Book of Infinite Spells (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item (Book), Legendary (requires attunement)

This ancient tome creaks as you open it. Each page of the Book of Infinite Spells contains a spell described in layman's terms, easy enough for a thief, a cleric or even a fighter to understand and cast it. Be warned. Once you turn to the last page of the book, you will feel pain like you never have before.

Once per day you can inscribe one spell (of DM's Discretion) from your spell list into this book forever, up to a total of 10 spells, you must spend 1 day inscribing the spell into the book after which you can cast it up to the maximum level it is allowed to be cast at, to use a spell from this book it takes one free action to find the spell in the book and one action to cast (cast time of the spell does not effect the cast time of the book). once a spell has been cast from this book roll 1d20 on a 5 and below that spells page is lost and can not be used again nor inscribed to, when this happens the player takes 1d4 of fire damage + an addition 1d4 per caster level of the spell. as the page is burned up in front of them, if all the pages are used up, this book implodes on itself dealing 4d6 force damage per caster level to the user and anything within 5ft of the user, then half damage to anything 10ft away, and then half that much to anything 20ft away. Back to Main Page5e HomebrewEquipmentWondrous Items