Wilsod Munitions™ “Handy Little Helper” (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, rare

This ordinarily sized, gold and copper arm is of confusingly futuristic make. It resembles an ordinary humanoid arm of average musculature. It is made of two parts: the framework and the plating. The framework of the arm is made of well polished gold and is entirely hidden by the gold and copper plating over top of it. The framework resembles the bones of a human arm almost entirely, save for a few obvious mechanical changes. The plating is made mostly of intricate gold plates, with a few plates being made of copper or bronze. The plating also houses three bright-ish bulbs of blue light that are found at the shoulder, the elbow, and the palm. These bulbs of light coincide with the copper plates on the plating part of the arm, and the bulbs are encircled with small circular bronze plates. The arm also comes with an adjustable leather strap that can be affixed on various parts of the customers body, allowing for the customer to functionally possess multiple arms.

Helping Hand

This intricate metal arm, once equipped, can allow the equipper to utilize it as if it was one of their own arms. The arm can assist in carrying various objects, from helping to hold a two-handed weapon, holding a singular one handed weapon, holding a shield, or any other object that can logically be held in one hand. It can carry up to 10 tons of weight, but if it is used to carry more than that it breaks. The arm can be reassembled with the use of a Mending spell, but it will still not function as its magic has left it.

Additionally, if the wielder does not possess two arms, the wielder can equip this arm as a prosthetic or replacement for the missing arm. Doing so does not change its durability, however, and it will cease to function if it breaks.

Moreover, the wielder can equip more than one arm depending on their size category. Medium sized creatures can equip up to four (4) “Handy Little Helpers,” a Large creature can equip up to eight (8) “Handy Little Helpers,” a Small creature can equip up to two (2) “Handy Little Helpers,” a Tiny creature can equip only one (1) “Handy Little Helper,” and any creature smaller than Tiny cannot equip the “Handy Little Helper.”

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