Gauntlets of Protecting Armor (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

These gauntlets are materialized gold with a color of silver and symbols on each gauntlet with a shield. The gauntlets have properties associated with four different buttons that are set in a row along the back of the left gauntlet.

Protecting Armor These gauntlets are not an ordinary pair of gauntlets these gauntlets have a contraption located on the left side, 4 button upon using a bonus action to click one of these either 3 thick animate metal plates of smallest to largest can spring up and these buttons have numbers 1,2,3,4, clicking one of the buttons gives you the following ability.

Button 1 When clicking button 1 the current active plate springs back to the contrapment staying in the gauntlet.

Button 2 When clicking button 2 a small miniature plate springs out of the left gauntlet, being similar to that of a Buckler shield.

button 3 When clicking button 3 a medium sized plate springs out of the left gauntlet, giving similar benefits to a Shield

button 4 When clicking button 4, a large sized plate springs out of the left gauntlet, turning into a Tower Shield and retains the benefits towards the tower shield

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