Brush Fruit (5e Equipment)

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Design Note: This is designed with Devil Fruits variant rule.

I shared joys and sorrows with you all, earning your absolute trust, hating none of you, and meaning you no harm. The one thing I did was continually send Lord Orochi information.
—Kanjuro, the wielder of the fruit

Wondrous item, Legendary (Requires Attunement)

This brush fruit is a Paramecia granting the ability to make ink drawings come to life, was wielded by Kanjuro of the Evening Shower.

Saving Throws when a creature must make a saving throw the creature must beat your spell save DC.

Consumption. After successfully consuming this devil fruit, you are granted a magical brush that can be summoned for no action and unsummoned for no action, you cannot use your devil fruit without the brush, once drawing something the ink will then have life and lesion to you and when a day has passed your drawings die, engraving itself onto the floor, if your dexterity score is a 18 or higher, you are what's called a "skillful drawer", if it is below a 18 you are what's called a "crappy drawer" and your drawing skills will depend how good your abilities will be for the following features:

  • At level 1, you gain the ability to make any non magical weapon, as an action you can create a weapon made out of ink 5ft in front of you, you can only make Ammunition, finesse, versatile, reach, range, light, and heavy weapons. Once a weapon is made it can be sold for no less than 0 CP, SP, EP, GP and PP. If you are a "crappy drawer" the weapons will have a -1 to its hits and damage.
  • At level 5, you can create a giant bird, as an action you create a giant bird,this bird has a flying speed of 30 and a HP of 15, if you are a "crappy drawer" the bird get a flying speed of 15 and a HP of 7.
  • At level 8, you create an ink cloud, as an action, you create a cloud of ink that is 60 ft wide and 60 ft tall, in a 120 ft radius, any creature in that radius must make a DC dexterity saving throw, on a fail the creature takes 3d8 piercing damage, on a success, the creature takes half damage, if a creature has total cover they take no damage and does not need to make the saving throw. If you are a "crappy drawer" the range is now 100 ft and the cloud is 35 ft wide and 35 ft tall, the damage dice also now deal 2d8 piercing damage.
  • At level 15, You create a flaming large ooze, as an action, you create a flaming ball of ooze in a 30 ft range, this ooze is 60 ft wide and 60 ft tall, it moves 10 ft and only follows one command the user makes, if that command is finished it or 24 hours has passed it dies, this ooze has a AC of 13, a HP of 150 and immunity to fire, venerability to cold damage, if the ooze swallows a creature, each turn the creature can try to beat a DC strength saving throw, on a fail they take 7d6 fire damage, on a success they get out. if you are a "crappy drawer" the range is 15, ooze is 60 ft wide and 60 ft tall, moves 5 ft, AC of 8, HP of 75, resistant to fire and the damage is now 5d6.
  • At level 18, you awaken your fruit, giving you better versions of older abilities.
  • 1st power; Can make weapons that are a +2 within 15 ft, can create all the weapon types, "crappy drawers" can create +1 weapons.
  • 2nd power; The bird now has a total speed of 70 ft and a HP of 100, "Crappy drawers" get a speed of 55 and HP of 70
  • 3rd power; Range increases to 240 radius and is 120 ft wide and tall, damage is 6d8 magical piercing. "Crappy Drawers" range goes to a 180 radius, is 80 ft wide and tall and damage is now 5d8 magical piercing damage.
  • 4th power; Range increases to 60 ft, gains a AC of 15, an HP of 250, no venerability to cold damage, moves 15 ft and damage increases to 8d6 fire damage. "Crappy drawers" get a range of 30 ft, moves 10 ft, AC of 13, HP of 125, immunity to fire and damage increases to 6d6 fire damage.
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