Ænglisc Runerow (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, legendary (requires atunement)

In the ancient times, the Germanic languages where written using a magical alphabet, composed of many runes, each of which was not just a tool for representing sound, but a word in and in of itself, with its own meaning, and each of the runes carried a magical power corresponding to it. Nowadays, the runic alphabet has been lost in most germanic languages, except 2. Britannī, (Æŋgliš, in Brittanī), which remained separate from Rome long enough for the alphabet to become ingrained into society, and Austrāliānī, (Ccythicc, in Austrāliānī), which is ultimately heavily derived from Britannī, although it uses the latin alphabet in addition. This runerow represents the characters and their meanings in Britannī.

The runerow contains 29 runes. As an action, while holding a rune, you can expend 1 of the rune's 3 charges to produce its minor effect, or 2 of the rune's charges to produce its major effect. The runes regain 3d6 expended charges daily at dawn. You choose which runes regains how many charges when this occurs. The 29 runes and their effect are show below.

Name/Meaning Shape Minor Effect Major Effect
Fairness/Beauty Fairness, the f rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. Two lines come out of its right side, which curve upwards. You cast hypnotic pattern. You cast greater restoration.
Unwight/Monster Unwight, the long u rune, is drawn as a loop, resembling an upside-down capital U. You cast find steed. You cast conjure fey.
Thorn/Hawthorn Thorn, the þ rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A loop emerges from its right side, resembling a semicircle. You cast faerie fire. You cast wall of thorns.
Oak Oak, the o rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. Two lines come out of its top-right, which curve downwards, than back upwards. You cast barkskin, targeting yourself. You cast guardian of nature (great tree form only).
Ride Ride, the r rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A loop emerges from its top-right, resembling a semicircle, and a line emerges from its center right, curving downwards. You cast expeditious retreat. You and up to 3 allies within 10 feet of you have their movement speed multiplied by 10 for 1 minute. Additionally you do not provoke opportunity attacks, and if you move at least 30 feet in a straight line towards a creature and hit it with a melee attack, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked back 10 feet. This effect ends early for a creature if it ends its turn without using all of its movement.
Charcoal Charcoal, the c rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A line comes out of its right side, which curve downwards. You cast flaming sphere. You cast immolation.
Gift Gift, the g rune, is drawn as two diagonal lines crossing. You cast aid. You cannot target yourself with this spell. You cast life transference as a 6th-level spell.
Hail Hail, the h rune, is drawn as two stems running top to bottom. A diagonal line running from the top of the left connects to the bottom of the right. You cast sleet storm. You cast storm sphere.
Win Win, the w rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A loop emerges from its top-right, resembling a semicircle. Until the end of your next turn, all attack rolls you make automatically succeed. You cast tenser's transformation.
Need Need, the n rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A shorter line intersects it through the center. You and up to 3 allies within 10 feet of you gain 3d6 temporary hit points. Any creature with less than half its hit points remaining instead gain 6d6 temporary hit points. You cast contingency.
Ice Ice, the i rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. You cast ice knife. You cast investiture of ice.
Choice Choice, the ch rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. In the top right and bottom left, the stem curves back around. For 1 minute, you have immunity to being charmed, frightened, or forced to move. If you are charmed or frightened when this effect begins, the effects end for you. For 1 minute, or until you lose concentration, as if concentrating on a spell, you can take 2 actions on your turn.
Jewel Jewel, the j rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A circle is drawn around the center. While touching a non-magical gemstone, you increase its value by 25 gp. For 1 minute, or until you lose concentration as if concentrating on a spell, gemstones rain from the sky in an area within 10 feet of you. 250 gemstones fall every turn. This lightly obscures the area around you, and leaves difficult terrain around any area where you end you turn. When a creature hostile to you starts its turn in the area of falling gemstones, it must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. Each gemstone is worth 1 sp.
Play Play, the p rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A line comes out of its top-right, which curves downwards, then back upwards. A second line comes out of the bottom-right and does the reverse. For 1 minute, you have advantage on all Charisma checks against creatures that are friendly towards you. You cast seeming.
Axe Axe, the x rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A line intersecting it at the top curves upwards at both ends, forming a semicircle. You cast spiritual weapon, which takes the form of an axe. You cast banishing smite.
Sun Sun, the s rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. In its center, the stem curves back around up, and then back down. While touching a light source, you transform it into a magical light source, and the light it emits is considered sunlight. You cast sunbeam.
Tree Tree, the t rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A line intersecting it at the top curves back downward at both ends, forming a semicircle. You cast plant growth. You cast wrath of nature.
Birch Birch, the b rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. Two loops, resembling semicircles, emerge from its right side, one from the top and one from the bottom You cast aura of vitality. You cast reincarnate.
Man/Human Man, the m rune, is drawn as two stems running top to bottom. A pair of crossed lines connect the top of each line to the center of the opposite. You cast disguise self. You cast dominate person.
Elm Elm, the e rune, is drawn as two stems running top to bottom. A semicircle connects the tops of the two lines. For 1 hour, the rune magically transforms into a rowboat. After 1 hour, the boat disappears and the rune returns to the sack. For 24 hours, the rune magically transforms into a warship. The rune also summons a crew of 40 elm tree spirits, each of which uses the stats of a dryad. This crew is loyal to you and follows your commands. After 24 hours, the boat and its crew disappears, and the rune returns to the sack.
Lake Lake, the l rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A line comes out of its top-right, which curves downwards. You cast create or destroy water. You cast control water.
Anger Anger, the ng rune, is drawn as a circle in the center. Two semicircles emerge from its top and bottom. You cast wrathful smite. For 1 minute, or until you lose concentration as if concentrating on a spell, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement, and you are immune to the paralyzed and restrained conditions and have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. Additionally, you can add your proficiency bonus to any damage roll you make, and when you deal damage to creature, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or immediately make an attack against another creature within 5 feet of it.
Ethel/Inheritance Ethel, the œ rune, is drawn as an elongated loop, curving upwards from the bottom right, before curving back downwards to the bottom left. You cast tiny hut. You cast magnificent mansion.
Day Day, the d rune, is drawn as two stems running top to bottom. A pair of crossed lines connect the top of each line to the bottom of the opposite. You cast daylight. You cast dawn.
Alder Alder, the a rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A line comes out of its top-right, one of which curve downwards, then back upwards. A second line follows it, but only extends half its length. You cast invisibility, targeting yourself. For 1 minute, or until you lose concentration, as if concentrating on a spell, all Wisdom checks against you have disadvantage. The area within 5 feet of you is heavily obscured to all other creatures, and while in darkness, you can teleport to another area of darkness you can see within 120 feet of you.
Ash Ash, the æ rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. Two lines come out of its top-right, which curve downwards. You cast protection from energy on yourself, only granting resistance to fire damage. You cast antilife shell.
Yew Yew, the y rune, is drawn as a loop, resembling an upside-down capital U. A pair of crossed lines are drawn in the center. You cast inflict wounds. You cast harm.
Underground Underground, the short u rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. At its top, it intersects with a wavy line, that has 3 maxima, 2 at each end and one at the center, and 2 minima in between. You cast darkness. You cast move earth.
Kalch/Chalk Kalch, the K rune, is drawn as a single stem running top to bottom. A line intersecting it at the bottom curves downwards at both ends, forming a semicircle. You cast earthen grasp. You cast wall of light.

All spells and effects cast from the Ænglisc Runerow have a spell save DC of 17 and a spell attack bonus of +9.

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