SCP-978 Desire Camera (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Uncommon

SCP-978 appears to be a standard red-and-black Polaroid Supercolor 645 CL instant camera, with no distinctive identifying marks or damage. SCP-978 operates the same as a standard camera, and shows no anomalous behavior beyond the photographs it produces. When a subject is pictured with SCP-978, the photograph that develops shows not what the subject was doing at the time of the photo, but rather what the subject wanted to be doing.

This effect appears to be, for the most part, random, sometimes showing drastic changes and deeply suppressed desires, or simple changes and alterations to the subject or their surroundings. SCP-978 appears to be capable of expressing the desires of both humans and other creatures (see testing log) and appears to convey the simplest desires the easiest. Should two subjects with contrasting desires both be photographed together, the subjects' desires appear to 'mix'.

Reveal the truth. When a creature is photographed by the camera the photograph shows what the creature truly desires

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