Pickled Crimson Worms (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Very rare

A decorated bottle weighing 2 pounds, filled with a semi-transparent, crimson liquid, appears to contain several harmless worms that live inside it regardless of outside care, the worms and liquid inside the bottle oddly taste like smoked pork

Jar of Worms. The container when found has 3d4 living worms inside it, if the jar is completely filled with water for each worm inside the container roll 1d20 at dawn, for each roll of 19 and above the worms reproduce increasing the total amount of worms by 1 up to a maximum of 15 living worms in the jar at once, the worms seem to not need anything to sustain themselves other than the magic within the jar itself.

Juicy Snack. As an action you can consume one of the worms fresh from the vial, 1 worm feeds a small creature for 1 day, 2 worms for a medium creature, and 3 for a large creature (following the same progression for larger creatures), if you consume a worm for the first time after a long rest and spend at least 1 minute without taking any damage you recover hit points equal to 1/10th of your maximum hit points, and increase your maximum and current hit points by a value equal to your proficiency bonus, this increase lasts until you finish a long rest.

Salty Juice. As an action you can drink the disgusting worm juice with a pork off-taste within the jar, when you do so you lose hit points equal to your level then end the effect of diseases and any paralyzed, charmed, poisoned, deafened, and blinded conditions, you also end any reductions to your maximum hit points and/or attributes. This effect can only be used once, after 4 worms manage to successfully reproduce within the jar this effect's use is restored.

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