Bag of Halflings (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Uncommon (Minor)

A bag that has a brown ragged color to it with a plushie symbol at the front.

Halfling Plushies. You can take out 1 of 8 Halflings plushies in this bag. A halfling plush is a simple weapon with the thrown property and 20/40 range. It deals and is dealt 1d4 bludgeoning damage on a hit. A halfling plush has 1 hp.

Replace Halfling Plushies. When you find a halfling plush or other small plushies, you may put them in the bag provided that the bag has space. You can hold up to 8 plushies in this manner.

Wait is the Bag Magical, or… When there are no more plushies in this bag, roll a d8. On an 8, the bag becomes a normal bag worth 1 GP.

Replicate Plushies.. If you have this item and any fabric that is at least 10 to a maximum of 12 inches, after combining the materials, a plush can be made, if the plush is taller then 12 inches it will not fit in the bag.

It's Alive! When creating a plushie you can take any small sized piece of a halfling (Ex:A piece of dead halfling hair) that has not been dead no longer then a minute and put that piece of a halfling inside of the plushie, then you must recite a hour long ritual, after witch a the dead halfling plush will come to life and be permanently Charmed by you for a month (the halfling does not need to make a saving throw when being harmed), when time is up they can roll a Wisdom saving throw (DC 10) to regain control, on a fail, the halfling is charmed once more for a month and the DC drops by 1. The halfling regains their control and knows they have been charmed, therefore they might feel hatred towards the user. You gain the following benefits with an alive halfling/plush.

  • Damage increases to a 1d8 bludgeoning damage and dealt is 1d4 bludgeoning damage to the halfling.
  • Has a 30/60 range.
  • Has 15 hit points.
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