Gem of Spell Power (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, rarity varies

Any time the holder of one of these gems uses a spell slot, they can choose for the gem to be consumed and destroyed instead of using a spell slot. A gem can be used for a spell slot of its level or lower.

For selected gems, use the tables for gems in the DMG pg. 134.

Common 50 gp Gems Can be used for a 1st Level spell slot

Uncommon 100 gp Gems Can be used for 2nd Level spell slot

Rare 500 gp Gems Can be used for 3rd Level spell slot

Very Rare 1000 gp Gems Can be used for 4th level spell slot

legendary 5000 gp Gems Can be used for 5th level spell slot

Creating a Gem of Spell Power Casting the Contingency spell on a gem of appropriate value can create a Gem of Spell Power. This casting of Contingency does not target the caster. Alongside the casting, the caster chooses a spell slot of appropriate level that they have available that will go into the gem. Each Gem can only contain a single spell slot.

Variant Gems for if you want a more powerful gem options

Common 50 gp Gems Can be used for a 1st-2nd Level spell slot

Uncommon 100 gp Gems Can be used for 3rd-4th Level spell slot

Rare 500 gp Gems Can be used for 5th-6th Level spell slot

Very Rare 1000 gp Gems Can be used for 7th-8th level spell slot

legendary 5000 gp Gems Can be used for 9th level spell slot

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