D10 of Doom (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, uncommon

You can throw the die from 20 feet away then roll a d10 to see your fate.

d10 Result
1 The die explodes dealing 3d10 force damage to anything within 60 feet of it.
2 Reroll two more times.
3 Gain 20 gp.
4 The DM chooses an item to melt away in your hands, destroying it and dealing 1d4 fire damage.
5 You gain 1d10 temporary hit points.
6 You gain an advantage on all attacks for this and the next round.
7 Cast blink, the DM chooses where you end your turn on.
8 (If in person) Swap character sheets with another person for the rest of the battle. (for online) Gain a disadvantage.
9 Move double your normal movement speed.
10 You are invisible for 1 hour or until you damage another creature.
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