Wondrous item, legendary
Six gems, each allowing the wielder control over a particular aspect of the universe. When all six are brought together, whoever wields them becomes omnipotent.
The six infinity stones.
In the beginning, there were six singularities. From them, the universe was created, and the singularities were concentrated by the omnipotent cosmic entities into six gems of immense power—the infinity stones. Each one possessed a certain power over one of the universe's domains: reality, soul, mind, time, space, and power. Each was powerful enough alone, but together, could shape the universe itself.
From there, the stones were used by many different beings and groups, for a wide variety of purposes. The stones are so powerful that each can only be directly wielded by beings of immense strength, or if their power is distributed among a group of lesser entities. To get around this danger, weaker beings would place the stones in containers and artifacts to allow them access to their power.
As more infinity stones are used together, each individual stone's powers become more potent. All six infinity stones together are nearly impossible to control, and even powerful entities would be destroyed by them. Only artifacts designed for the purpose of combining their power, such as the Infinity Gauntlet, can make the feat even feasible. However, the power attained by having all six stones is unimaginable, and even gods would quake before their power. Anyone who could combine all six stones and survive would become omnipotent.
The Stones
Each of the following stones has specific powers and traits that they bestow upon their wielder. Additionally, the power of each stone grows with the number of stones it is being wielded with. For instance, the space stone alone primarily opens portals and allows for teleportation. However, when used with another stone, it grants telekinesis, and when used with four other stones, it can make objects intangible.
Note that many of the stones have what are called adverse effects. These effects apply when a creature attempts to make direct contact with the stone in question, and when all other additional conditions are met. Under certain conditions, these adverse effects will not apply. These include:
- Creatures with at least 150 maximum hit points (75 if they are of the Celestial type) or a Constitution score of at least 20.
- All gods, greater demons, and divine beings.
- Constructs.
- Creatures engineered, designed, or modified to be able to hold certain infinity stones.
If a creature would suffer from such adverse effects, and they attempt to hold a stone without a container, they are not considered "wielding" it.
Additionally, each stone will give an ability score increase to their wielder. The ability score modified is dependent upon the stone used.
Space Stone (Blue). The space stone allows the wielder to have control over space. Possible abilities include teleportation, portal generation, telekinesis, and intangibility.
- Adverse Effects. If a creature attempts to hold the stone directly, they will be teleported to any location of the DM's choice, including deep space, though the creature must stay on the same plane of existence.
- Ability Score Increase. Any creature that wields the space stone increases their Dexterity score by 2, to a maximum of 22.
- Powers
- One Stone. The wielder may create a circular portal up to 100 feet wide to anywhere on the same plane of existence.
- Two Stones. The wielder may cast the telekinesis spell at will, requiring no verbal or somatic components, and succeeds any checks required of this spell.
- Three Stones. The wielder may cast the teleport spell at will, requiring no verbal components, and is always on target when they attempt this.
- Four Stones. The wielder may cast the gate spell at will, requiring no verbal or somatic components, and succeeds any checks required of this spell.
- Five Stones. The wielder may force any object or creature that they can see (including itself) to become intangible, or "phase". The target passes through all solid matter and is controlled by the wielder telekinetically. The target becomes solid at the start of the wielder's next turn. If the target is interacting with a solid object when they become solid again, it moves into the nearest unoccupied space.
Mind Stone (Yellow). The mind stone gives the wielder the ability to alter or manipulate the thoughts and wills of others. Possible abilities include telepathy, mind control, mind erasure, sleep inducement, and the bestowal of powers.
- Adverse Effects. Any creature that tries to hold the mind stone must make a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw. Upon a fail, they fall unconscious for 2d12 hours, or half that time on a successful roll. No attempts to wake them, including magic, will succeed.
- Ability Score Increase. Any creature that wields the space stone increases their Intelligence score by 2, to a maximum of 22.
- Powers
- One Stone. The wielder is able to read the thoughts and feeling of creatures within 10 miles at will.
- Two Stones. The wielder may cast sleep at will against the weak minded on the same plane of existence, and succeeds any checks required of this spell.
- Three Stones. The wielder is able to infiltrate the mind of the weak and implant thoughts, is also able to read the mind of the strong-minded.
- Four Stones. The wielder may cast the telepathy spell at will, requiring no verbal or somatic components, and succeeds any checks required of this spell.
