Gloves of Soma (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

A pair of gloves made of black silk and silver bracelets. The bracelets sit just behind the wrists and two silk bands wrap up the front and back of the hand and between the middle and ring fingers. They can be used by any character that can cast spells. Both gloves must be worn to use the magical attributes of the item and can still work if the character has lost a hand.

The gloves effectively remove all material and verbal components of spells cast using the gloves as a focus, unless the spell otherwise specifies the use of a material component. As a trade-off, all spells are casted with somatic components, and on a Dexterity check of at least 16, spells requiring a ritual take half the normal ritual time. When casting a spell, use dexterity rather than your normal spellcasting stat. While you are wearing the Gloves of Soma, roll with disadvantage on attack rolls involving spellcasting while grappled or restrained.

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