Inscribed Veil (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, legendary (major) (requires attunement)

This opaque white cotton cloth has arcane runes slowly fading and reappearing as different symbols. The veil is transparent to a creature wearing it, and must be attached to a piece of headgear to be worn. Divinations spells cannot target you, nor can they determine what type of creature you are. A divination spell that views the area you are in shows you and everything you are wearing and carrying to be invisible. You can also see through all darkness within 60 feet of you as though it were bright light. In addition, spells you cast that normally require you to see the target do not require you to see the target, so long as you know the target's general location.

Beyond the Veil. As an action, you cast the spells detect magic, detect poison and disease, detect thoughts, find traps, and see invisibility, maintaining concentration on all cast spells as though they were one spell. You cannot use any of the action options from these spells. Once you use this property, the veil cannot be used in this way again until dawn the next day.

Gaze of Death. Whenever you cast a spell that requires line of sight and produces a visual effect emanating from you to the desired location, you can choose for the visual effect to originate from the veil. If you do so, you treat the spell as having been cast from a spell slot 5 levels higher than the spell slot used, as the visual effect turns into a 1-foot wide beam of concentrated energy. This does not change the area of effect for the spell. Once you use this property, the veil cannot be used in this way again until dawn the next day.

Warped Vision. While under the effects of a spell or effect that allows you to see a creature or location that you wouldn't normally be able to see, such as with the spell scrying or arcane eye, you can cast a spell on a creature or centered at a point you can see as though the spell originated from the sensor created by the spell or effect. Once you use this property, the veil cannot be used in this way again until dawn the next day.

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