Deck of Arcana, Variant (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, legendary

Each morning, you must draw one card from this deck. It can be played at any point, but it must be played that day. You can’t draw twice a day unless a card says otherwise

The Deck

The deck consists of 22 different cards, each with unique effects:

Card Effect
1 - The Fool Roll a d100 and apply the appropriate effect from The Fool table below
2 - The Magician +2 to hit for the rest of the day.
3 - The High Priestess Cast Death Ward on self for free.
4 - The Empress Everyone who speaks a language understands you until next long rest.
5 - The Emperor Understand (not speak) all languages until next long rest.
6 - The Hierophant You gain advantage on Wisdom, Charisma, and Intelligence saving throws against magic for the day..
7 - The Lovers You can force two targets within 30 feet of you to become charmed by each other for 1 hour. User is immune to being charmed by this effect, but is a valid target
8 - The Chariot +10 ft to movement speed for the day.
9 - Justice You can afflict a creature within 30ft of you with a curse called “Soulbinding”. For the next 1 minute, all damage you take is also taken by the cursed creature, but all as force damage.
10 - The Hermit Cast Blink on self for free, but only in combat, for 1 minute.
11 - Wheel of Fortune Next time you are attacked within 1 hour, it is with disadvantage
12 - Strength +1 Strength for the day.
13 - The Hanged Man Summon an allied Spectre for either 1 hour or until it dies.
14 - Death All creatures within 15 feet of you, including yourself, makes a dc 17 CON save. Failing causes 6d6 necrotic damage, half on a successful save.
15 - Temperance Heals all creatures (including self) within 15 feet of caster for 4d4 + their CON mod
16 - The Devil Cast Command without cost
17 - The Tower +2AC for the day
18 - The Star Cast Etherealness for 1 round for free
19 - The Moon Cast Moonbeam for free
20 - The Sun Cast Daylight for free
21 - Judgement If any creature within 30 feet's alignment is different than yours, they make a WIS save dc 17. On a failure, they take 4d4 force damage.
22 - The World Gain 1 use of action surge if card is played in combat, or have the equivalent of 5 minutes where time is stopped outside of combat.
The Fool

The Fool is represented by 0, which is empty, yet has limitless possibilities. You can decide what it does yourself if the DM allows it, or you can roll a d100 and use the appropriate effect below:

