Vampire Teeth (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item (Symbiote), rare (Requires attunement)

A normal sized set of laughing teeth with elongated canines.
When a creature comes within melee attack range the Vampire teeth will make a +7 melee attack that deals 1d4+1 piercing damage. The vampire teeth turn red after a successful attack and the teeth become inactive.

For the course of a day the affected creature grows pale and sensitive to sunlight as their canines elongate. They gain an extra 120ft of darkvision and the sunlight sensitivity trait. The vampire teeth give you a natural melee weapon which you are proficient in and is strength based and deals 1d6+ str mod piercing damage and you heal an equal amount.

To unattune, you must bite yourself, this deals no damge, but the teeth will fall out and you will regrow your normal teeth

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