Agency Tattoo (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Special (requires attunement)

A magical tattoo, inked with dark runes, at the base of the skull. It must administered by a specialist from the Agency for the Investigation of Paranormal Occurrences.

The tattoo grants the following properties:

Access to Agency facilities.
  • The tattoo identifies the user to various Agency enchantments and effects designed to obscure the Agency’s existence from prying eyes.
  • This also allows the user to activate certain secret doors and similar devices.
Backup Plans.
  • The tattoo has 3 charges. It regains all the charges daily at sunset.
  • As an action, the user may expend one charge while holding an electronic device (such as a mobile phone or laptop) to tap into the device’s communications capability and contact the nearest agency branch.
  • As an action, the user may expend three charges and speak the words “I, [user’s full name], resign from the Agency for the Investigation of Paranormal Occurrences.” The tattoo is destroyed.
  • As an action, the user may expend three charges and speak the words “I, [user’s full name], resign from the Agency for the Investigation of Paranormal Occurrences, and wish to be free from my knowledge of the nature of the world.” The tattoo is destroyed, and with it all of the users memories pertaining to the agency and the supernatural.
  • As an action, the user may expend one charge to activate the tattoo’s failsafe contingency plan. Their body is destroyed as in the Disintegrate spell. This feature fails if the user is under any form of outside influence forcing them to take this action, such as being charmed. Additionally, if such an effect allows the user to make a saving throw to resist the effect, they may instead take this action. Agency training dictates this course of action is only intended to be taken in extremely dire circumstances, such as becoming trapped in hell, or possessed by an unstoppable entity.
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