Flask of Wondrous Liquids (5e Equipment)
Wondrous item, Very Rare (Requires attunement) This flask is in a light shade of grey with a black stopper and a insignia of any symbol that the DM would like, when shaken the liquid sloshes even when empty, to open the stopper you must first attune to the flask and then speak any command words below, consuming the liquid is made as an action, emptying the liquid upon completion. if you speak another command work you cancel out the effect that you had if it has a duration timer and another liquid appears. The unique consumed liquid refills itself the next day at the same time that you consumed the liquid. You can also share your liquid with a creature so long as they are willing to have it. As an action you can open the flask, speaking a command word, any non-magical, non-harmful, and drinkable beverage appears, whether that be water or mead it doesn't matter. The flask repours the safe and drinkable liquid after half a minute of every consumption. In this flask their are such things as "uniques" uniques grant special effects while, the other non-uniques are something that you can use more often, therefore you can use the non-uniques three times a day. The non-uniques are below. Enhanced Acid You splash this enhanced acid on creatures in a 15 ft wide wave, any creature in the range must make a dexterity saving throw (DC 16) or take 2d6 acid damage, any creature coated in this acid has a -1 in their weapons and armor that is exposed, until the acid is removed by using an action to make a dexterity saving throw (DC 10), on a fail, the creature takes 1d6 acid damage, on a success, their exposed gear no longer has the penalty or the gear must be washed in water on the effected areas.
Enhanced Poison You splash this enhanced poison on creatures in a 15 ft line, any creature in the range must make a dexterity saving throw (DC 16) or take 2d6 poison damage, any creature coated in this poison must make a constitution saving throw (DC 16) or become poisoned for 1 minute, at the start of the effected creatures turn they must reroll the constitution saving throw (DC 13) or take 1d8 poison damage, the creature must reroll the save at the start of their turns until success or until the duration ends.
Enhanced Mayonnaise You splash this enhanced Mayonnaise that's somehow sticking, in a 15 ft cone, any creature in the range must make a dexterity saving throw (DC 16) or be become Blinded, this creature is blinded until it uses an action to make a dexterity saving throw (DC 10), on a fail, the target is still blinded, on a success, the target wipes away the mayonnaise or the target must wash their face in water to be unblinded.
Enhanced Oil You splash this enhanced oil on creatures in a 15 ft wide wave, any creature in the range must make a dexterity saving throw (DC 16) or becomes coated in oil, as a bonus you can tap the stopper three times and set the effect creature on fire, the creature must make a dexterity saving throw (DC 16) or take 2d8 fire damage, at the start of the creatures turn they can make the save once more (DC 12), on a fail, the creature takes 1d8 fire damage, on a success the fire is put out or the target must be fully submerged in water to not be on fire any longer.
Uniques: Breaking Bootleg upon consumption you gain a +2 in strength saving throws and checks along with advantage on strength saving throws and you are immune to being frightened for an hour.
Dexter Pop Upon consumption you gain a +2 in dexterity saving throws and checks along with advantage on dexterity saving throws and you take no fall damage for an hour.
Slicing Dice Upon consumption, when attacked you can use your reaction to throw dice that summon in your hand to the attack, the target must beat a Dexterity saving throw (DC 17) or take 2d6 slashing damage and the attacker takes a -2 into the attack made, potentially making it miss.
Mage-Am-Lik-In Upon consumption, you gain 2 level 1 spell slots and 1 level 2 spell slots of a wizard, the DM can pick the spells or can give the default spells on the right and you must have the flask in hand to cast these spells and you can use a 1st level spell slot that can turn into a 2nd level for 2 hours, 1st, Phoenix Wave (you tilt the flask opening it and (description from Phoenix wave)) , Discern (you put your eye on the flask, seeking through (description from Discern)), 2nd, Leonardo's Pulsing Shield (Putting the flask upon your head, (Leonardo's Pulsing Shield description))
Forti-Brandy Upon consumption you gain a +2 in your AC, any projectile spells and/or non-magical projectiles such as normal arrows or Magic Missile are unaffected when rolling damage but effects like knocking you prone can still happen to you, for an hour.
Reguv-Wisk Upon consumption you are healed 4d10 hit points, if the hit points reach the maximum capacity it turns into temporary hit points and are released of any conditions effecting you such as exhaustion or Poison.
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