Spell Focus Tattoo (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, rare (+1), very rare (+2), legendary (+3) (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

Contained within a magical needle are enchanted inks that can simulate spellcasting foci while leaving the caster’s hands free and adding a few tricks to their repertoire. Very popular with martial mages.

Tattoo Attunement. To attune to this item, you hold the needle to your skin where you want the tattoo to appear, pressing the needle there throughout the attunement process. When the attunement is complete, the needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on the skin. The GM can determine the tattoo’s motif, or you can roll on the Spell Design table below.

If your attunement to the tattoo ends, the tattoo vanishes, and the needle reappears in your space.

Spellcasting Focus. When you attune to this item, you can change it into an arcane focus, druidic focus, or holy symbol (choose 1). You learn the prestidigitation cantrip if you choose an arcane focus, the druidcraft cantrip if you choose a druidic focus, or the thaumaturgy cantrip if you choose a holy symbol. While attuned to this item, you can cast spells or use features as if you were holding the selected spellcasting focus and gain a bonus to your spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs of your spells. The bonus is determined by the tattoo's rarity.

Additionally, based on the design of the tattoo you learn an additional cantrip and a spell of a level equal to the bonus you gain from this item. You can use the tattoo to cast the spell once without expending a spell slot or material components and regain this use at the next dawn. The spells use your spellcasting ability score, spell attack modifier, and spell save DC. See the Spell Design Table below for details.

Spell Design Table
d20 Design Cantrip 1st-Level Spell 2nd-Level Spell 3rd-Level Spell
1 Animal primal savagery find familiar summon beast conjure animals
2 Bones chill touch cure wounds augury animate dead
3 Crown mind sliver command crown of madness motivational speech
4 Dragon sorcerous burst chromatic orb dragon's breath protection from energy
5 Face vicious mockery disguise self gift of gab fast friends
6 Fire produce flame burning hands flame blade melf's minute meteors
7 Fungus poison spray hex wither and bloom speak with dead
8 Geometry mending tenser's floating disk flaming sphere magic circle
9 Heart friends heroism enthrall summon fey
10 Hierogram sacred flame bless prayer of healing spirit guardians
11 Lightning shocking grasp witch bolt knock revivify
12 Lines eldritch blast tasha's caustic brew aganazzar’s scorcher lightning bolt
13 Math guidance chaos bolt enlarge/reduce intellect fortress
14 Moon light faerie fire moonbeam clairvoyance
15 Music thunderclap silvery barbs kinetic jaunt thunder step
16 Plant thorn whip goodberry barkskin plant growth
17 Script message illusory script skywrite sending
18 Star starry wisp guiding bolt continual flame daylight
19 Water ray of frost fog cloud rime's binding ice tidal wave
20 Weapon true strike ice knife melf's acid arrow conjure barrage
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