Radiant Moon Crystal (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement)

Moon crystals are dew-covered stones that form at the mouth of caves, whilst covered in the light of a full moon. Under perfect conditions, a rare radiant moon crystal can form — An artifact capable of storing and harnessing the souls of creatures.

Soul Vessel. You can fill a radiant moon crystal with souls by using the power word imprison spell to trap creatures inside it. A radiant soul crystal can hold a number of souls with combined challenge rating less than or equal to the crystal's maximum capacity, which is equal to 2d4 + 2 when first found.

Destroying the Radiant Moon Crystal. A radiant moon crystal will crack and shatter if you try to put more souls into it than it can physically bear. When a radiant moon crystal is destroyed, all of the souls trapped within are released, causing each of those creatures to reappear in the nearest available unoccupied spaces.

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