Abhorrent Hybrid Fruit (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item, rare

A fruit that gives you a random feature of another race. One Fruit can is created per 250 bodies of any sentient creature for example, Elves, Humans, Dwarves and so on buried in the same place then watered with 1 litre of that an blood (These creatures do not all have to be of the same race but must have an Int above 5 and cannot be undead, monsters, or animals). If you roll a characteristic of the race that you already are or already have you may reroll until you gain a characteristic you do not have (Half race creatures do not count as the same race as the pure blooded creatures).

d12 Effect
1 You gain the Breath Weapon feature of dragonborn(Your DM will choose the colour or determine it randomly).
2 You gain the Dwarven Resilience feature of dwarves.
3 You gain the Hellish Resistance feature of tieflings.
4 You gain the Fey Ancestry feature of elves.
5 You gain the Stonecunning feature of dwarves.
6 You gain the Keen Senses feature of elves.
7 You gain the Lucky feature feature of halflings.
8 You gain the Gnome Cunning feature of gnomes.
9 You gain the Skill Versatility feature of half elves.
10 You gain the Trance feature of elves.
11 You gain the Relentless Endurance feature of half orcs.
12 You gain the Savage Attacks feature of half orcs.

The effect lasts permanently and you will gain a racial characteristic of the creature you become a hybrid of, this can be chosen by you or the DM this may also make you seem like a strange creature to those with Truesight or detect magic and you may be looked upon unfavourably by those of your race or the race of the hybrid creature you become. Those who observe you will be able to tell you are a hybrid if a DC 13 Intelligence check is succeeded against you. Those with the Lawful or Good Alignment may be horrified if they succeed a DC 18 Intelligence check against you to find out how you became a hybrid.

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