Gauntlet of Exploration (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, common (major) (requires attunement)

This simple leather gauntlet has seen wear and tear, through the many places it has explored with previous owners, as well as many small mementos being embedded into it. On the back of the gauntlet resides a smokey quartz, a four-sided star residing within the gemstone. The smokey quartz is cold to the touch, and the Gauntlet smells like that of a blustering, frozen mountaintop. There is a slit within the underside of the gauntlet which a piece of parchment may be put into and is unable to fall out from.

Map Exploration & Projection. While attuned to this Gauntlet, the Gauntlet records a map of the area that the bearer is exploring (a 1-Mile Radius, with the bearer as the center), as it is being explored. The map created is able to be magically projected from the smokey quartz for only the bearer to see, as a translucent map. This Gauntlet is not able to show areas that the bearer has not explored.

Map Printer. While attuned to this Gauntlet, the Gauntlet is able to draw the map which has been previously explored onto a piece of parchment that has been put into the gauntlet. Though it is less detailed than what the Gauntlet would project. The Gauntlet is not able to draw areas the bearer has not explored.

Aided Exploration. While attuned to this Gauntlet, the Gauntlet gives the bearer +5ft Climbing Speed, and +5ft Swimming Speed, though these speeds may not exceed your Maximum Movement Speed.

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