Pen of Spell Scribing (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, rare (major)

This finely-crafted fountain pen endlessly creates fine magical inks for usage in the scribing of spells. When you use this pen to copy a spell into a spellbook, the cost is reduced by half and the time is equal to 2 minutes per spell level. If the spell is one you have prepared or are copying from your spellbook, it costs nothing.

The pen can also be used for scribing spell scrolls[1], reducing the time and cost for doing so by half.

At the behest of the user, the pen can create other types of ink, including inks with different colors or unusual effects such as shimmering patterns, glowing faintly in darkness, or only being visible when viewed under specific conditions. The pen can also erase any markings it has created, although it takes notably longer to do so - about 1 minute for every 10 words written, or 10 minutes for a single page..

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  1. Xanathar's Guide to Everything pp.133