Caryll Runes (5e Equipment)

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Design Note: This item uses the Unique Item Rarity homebrew ruleset.

Wondrous item, varies (major) (requires attunement)

Caryll runes are engravings that represent the utterances of great ones; words whose meaning are fundamentally beyond mortal comprehension. The great scholar Caryll, for whom these runes are named, dedicated her life to recording these cosmic vocalizations in runic form. If one focuses one's mind on etching a Caryll rune thoroughly into one's memory, one can come away with unusual powers.

Caryll Rune. There are a great many variety of Caryll runes, most of which come in multiple versions of intensity. When you attune to a Caryll rune, you gain its respective benefit for as long as you remain attuned, even if you discard the rune's physical form: what matters is only the connection to the idea that you form within your mind.
Runes of a rarity whose listed effect is "—" do not exist, and thus cannot be obtained.

Rune of Oath. Caryll runes categorized as "Runes of Oath" are special in that they require no attunement slot to be attuned to. However, you can only ever have one Caryll Rune of Oath attuned to you at any time.

Caryll Rune Common Rarity Effect Uncommon Rarity Effect Rare Rarity Effect Very Rare Rarity Effect Legendary Rarity Effect Unique Rarity Effect
Beast You take and deal an additional 10 damage whenever your current physical form is not your true form.[1] You take and deal double damage whenever your current physical form is not your true form. You take and deal triple damage whenever your current physical form is not your true form.
Blood Rapture Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, you gain 3 hit points. Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, you gain hit points equal to 1/4 the damage dealt. Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, you gain hit points equal to half the damage dealt. Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, you gain hit points equal to the damage dealt. Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, you regain all of your hit points.
Clawmark You deal twice as much damage whenever you land a critical hit. You deal three times as much damage whenever you land a critical hit. You deal four times as much damage whenever you land a critical hit. You deal five times as much damage whenever you land a critical hit.
Communion Your maximum hit dice increase by 1d6. Your maximum hit dice increase by 2d8. Your maximum hit dice increase by 3d10. Your maximum hit dice increase by 4d12. Your maximum hit dice increase by 6d12. Your maximum hit dice increase by 10d20.
Eye When you loot treasure from a dead creature, there is a 1% chance for the DM to roll one extra time on any applicable loot table. When you loot treasure from a dead creature, there is a 5% chance for the DM to roll one extra time on any applicable loot table. When you loot treasure from a dead creature, there is a 10% chance for the DM to roll one extra time on any applicable loot table. When you loot treasure from a dead creature, there is a 10% chance for the DM to roll one extra time on any applicable loot table. When you loot treasure from a dead creature, there is a 20% chance for the DM to roll one extra time on any applicable loot table. When you loot treasure from a dead creature, there is a 50% chance for the DM to roll one extra time on any applicable loot table.
Formless Oedon When you finish a long rest, 1 quicksilver bullet magically appears on your person. Any quicksilver bullets left over from this feature when you finish your next long rest vanish into nothing. When you finish a long rest, 2 quicksilver bullets magically appear on your person. Any quicksilver bullets left over from this feature when you finish your next long rest vanish into nothing. When you finish a long rest, 3 quicksilver bullets magically appear on your person. Any quicksilver bullets left over from this feature when you finish your next long rest vanish into nothing. When you finish a long rest, 4 quicksilver bullets magically appear on your person. Any quicksilver bullets left over from this feature when you finish your next long rest vanish into nothing.
Heir Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, 1 sp magically appears on your person. Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, 1 gp magically appears on your person. Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, 10 gp magically appears on your person. Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, 50 gp magically appears on your person. Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, 100 gp magically appears on your person. Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, 500 gp magically appears on your person.
Moon When you loot treasure from a dead creature with money on its corpse, you find 1d10 more cp than usual. When you loot treasure from a dead creature with money on its corpse, you find 1d10 more sp than usual. Whenever you loot treasure from a dead creature with money on its corpse, you find 1d10 more gp than usual. When you loot treasure from a dead creature with money on its corpse, you find 2d10 more gp than usual. When you loot treasure from a dead creature with money on its corpse, you find 3d10 more gp than usual. When you loot treasure from a dead creature with money on its corpse, you find 5d10 more gp than usual.
Oedon Writhe Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, 1 quicksilver bullet magically appears on your person. Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, 2 quicksilver bullets magically appear on your person. Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack on a hostile creature with CR 1/4 or higher, 3 quicksilver bullets magically appear on your person.
Guidance Whenever you finish a long rest, roll 1d20: This is a portent die that you can expend to replace any one attack roll, saving throw, or ability check you make with the portent die's result, or on any other uses for portent dice you may have from other features. You must choose to do so before the roll is made, and you can't use more than one portent die per turn. All portent dice generated by this feature become wasted whenever you finish a long rest. Whenever you finish a long rest, roll 2d20: These are portent dice that you can expend to replace any one attack roll, saving throw, or ability check you make with the portent die's result, or on any other uses for portent dice you may have from other features. You must choose to do so before the roll is made, and you can't use more than one portent die per turn. All portent dice generated by this feature become wasted whenever you finish a long rest. Whenever you finish a long rest, roll 3d20: These are portent dice that you can expend to replace any one attack roll, saving throw, or ability check you make with the portent die's result, or on any other uses for portent dice you may have from other features. You must choose to do so before the roll is made, and you can't use more than one portent die per turn. All portent dice generated by this feature become wasted whenever you finish a long rest.

