Shimmering Bracers (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, legendary (major) (requires attunement)

These metal bracers seem to shimmer with intense heat, their color impossible to determine. They are cool to the touch, and any creature wearing them also appears to shimmer slightly. You have resistance to the damage of evocation spells, and all of your evocation and illusion spells have a +1 bonus to their attack rolls, the DC of saving throws they force, and the DCs of ability checks creatures make against the spells. In addition, you have one additional 5th-level spell slot that, when used to cast a spell, can only be used to cast an evocation or illusion spell.

Energy Alteration. When you cast an evocation spell that deals damage, you can choose to change the type of damage it deals to a damage type other than bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. This does not affect the type of saving throw a creature might make to resist the spell. Once you use this property, the bracers cannot be used in this way again until dawn the next day.

Searing Visage. Whenever you cast an illusion spell that creates a visible effect, you can also cast an evocation spell as though it originated from the illusion. Once you use this property, the bracers cannot be used in this way again until dawn the next day.

Warped Light. Whenever you cast an illusion spell that requires concentration, you can choose to become invisible for the duration of the spell. You must make a concentration check each time you make an attack roll or cast a spell while invisible in this way. If the spell you cast already turns you invisible, this invisibility effect replaces the invisibility effect of the spell. Once you use this property, the bracers cannot be used in this way again until dawn the next day.

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