Hyperdimensional Klein Bottle (5e Equipment)

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A standard Klein bottle, without its magical cork.

Wondrous item, Rare

An ordinary-looking glass bottle, enchanted with the essence of the Border Ethereal, that appears to intersect itself.

Finding/Purchasing a Klein bottle. This bottle can come in many different shapes and forms, always made out of some kind of glass that was heavily enchanted with arcane energy. Due to the variable nature of each and every unique bottle, the price almost always varies (and always +90 gp for the cork), unless the shopkeep obtains them in batch.

These bottles are usually sold in kits that contain a matching cork. The cork appears colored gray, adorned on the top with a zebra-marbled gemstone. The cork appears specially-designed to be able to seal the openning of the bottle perfectly.

Using the Klein bottle. The bottle appears to be an unusual glass fascination, until you seal the bottle with the cork. The Klein bottle's cork is essential to the function of the item, else the bottle is just another mundane object. The cork is unable to fit onto any other bottle except a matching Klein bottle, and a Klein bottle cannot be sealed with a standard bottle cork.

Touching the marble gemstone on its top once causes the cork's color to turn ebony black, with the gemstone shining a milky white. Touching it again will cause the cork to turn ivory white, and the gemstone onyx black. Touching the gemstone twice on its top in quick succession causes the gemstone to revert to its original marble appearance. The cork returns to its unamusing gray color.

If you attempt to empty the contents of any contained liquid out of the sealed openning when the cork is ebony and crystal is milky, the liquid will pass right through the cork as if it isn't even there. Additionally, filling the bottle in this manner appears to increase the maximum liquid volume of the glass. (The Klein bottle can hold a maximum volume multiplied by the amount of "tubes" the bottle has, determined by a d10.)

If you attempt to empty the contents of any contained liquid out of the sealed openning when the cork is ivory and crystal is onyx, the liquid contained within the glass will appear as if it's emptying out of the glass, but no fluid actually leaves the cork.

Extra-dimensional Container. If one were to step through the Border Ethereal while pouring in the ivory-onyx state, the cork appears to "flip" to the ebony-milk state, at least to your perception. (Creatures who remain on the Material Plane do not notice the effect.) The liquid appears to flow exactly as it does when in the ebony-milk state on the Material Plane, but the liquid pouring forth becomes completely Ethereal.

Conversely, if you were to attempt to empty the liquid through the ivory-onyx state while in the Ethereal Plane, the liquid only flows through the Material Plane, completely passing through your Ethreal form as if it wasn't even there.

One could use the odd properties of this item to transfer liquids between the Material Plane and Ethereal Plane, or to store liquids in containers that only exist on the Ethereal Plane, if such objects were to exist.

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