Gloves of Water Spout (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Common

These blue gloves resemble a wavy like oceanic water pattern and the tips of the gloves are white.

Water Spouts As an action, you can create two 5 ft wide and 10 ft long water spouts in a 30 ft range. These water spouts spring off the ground. The water that springs fourth is magical and disintegrates after taking flight. If the wearer targets an open light source that flame is then doused but somehow makes the object or person that was wet, dry. Leaving no evidence of water being there. If a water breathing creature is hit with this water they gain a breath of fresh air, if the creature was suffocating, they stop suffocating for one round, resetting the turns until suffocation. In addition, while using these gloves, you gain advantage on performance checks as long as you use them in the next turn.

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