Bag of Stuff (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, uncommon (minor)

This bag looks like a standard bag of moderate size, the main difference is, no matter how hard you try, you can never put anything inside. It appears to be made of a highly durable hemp fabric.

A “Normal” Bag. This bag has a standard capacity for a bag of its size. (1x1x2 totaling 2 square feet)

We Have Stuff. The Bag of Stuff contains one random, usually useless, item that may or may not have minor magical effects. The bag will only ever contain one item, a new item appears at dawn, replacing the previous days item if it was left in the bag. The item is rarely useful, but may occasionally have a highly specific purpose, like a toothbrush.

Note: As the DM you may make a table to roll for random items, or just think of something on the spot.

Harmless Junk. The item's main purpose will never be to cause/be used to cause intentional harm to an individual (ex. poison, a sword, or a can of pepper spray-if applicable). However, the item may cause accidental harm to an individual (ex. allergic reactions, choking on a grape, or dropping a small iron ball on your foot).

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