d100 Effect
1 Gain a copper piece
2 Lose a copper piece
3 Gain 4 electrum pieces
4 All of your coins become electrum pieces
5 You become petrified in electrum for 5 minutes
6 Swap places with the nearest creature, other than you.
7 All rolls are rolled with advantage for any creature within 30 feet of you (including yourself), regardless of if they would have disadvantage or not
8 Next time you die within 24 hours, you are brought back to life by the effects of the Reincarnate spell. The race change caused by this spell is purely cosmetic, however, so you still gain cantrips, have the stats of, etc. as if you were the race you were before this effect took place. You will revert to your normal body after one month.
9 You and anything you have on you become intangible for an hour, and you cannot touch anything.
10 Gain a ring. It’s cursed. The curse is that everyone other than you are sure it’s cursed, but you think it’s not cursed. That’s it.
11 Roll on the wild magic table.
12 You are now female. This reverts after a day.
13 All rolls are rolled with disadvantage for any creature within 30 feet of you (including yourself), regardless of if they would have advantage or not
14 You are now male. This reverts after a day.
15 Roll 1d8. Your skin turns the indicated colour [1-Red, 2-orange, 3-yellow, 4-green 5-blue 6-purple 7-rainbow 8-pitch black(as in vantablack)]. This reverts after a day.
16 Your greatest wish appears to you as an illusion. Duration 10 minutes
17 A random God now hates you. Duration: 10 minutes
18 You gain 1 STR but lose 1 DEX for the day.
19 You are now resistant to bludgeoning but weak to slashing for the day
20 You are now resistant to slashing but weak to piercing for the day.
21 You are now resistant to piercing but weak to bludgeoning for the day.
22 You gain omniscience for 1 second, then forget it
23 You become comatose for 1 minute
24 You somehow win THE GAME (but you still lost)
25 You heal by 1d8, but take 1d8 necrotic damage after your next rest
26 You gain non-functional wings for the day
27 You gain a third eye for the day.
28 You gain functional wings (30 feet flight movement distance) for an hour.
29 You gain a sudden hunger for humanoid flesh, which goes away and is forgotten as soon as it is satisfied. You still remember eating it though, as does everyone else. It also leaves after a day.
30 Play the effect of every card in the Deck of Arcana except the fool, effects that wouldn't stack now do and all effects last for 15 minutes if they have timers.
31 You lose all sense of self for 1 minute
32 You obey anyone's instructions for 1 minute
33 You gain 1 exp
34 You lose 1 exp, unless it would cause you to lose a level.
35 You cast Reduce on yourself without cost with a duration of 10 minutes
36 You cast Enlarge on yourself without cost with a duration on 10 minutes
37 You cast Fireball without cost
38 You cast Fireball without cost
39 You cast Fireball without cost
40 You cast Fireball without cost
41 You Polymorph into a Kobold for 10 minutes
42 Go to and roll once. Apply that effect
43 Reroll
44 For 1 hour, whenever a creature within 15 feet of you rolls a d20, any result >= 11 if treated as a 20 and any result <= 10 is treated as a 1 (before adding bonuses). This effect starts when played.
45 1d4 of your limbs become invisible (of your choice) for 10 minutes
46 Target a creature within 15 feet. The ground at the target's feet becomes fused with glass. This lasts for 1 hour.
47 The next roll made by a creature within 30 feet of you is treated as half the maximum of the dice used.
48 Roll a d6. you gain +5 to saving throws associated with that stat (1: strength, 2: dex, 3: con, 4: int, 5: wis, 6: cha).
49 Roll a d6. you gain -5 to saving throws associated with that stat (1: strength, 2: dex, 3: con, 4: int, 5: wis, 6: cha).
50 The next 10 rolls made by creatures within 60 feet of you when you drew The Fool (including yourself) result in nat. 10, regardless of the type of dice that was being rolled, except if it to roll of The Fool table.
51 Creatures (including self) within 10 feet of you take 1 force damage
52 You get a terrible fear of heights exceeding 20 feet for 10 minutes.
53 You gain levitation for 5 minutes
54 You gain 1 level in Bard for 10 minutes
55 You grow an extra pair of useless, baby arms for 5 minutes
56 Your ears grow, permanently. (No, jk, it lasts for 1 day)
57 Your age increases by 2 days.
58 You immediately turn into a plant pot, but retain the ability to speak, for 1 minute.
59 You become omnipotent, but lose this ability as soon as you realise that you have it.
60 You become immortal until you next take damage.
61 Your name becomes 'The Shit' for 10 minutes. During the duration, all evidence and memories of being called whatever name you had before this effect become replaced with what they would be if you had the name 'The Shit' during that time.
62 Anything you touch becomes invisible for 5 minutes. This effect lasts for 10 minutes.
63 You see everything as the colour 'Blue' and cannot stop humming 'I'm Blue' for 10 minutes.
64 You look exactly like the most wanted criminal in the area you are in for 10 minutes.
65 You get a wish, but whatever you wish for is merely an illusion.
66 You get Hellish Rebuked (DEX save dc of 10). It doesn't affect you if you have a neutral alignment and heals you for the damage it would've done if you have an evil alignment
67 You gain the ability to breath molten gold, but not the ability to withstand it's heat, for 24 hours.
68 You get a wish, but you can only wish for a tuna to appear at your feet.
69 The word 'Nice' is shouted by some unseen thing which is standing next to you, dealing 1d6 thunder damage to you and all creatures within 5 feet of you, and is audible up to 100 feet away.
70 You get a wish, but you can only wish for a tuba to appear at your feet
71 You get a wish, but you can only wish for a Tudor to appear at your feet.
72 You get a wish, but you can only wish for an Uber (driver) to appear at your feet
73 You get a wish, but you can only wish for a tuber to appear at your feet
74 You can only communicate with others by mimicking people in a hostile, passive-aggressive tone for 10 minutes
75 You turn into an extreme racist for 10 minutes, unless you already are an extreme racist, in which case you are no longer racist for 10 minutes
76 All creatures within 30 feet of you when you drew The Fool is True Polymorphed into you for 1 hour, but all creatures changed by this affect as well as you still see all polymorphed creatures' true forms.
77 Pick an effect from The Fool table and use it as if you rolled it, rather than this
78 A random critter (DM's choice) becomes your familiar for 10 minutes.
79 You become attracted to goblins for 1 hour. Also, 10 kind goblins are summoned.
80 You cannot say words containing the letter 'e' for 10 minutes
81 You can only say words containing the letter 'e' for 10 minutes
82 You can only say the letter 'e' for 10 minutes
83 You pronounce the letter 'e' as you would the letter 'x' for 10 minutes.
84 You constantly talk without stopping for 10 minutes
85 You can't talk for 10 minutes
86 All cards in the Deck of Arcana are treated as if they were The Fool for the next two days.
87 Use the effect of The World.
88 You become incredibly drunk for 10 minutes
89 You become incredibly sober for 10 minutes
90 You become so sober that people think you are drunk for 10 minutes
91 You soil yourself, taking 1d6 non-lethal psychic damage from embarrassment. But it was actually all in your head
92 Someone in your party (your choice) soils themselves. They take 1d6 non-lethal psychic damage from embarrassment. But it was actually all in their head.
93 All enemies soil themselves. They each take 1d6 non-lethal psychic damage from embarrassment. But it was actually all in their heads.
94 Your weapon grows and must be wielded 2-handed for 10 minutes
95 Your weapon shrinks and cannot be wielded 2-handed for 10 minutes
96 You are hit by a Fireball
97 Your feet grow to twice their original size for 10 minutes
98 Dispel all magical effects except the Deck of Arcana within 30 feet of you for 30 minutes
99 Your movement speed is increased tenfold, but it somehow becomes impossible to miss you with attacks for 10 minutes
100 Play 2 cards of your choice from the Deck of Arcana, other than The Fool.

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