Mask of Fate (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Varies (Major) (requires attunement)

Each mask differ in decor, rarity and power.

All masks require attunement and can’t be removed except by death but can be unattuned to by stopping the magical effects so you can attune to a different item. Multiple minor masks exist but only a few of each major mask can exist in one plane at a time. Minor masks give +1 AC and can be identified by being rare and lower. Major masks give +2 AC and can be identified by being very rare and higher.

Minor Masks

  • Mask of Wands: This mask is uncommon and is decorated in a glittery gold with an overall red background. Gives the wearer the ability to cast any 1st level spell of any class, without the need for material components once per day.
  • Mask of the Carrier: This mask is uncommon and has a heavy feeling when attuned but doesn't affect the wearer, the background has a red background. You can lift objects twice your weight.
  • Mask of Illusions: This mask is uncommon and is decorated in shiny butterflies with a purple background. Gives you the ability to make any illusion you want. you can cast 2 variants of illusion identical to Minor Illusion and Major Illusion, both once per day. It also gives you the ability to read people's minds in a 60 ft range.
  • Mask of Swords: This mask is rare, has small painted weapons falling from the mask and a grey background. Gives you proficiency in every sword like weapon(Sword’s, daggers,short-swords, etc). The mask can make any +1 sword as a bonus action, you can summon two +1 swords once per day, the swords have no marketing value, therefore they cant be sold, in addition to this effect the summoned sword resummons to your hand or the on the ground if your sword is 20 ft away from you and as a bonus action you can teleport to wherever an unused sword in a 30 ft range the mask has located.
  • Mask of Greed: This mask is rare, has painted gold coins falling from the mask and has a green background. Gives you the ability to make 100 gold pieces as a bonus action once per week and the mask can unlock any lock that has gold in the room of the area (this takes a minute), twice per day.
  • Mask of the Lucky: This mask is rare and has 4 leaf clovers on it with a green background. You get the luck feat.
  • Mask of Some Skill: This mask is uncommon and has a symbol representing every proficiency in the whole of D&D with a grey background. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choosing.
  • Mask of Some Expertise: This mask is rare and has a symbol representing every proficiency in the whole of D&D with a gold background. You gain expertise in one skill of your choosing.

Major Masks

  • Mask of the Nimble: This mask is very rare and is decorated in a slippery oil that does not affect the user and the mask has a blue background. Gives you the ability to have advantage on any dexterity based checks and saving throws, and you also have proficiency in dexterity.
  • Mask of the Magician: This mask is very rare and is decorated with red painted roses and a white and black background. Gives proficiency and advantage in performance and you can hold one item in hand and put your other hand in front of the hand the item is held, making it disappear to the astral plane as a bonus action, you can hold 20 items in the astral plane this way and you can make it reappear in a open hand as a bonus action too.
  • Mask of the charlatan: This mask is very rare and is decorated with a grin for a smile and a black background. Gives you the ability to have advantage and proficiency with deception, in addition anti lying magic can't stop you from lying.
  • Mask of the Druid's Nature: This mask is legendary and has painted leaves with unharmful thorns coming out of the mask with a green background. Gives you the ability to cast 4 cantrips, 4 1st level spells and 2 2nd level spells of the Druid spell list and you can communicate with plants and animals. once per day
  • Mask of the Tyrant: This mask is very rare and has small paintings depict a man persecuting people and has a almost similar resemblance to blood. Gives you the ability to have advantage and proficiency in intimidation checks and you are immune from being frightened.
  • Mask of the Hierophant: This mask is very rare and has glowing yellow holy symbols with a white background. The mask tells you about anyone's religion, you gain proficiency and advantage on religion checks and you are resistant to radiant damage.
  • Mask of the Twins: This mask is legendary and has two people identical to each other and has a brown background. Allows you to make an identical clone as a bonus action. This clone has all your stats and abilities but only 1 HP, is cloned for one minute, then disappears and the clone must roll its own initiative if in combat. You can use this once per day.
  • Mask of the Iron Will: This mask is very rare and has painted weights to symbolize the weight of the masks will, with a grey background to blend with the weights. You are immune to the conditions fear, frightened and charm.
  • Mask of the Established Hermit: This mask is very rare and has an arrow pointing north, east, south, and west, with a white background. You magically know the location you want to go to, if you've been there, if you don't you know the location in a 3 mile radius. In Addition you cannot be tracked.
  • Mask of the Righteous justice: This mask is legendary and is glowing bright yellow with a background of a dimmer yellow. Attacks against evil aligned creatures deal an additional 2d10 radiant damage and you have advantage on attack rolls against undead, feinds, and evil aligned creatures.
  • Mask of the Shape Shifter: This mask is very rare and makes a black ooze that makes you shift into creatures with a black background. You can transform into any creature of CR 2 and you must have seen the creature before. Twice per long rest.
  • Mask of the Succubus: This mask is very rare and has heart shaped paintings with a red background. Gives you the ability to a proficiency in persuasion and advantage in charisma saving throws and checks.
  • Mask of the Independent Voidtalon: This mask is legendary and has magic flying around it with a blue background. You can cast a number of cantrips equal to your proficiency bonus of any class.
  • Mask of the Healing Star: This mask is legendary and has stars flying around you with a yellow background. You can heal(8d10 healing). As well as gaining the ability to cast true resurrection. Both once per day.
  • Mask of the Diverse: This mask is very rare with a green ooze that makes you polymorph and has a green background. You can use polymorph once per day.
  • Mask of the Phoenix Flames: This mask is legendary with blue flames around the mask and the background is a mixture of yellow, blue, and red. When you die you burst into flame and regenerate and have the effects of a long rest, this process takes 1d4 day after death.
  • Mask of Negation: This mask is very rare with two red scorching marks that make you sweat when negating damage. The background is a mixture of red and yellow. When being dealt damage, you can negate one damage dice from the attacker's damage. If all dice are negated you take damage equal to the attackers strength or dexterity modifier (its choice) to a minimum of one.
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