Visor of Protection (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, rare (attunement optional)

This mirror-like visor can be attached to a helmet or worn on its own as goggles that fit snugly across your eyes. While wearing it, your eyes are magically shielded against harmful effects and you gain the following benefits:

  • If you have the sunlight sensitivity trait, you are unaffected by it.
  • You cannot be blinded by any attack, spell, or effect that deals radiant damage, creates bright light, or otherwise overwhelms your eyes such as color spray or sunburst.
  • (Attunement only) You are immune to hazardous effects that require you to be able to see the source of the effect, such as a medusa's Petrifying Gaze or the hypnotic pattern spell.

If the visor is worn as goggles while attuned, they can't be removed from you against your will. If attached to a helmet that requires attunement, the visor and helmet share the same attunement slot. Attaching or removing the visor from a helmet takes 1 minute.

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