- Five Stones. The wielder may cast Dominate Monster on the same plane of existence at will, and succeeds any checks required for this spell.
Reality Stone (Red). The reality stone naturally manifests in the form of a liquid, known as the aether, and only stabilizes into its gem form when placed in a container designed to do so. It allows the wielder to alter and move through realities. Possible abilities include moving terrain shifts, transmutation, and creating illusions.
- Adverse Effects. A creature that touches the aether will absorb it into its body, and can only be removed by another entity willing to absorb it. Any creature with the aether absorbed acts as though their Constitution score is halved. Additionally, if any attack against the infected creature lands a hit, a brief burst of energy is blasted outwards in a 5-foot radius. Any creature caught in the blast must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d4 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
- Ability Score Increase. Any creature that wields the reality stone increases their Charisma score by 2, to a maximum of 22.
- Powers
- One Stone. The wielder can manipulate reality of the current area into any form they like. Must hit a DC of at least 22. Cooldown of 3 days. You can also take half damage, rounded up, from any projectile, as a reaction.
- Two Stones. The wielder can manipulate reality of the current area into any form they like. Must hit a DC of at least 20. Cooldown of 2 days. You can also cast Polymorph
- Three Stones. The wielder can manipulate reality of the current area into any form they like. Must hit a DC of at least 18. Cooldown of 1 day. You can also cast Mass Polymorph
- Four Stones. The wielder can manipulate reality of the current area into any form they like. Must hit a DC of at least 16. Cooldown of 12 hours. You can also now negate full damage, instead of half, when using your first power.
- Five Stones. The wielder can manipulate reality of the current area into any form they like. Must hit a DC of at least 14. No Cooldown. You can also cast Disintegrate
- ’’Cooldowns ‘’ The spells granted by this stone can be used a number of times equal to your level divided by 2, rounded up
Power Stone (Violet). The power stone gives the wielder access to extreme magnitudes of power and energy. Those who wield it have the ability to power cities, or to destroy planets.
- Adverse Effects. When a single creature touches the power stone, it releases a blast of energy in a 50-foot radius. All creatures caught in the blast radius must make a Dexterity saving throw against a DC of 30 minus the number of feet the creature is from the power stone divided by five (for instance, a creature that is 30 feet from the stone would have to roll higher than 24 (30-30/5)). The creature takes 6d4 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The creature that touched the stone must also make a DC 30 Constitution saving throw; if they fail, they are completely obliterated and die. Additionally, hiding behind cover or wearing armor is useless, as the blast destroys any obstacles within its area of effect.
- Distribution. If the person holding the power stone is touching other creatures, the power output is distributed across all creatures linked either directly or indirectly by physical contact (i.e. with person touching holder, and person touching person touching holder). If this is the case, each round that they are touching the stone, the creature touching the stone makes a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 27 minus the number of creatures linked together. If at any point the holder fails the saving throw, then the standard adverse effects take place, except all creatures in the link must each make the Constitution saving throw described.
- Ability Score Increase. Any creature that wields the power stone increases their Strength score by 2, to a maximum of 22.
- Powers
- One Stone. If a Critical Hit is landed, The wielder rolls 1d4 and multiply the damage by the roll. The wielder is also able to provide electromagnetic, mechanical, or potential energy to any mechanism, tool, mode of transportation, or energy consuming source.
- Two Stones. A 1d20 damage roll of 18, 19 and 20 are now considered Critical Hits. If a Critical Hit is landed, The wielder rolls 1d4 and multiply the damage by the roll. The power of these strikes hit with great magnitude and bring damage to unenchanted weapons.
- Three Stones. The wielder may touch a friend within 10 feet and infuse them with some of the stone's power. The friend infused may roll 1d6 and divide the roll by 2. Their next attack will be multiplied by this result. This infuse is short lived and lasts only 10 minutes before the energy dissipates. The cooldown is 1 day.
- Four Stones. If a Critical Hit is landed, The wielder rolls 1d6 and multiply the damage by the roll.
- Five Stones. The wielder is all powerful. They may manipulate any object with power over it, immune from any negative effects that said object could pose to them.
Time Stone (Green). The time stone bestows wielders with absolute power over time. Possible abilities gained by wielding the time stone include time travel, precognition, accelerating or slowing down time, and converting objects to their past or future states. The time stone is also regarded as a failsafe if the other stones are destroyed, as it can reverse time to bring the others back.
