Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Even a single one of these small wedge-shaped pins is said to grant the strength and vitality of a thousand men when embedded into the flesh and musculature of a living creature.
Inserting a Pin. You or another creature must spend 1 minute and a Wisdom (Medicine) check with the DC equal to your current Strength score to insert a pin. On a success, you take 1 piercing damage as the pin is successfully inserted and you attune to it. On a failure, you take 1d4 piercing damage and the pin is not successfully inserted. The first pin cannot be inserted if you have no empty attunement slots.
Strength of a Thousand Men. With one pin inserted into your flesh, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Strength and Constitution scores cannot be lower than 11, and your maximum for those scores becomes 21.
- Your Strength and Constitution scores both increase by 1, up to your maximum.
- You can ignore up to one level of exhaustion, treating the current level of exhaustion you have as if it were one level lower. Thus, you can accumulate up to seven levels of exhaustion before you die outright.
Removing a Pin. You are attuned to a pin as long as it is embedded in your body. To remove a pin, you or another creature can use an action to make a Strength ability check to rip the pin out, with the DC being your current Constitution score. On a success, you take 1d4 necrotic damage and your attunement to the pin is broken. Magic such as regenerate will cause all pins to eject from your body if you are willing.
Multiple Pins. You can have inserted and benefit from more than one thousand-men pin at a time. Each pin beyond the first is considered as taking up the same attunement slot, and the benefits granted to you increase based on how many pins you have inserted according to the table below. Additionally, each individual pin increases the amount you can push, carry, drag, or lift by 5 pounds.
Pins |
2-5 |
- Your Strength and Constitution scores cannot be lower than 12, and your maximum for those scores becomes 22.
- Your Strength and Constitution scores both increase by 2, up to your maximum.
- You can ignore up to one level of exhaustion, treating the current level of exhaustion you have as if it were one level lower. Thus, you can accumulate up to seven levels of exhaustion before you die outright.
6-11 |
- Your Strength and Constitution scores cannot be lower than 14, and your maximum for those scores becomes 24.
- Your Strength and Constitution scores both increase by 4, up to your maximum.
- You begin to age more slowly. For every 2 years that pass, your body only ages 1 year.
- You can ignore up to two levels of exhaustion, treating the current level of exhaustion you have as if it were two levels lower. Thus, you can accumulate up to eight levels of exhaustion before you die outright.
12-59 |
- Your Strength and Constitution scores cannot be lower than 16, and your maximum for those scores becomes 26.
- Your Strength and Constitution scores both increase by 6, up to your maximum.
- For every 2 years that pass, your body only ages 1 year.
- You count as one size larger for the purposes of creatures you can grapple, determining your carrying capacity, and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
- You can ignore up to two levels of exhaustion, treating the current level of exhaustion you have as if it were two levels lower. Thus, you can accumulate up to eight levels of exhaustion before you die outright.
60-119 |
- Your Strength and Constitution scores cannot be lower than 18, and your maximum for those scores becomes 28.
- Your Strength and Constitution scores both increase by 8, up to your maximum.
- Your longevity is greatly increased. For every 10 years that pass, your body only ages 1 year. You can't be aged magically, and suffer none of the frailty of old age.
- You count as one size larger for the purposes of creatures you can grapple, determining your carrying capacity, and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
- You can ignore up to three levels of exhaustion, treating the current level of exhaustion you have as if it were three levels lower. Thus, you can accumulate up to nine levels of exhaustion before you die outright.
120+ |
- Your Strength and Constitution scores cannot be lower than 20, and your maximum for those scores becomes 30.
- Your Strength and Constitution scores both increase by 10, up to your maximum.
- For every 10 years that pass, your body only ages 1 year. You can't be aged magically, and suffer none of the frailty of old age.
- You count as two sizes larger for the purposes of creatures you can grapple, determining your carrying capacity, and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
- You can ignore up to three levels of exhaustion, treating the current level of exhaustion you have as if it were three levels lower. Thus, you can accumulate up to nine levels of exhaustion before you die outright.
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