The Arcane Compendium (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement by a wizard)

A massive, leather-bound tome, brimming with what seems like an infinite number of pages. You can use an Arcane Compendium as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells, and as a spellbook, having 1000 pages.

Spellcasting. The compendium has 18 charges, and regains 1d8 + 8 at dawn. You can spend an amount of charges equal to the spell's level to cast it, as if it were a wizard spell for you.


guidance, message, resistance

1st Level

alarm, animal friendship, sanctuary

2nd Level

find steed, locate object, find traps

3rd Level

counterspell, dispel magic, water walk

4th Level

arcane eye, control water, freedom of movement

5th Level

dispel evil and good, hold monster, seeming

6th Level

contingency, forbiddance, guards and wards

7th Level

forcecage, symbol teleport

8th Level

control weather, power word stun

9th Level

astral projection, imprisonment

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