Skul of Dracolich

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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

you can wear this skull as helmet, when you try to attune to this item it changes its size so you can wear it

when you attune to this item it begins to infect you with its malice, you can only lose attunement to this item when you die, in which case until you attune to this item again you gain vulnerability to necrotic damage

While you are attuned to this item, your hit point maximum is reduced by 1 at dawn if your maximum of hitpoints is dropped to 0 you instantly die; if you lose the attunement or kill a living creature, you restore your hit point maximum to its original value.

while you are attuned to this item no more than 3 times until the next dawn when you should take necrotic damage you can take no damage instead, when you do so you increase your AC by 1 for the next minute and add 2d6 necrotic damage to all your attacs with weapons

while you attuned to this item you gain darkvision on 60 feet

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