- Adverse Effects. If a creature holds the time stone, for every round that they hold the stone, they will age 2d4 years.
- Ability Score Increase. Any creature that wields the time stone increases their Constitution score by 2, to a maximum of 22.
- Powers
- One Stone. If someone lands a hit on you, you can use a reaction to reduce the damage by half. Can be used an amount of times equal to your level divided by 2 rounded down.
- Two Stones. You can force someone to relive a bad moment. They make a DC 18 Con save, or be sent back in time to that memory for 1d4 turns. After that, they return to the current time
- Three Stones. You can manipulate someone’s speed. You can use an action to make an entities speed either 0ft, or double their speed. If they are unwilling, they must make a DC 20 Con save, or be affected.
- Four Stones. You are able to go backwards in time. Outside of combat, you can go back up to 10 minutes. In combat, you can go back by 2 rounds of combat.
- Five Stones. If you are hit, you can use a reaction to negate all damage from that attack. Can be used a number of times equal to your level. You also get an extra action, and an increase of 10ft to your movement
Soul Stone (Orange). The soul stone gives the power of its wielder the power over souls, life, and death. Abilities gained with the soul stone include the ability to communicate with or even raise the dead, immunity to illusions or falsehoods, and access to higher knowledge and wisdom.
- Adverse Effects. The soul stone is unique in that any creature may wield it, under one condition: they must sacrifice that which they love most. Until they do so, they cannot use the soul stone at all. Note that this applies to all creatures, including the ones mentioned above as being "immune" to adverse effects. Additionally, all creatures sacrificed to the soul stone may not be brought back to life through any means; this includes resurrection or even the wish spell.
- Ability Score Increase. Any creature that wields the soul stone increases their Wisdom score by 2, to a maximum of 22.
- Powers
- One Stone. You can manipulate souls. Using a bonus action, you can deal 2d6 slashing damage instantly to anyone you can see. This bypasses resistances, but not immunities.
- Two Stones. You can heal people. Using a reaction that is triggered by someone other than you taking damage, you can heal them by 2d10 HP. Also, the damage for your first power becomes 2d8
- Three Stones. You can insert souls. By touching an inanimate object, you can use an action to put a soul inside it. It becomes animated, and follows your commands.
- Four Stones. You have greater power over souls. You can cast Charm Person, with infinite range, but they must be on the same plane of existence, Also, the damage for your first skill becomes 3d8
- Five Stones. You can tear souls from existence. Using 2 actions, you can attempt to tear a creatures soul out of its body. They must make a DC 22 Wis save, or be instantly killed as their soul is cast into the Astral Plane. Also, the damage for your first skill becomes 5d10.
This content deviates from 5th Edition standards. Its use could dramatically alter campaigns, take extreme care.
Caution - Here there be monsters!
This content intends to provide a different experience, or goes beyond the scope of the anticipated subjects and situations, than the 5th Edition rules were intended to handle. Some portions of the content below may not be what you expect from traditional game content. When implementing this content, DMs and Players should read over all the information carefully, and consider the following specific notes of interest:
| This allows you to basically do whatever you want without restriction, and should really only be used as a plot device as it's potential to ruin campaigns is unlimited.
All Stones. Very few creatures have had all 6 Infinity Stones in one place at the same time let alone be able to use them all at the same time. The wielder of all 6 shall become unstoppable.
- Adverse Effects. If a creature wielding all 6 Stones does not have a proper container to store all the stones (Like an Infinity Gauntlet or similar), they must a DC 30 Constitution saving throw, being erased from existence on a failed save and instantly dying on a successful one. Creatures erased from existence because of this effect cannot be brought back (unless with a Time Stone or All Stones) and creatures dying because of this effect cannot be brought back to life (unless with a wish spell or stronger).
- Ability Score Increase. Any creature that wields all 6 stones increases their Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores by 5, to a maximum of 30.
- Powers
- Six Stones. The wielder of all 6 stones can basically do whatever they wish to, whether it be wiping out half of all life with a single snap (excluding yourself), turning someone's bones into water and rendering them immobile, grant immortality, revive someone who is between both being dead and alive, usurp the gods with the wave of your hand, permanently charm someone to your side, etc., and without really any limit to how far you can go.