Runes of Metamorphosis
Clockwise Metamorphosis Your maximum hit points increase by 1. Your maximum hit points increase by 3. Your maximum hit points increase by 6. Your maximum hit points increase by 10. Your maximum hit points increase by 20. Your maximum hit points increase by 50.
Anti-Clockwise Metamorphosis You have one additional object interaction that you can use any time you could normally use an object interaction. You have one additional reaction that you can use any time you could normally use a reaction. You have one additional bonus action that you can use any time you could normally use a reaction. You have one additional action that you can use any time you could normally use an action.

Runes of the Lake
Lake You have resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from nonmagical attacks. You have resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage. You have immunity to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from nonmagical attacks, and resitance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from all other sources. You have immunity to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from all sources.
Arcane Lake You have resistance to damage from spells. You have immunity to damage from spells.
Fading Lake You have resistance to fire damage. You have immunity to fire damage.
Dissipating Lake You have resistance to lightning damage. You have immunity to lightning damage. Whenever you would take lightning damage, you instead regain hit points equal to half the amount of damage that would have been dealt.
Great Lake You have resistance to all damage from nonmagical sources. You have resistance to all damage types. You have immunity to all damage from nonmagical sources, and resistance to all damage types from magical sources.

Runes of the Deep Sea
Deep Sea You have advantage on saving throws against going mad. You have advantage on saving throws against being berserked, bloodlusted, charmed, confused, frightened, or going mad. You have advantage on saving throws against being berserked, bloodlusted, charmed, confused, frightened, or going mad, and are resistant to psychic damage. You are immune to being berserked, bloodlusted, charmed, confused, frightened, and driven mad, and are resistant to psychic damage. You are immune to being berserked, bloodlusted, charmed, confused, frightened, and driven mad, and are immune to psychic damage.
Clear Deep Sea You have a +1 bonus on con saving throws against being poisoned or contracting disease. You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned or contracting disease. You have resistance to poison damage, and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned or contracting disease. You have resistance to poison damage and are immune to being poisoned, and have advantage on saving throws against contracting diseases. You have immunity to poison damage and being poisoned, you can't contract nonmagical diseases, and you have advantage on saving throws against contracting other kinds of disease.
Stunning Deep Sea You have advantage on death saving throws. You automatically stabilize whenever you are dying at the start of your turn. You automatically stabilize whenever you are dying at the start of your turn, and you never count as not being at full hit points for the purposes of effects such as toll the dead's damage bonus versus creatures with missing hit points. You automatically stabilize whenever you are dying at the start of your turn, and you never count as not being at full hit points for the purposes of effects such as toll the dead's damage bonus versus creatures with missing hit points. In addition, if you would be killed instantly by effects such as power word kill or taking massive damage, you drop to 0 hit points instead. You automatically stabilize whenever you are dying at the start of your turn, and you never count as not being at full hit points for the purposes of effects such as toll the dead's damage bonus versus creatures with missing hit points. In addition, you are immune to effects that would kill you instantly, such as power word kill or taking massive damage. You automatically regain 1 hit point whenever you are dying at the start of your turn, and you never count as not being at full hit points for the purposes of effects such as toll the dead's damage bonus versus creatures with missing hit points. In addition, you are immune to effects that would kill you instantly, such as power word kill or taking massive damage.
Great Deep Sea You have advantage on saving throws against being inflicted with any kind of condition. You are immune to all conditions.

