.

Apply as Necessary

As an action, the "Anti-Mishief Cream" can be applied to a willing creature. If a creature is unwilling, you and the creature must make a Dexterity contest. If you fail, you fail to affect the unwilling creature with this item. If you succeed, the unwilling creature is successfully affected. The "Anti-Mishief Cream" has eight (8) uses, and the item loses all magical properties after it has been used eight (8) times.

An affected creature, whether willing or unwilling, experiences the following effects for the next 1d4 hours:

  • The creatures alignment changes to Lawful Good
  • The creature acts in accordance with the ideals of the typical model citizen (e.i, politely, courteously, and respectfully)
  • The creature is only capable of harming creatures that are clearly about to commit a crime, hurt another creature, or speak of doing anything similar
  • The creature is immune to the charmed condition

After the aforementioned 1d4 hours passes, the affected creature must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15). If they succeed, they feel a slight urge to use a Wilsod Munitions™ "Anti-Mishief Cream" again and must succeed a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw the next time they see one or be forced to use it again. If they fail, they feel an immense need to use a Wilsod Munitions™ "Anti-Mishief Cream" again and must succeed a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw the next time they see one or be forced to use it again. Additionally, if a creature fails the initial Constitution saving throw, or uses a Wilsod Munitions™ "Anti-Mishief Cream" again after succeeding the initial saving throw, they gain one level of mischief withdrawal. The effects of mischief withdrawal are listed below:

  • With one level of mischief withdrawal, the creature's alignment changes to Neutral Good and the DC of any saving throw caused by the Wilsod Munitions™ "Anti-Mishief Cream" increases by 1
  • With two levels of mischief withdrawal, the creature's alignment changes to Chaotic Neutral and the DC of any saving throw caused by the Wilsod Munitions™ "Anti-Mishief Cream" increases by 1
  • With three levels of mischief withdrawal, the creature's alignment changes to Neutral Evil and the DC of any saving throw caused by the Wilsod Munitions™ "Anti-Mishief Cream" increases by 1
  • With four levels of mischief withdrawal, the creature's alignment changes to Chaotic Evil and the creature must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. This saving throw's DC is not increased by the effects of mischief withdrawal. If the creature succeeds the saving throw, they lose all levels of mischief withdrawal and their alignment returns to what it was originally. If the creature fails the saving throw, they suffer an especially awful heartattack and, if the creature's Constitution ability score is less than 18, they die.

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