Anti-Gravity Balloon (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, uncommon

This balloon comes in any color and appears no different than a regular balloon, but it's infused with magic that allows the owner to use it as a levitation device. It is primarily intended for sneaking over walls or escaping dangerous predicaments, but it has countless more possible uses.

While holding the balloon, you can take an action to fly away with it. You fly upwards at a speed of 30ft, with no control over the speed, and only go upwards. If you let go of the balloon, it disappears, and after flying with it for 24 hours, it suddenly deflates and stops working.

Shooting Down the Balloon. While you are flying with the balloon, it can be shot down. The balloon has 25 AC, 15 hit points, immunity to psychic, necrotic and poison damage, and vulnerability to piercing damage.

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