Runes of Oath
Corruption You regain 1 hit point every minute as long as you're below half your maximum hit points. You regain 1 hit point every minute as long as you're below half your maximum hit points. In addition, you gain an additional 100 experience points whenever you kill a humanoid with CR 1/4 or higher. You regain 1 hit point every minute as long as you're below half your maximum hit points. In addition, you gain an additional 250 experience points whenever you kill a humanoid with CR 1/4 or higher. You regain 1 hit point every minute as long as you're below half your maximum hit points. You also gain an additional 250 experience points whenever you kill a humanoid with CR 1/4 or higher. In addition, you can enact a 4-hour ritual to produce a rare Caryll Rune of Corruption. This ritual costs 50gp to complete, and the resulting magic item disintegrates into nothing after one creature attunes to the associated rune.
Hunter You may cast the hunter's mark spell once, regaining the ability to do so this way whenever you finish a short or long rest. You may cast the hunter's mark spell once, regaining the ability to do so this way whenever you finish a short or long rest. You may cast the hunter's mark spell a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining the ability to do so this way whenever you finish a long rest. You may cast the hunter's mark spell at will. In addition, you can enact a 4-hour ritual to transfer your Caryll Rune of the Hunter from your mind to a fresh engraving, unattuning to it in the process. The resulting magic item disintegrates into nothing after one creature attunes to the associated rune.
Impurity You can magically sense the alignment of any creature within 60 feet that you can see. You can magically sense the alignment of any creature within 60 feet that you can see. You can also sense whether or not those creatures are poisoned, diseased, and/or cursed, though you cannot discern the exact nature of those poisons, diseases, or curses. You can magically sense the alignment of any creature within 60 feet that you can see. You can also sense whether or not those creatures are poisoned, diseased, and/or cursed, as well as the exact nature of those poisons, diseases, or curses. You can magically sense the alignment of any creature within 60 feet that you can see. You can also sense whether or not those creatures are poisoned, diseased, and/or cursed, as well as the exact nature of those poisons, diseases, or curses. In addition, you can enact a 4-hour ritual to produce a rare Caryll Rune of Impurity. This ritual costs 20gp to complete, and the resulting magic item disintegrates into nothing after one creature attunes to the associated rune. You can magically sense the alignment of any creature within 60 feet that you can see. You can also sense whether or not those creatures are poisoned, diseased, and/or cursed, as well as the exact nature of those poisons, diseases, or curses. You can also cast lesser restoration at will as an action, and greater restoration once, regaining the ability to do so whenever you finish a long rest. In addition, you can enact a 4-hour ritual to produce a very rare Caryll Rune of Impurity. This ritual costs 500gp to complete, and the resulting magic item disintegrates into nothing after one creature attunes to the associated rune.
Radiance You regain 1 additional hit point whenever you regain hit points from a magical source. You regain 1d4 additional hit points whenever you regain hit points from any source. You regain 1d6 additional hit points whenever you regain hit points from any source. In addition, you may cast the branding smite spell once, regaining the ability to do so this way whenever you finish a long rest. You regain 1d8 additional hit points whenever you regain hit points from any source. In addition, you may cast the branding smite spell once, regaining the ability to do so this way whenever you finish a short or long rest. Casting branding smite this way doesn't require concentration. You regain 1d10 additional hit points whenever you regain hit points from any source. In addition, you may cast the branding smite spell once, regaining the ability to do so this way whenever you finish a short or long rest. Casting branding smite this way doesn't require concentration, and the spell deals an additional 2d6 radiant damage on a hit.
Beast's Embrace You temporarily contract werewolf-type lycanthropy[2] for as long as your remain attuned. This lycanthropy can't be removed by magic, but will immediately end when attunement is broken. You temporarily contract werewolf-type lycanthropy for as long as your remain attuned, except your alignment and personality don't change while humanoid if you embrace the lycanthropy. This lycanthropy can't be removed by magic, but will immediately end when attunement is broken. You temporarily contract werewolf-type lycanthropy for as long as your remain attuned. This lycanthropy can't be removed by magic, but will immediately end when attunement is broken. If you embrace the lycanthropy, your alignment and personality don't change, and you can resist turning with the full moon. You temporarily contract werewolf-type lycanthropy for as long as your remain attuned. This lycanthropy can't be removed by magic, but will immediately end when attunement is broken. If you embrace the lycanthropy, your alignment and personality don't change, you can resist turning with the full moon, and you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with natural weapons.
Milkweed When the DM rolls on a random loot table for you to acquire a random magic item, there is a 1% chance that the rarity of the item will increase by one stage.[3] When the DM rolls on a random loot table for you to acquire a random magic item, there is a 5% chance that the rarity of the item will increase by one stage. When the DM rolls on a random loot table for you to acquire a random magic item, there is a 10% chance that the rarity of the item will increase by one stage. When the DM rolls on a random loot table for you to acquire a random magic item, there is a 20% chance that the rarity of the item will increase by one stage. When the DM rolls on a random loot table for you to acquire a random magic item, there is a 50% chance that the rarity of the item will increase by one stage.
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  1. Such as when you are transformed by racial or class ability such as the druid's Wild Shape, or have been transformed by magic such as polymorph.
  2. The rules for player character lycanthropy can be found in the Player Characters as Lycanthropes section of the Monster Manual, on page 207.
  3. For the DM, this means consulting the next highest random magic item table in the Dungeon Master's Guide than one would normally consult; for example, instead of rolling for an item from Magic Item Table A, one would instead roll for an item from Magic Item Table B .