Weaver's Gloves (5e Equipment)

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{ | |style="width:75%"| Wondrous item, Artifact (requires a strong connection to the weave of magic)

This pair of sleek black gloves with inlaid chromatic lining, the texture is of cold cloth and scales and the embroidery's iridescent shine changes from every angle. When an organism touches the gloves, they change to fit the wearer. When near the unattuned item, you feel slower, like the air is thicker, pulling you away from the item, as if caught in a web.

Attunement: One must have a strong connection with the Weave of Magic in order to equip these gloves (Req. nat. 20), if you fail, take 1d4 psionic damage. Upon reaching 0 hit points via damage received from failed attunements, the PC neither faints nor dies but loses their hands.

Spinning the Weave Create a new spell to be cast via the gloves like a cantrip. Upon creation of a spell, you must roll for every aspect of the spell, the more often you create and modify the weave, the easier it becomes (every 4 times the gloves are used to modify the weave, you get a +1 bonus on the rolls), the spell can be modified or changed once a day.

Entwined in The Weave When these gloves are equipped you are able to visualize the weave of raw magic, it is tangible when touched with the gloves but the rest of your body moves through it freely. The weave of magic is all around you, meaning it can be used for mobility; However this means that while equipped, your hands and visibility may be obstructed.



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