Faerie Lantern (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item (hooded lantern), uncommon (major)

While holding this lantern if you use an action to speak the command word, it begins to shed bright blue starlight out to a radius 30 feet, and dim light for another 30 feet, and this light can last indefinitely with no fuel. While lit this way the lantern levitates and follows you, sharing your space. If the lantern (AC 10) is forced to be more than 5 feet away from you, the flame goes out.

While an invisible creature is within the bright light, the lantern makes a distinct and repeating chime, but offers no insight to the creature's location or properties.

While the lantern is lit this way, with an action you can use it to cast faerie fire (DC 15), with multicolored flames flying out from the lantern's wick. The spell can't be cast this way again until the next turn.

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