Kaunan Runestone (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, uncommon (minor)

This is a small gemstone or stone (sometimes a bone or even a coin of wood) with the Kaunan rune written on it which means fire. It has 3 charges and can replicate the kaunan the fire rune spell.

when placed on a lesser Runic Weapon it will give the weapon an Enchanted bonus of +1 charge and when a charge is spent it will grant the weapon the Runic blessing from the spell. On a Greater Runic Weapon it can be combined with three other Runes to give the weapon an Enchanted bonus of +3.

When placed on a Lesser Runic Armor it will grant an enchanted +1 bonus to AC. When placed on a Greater Runic Armor with two other Runestones it will give a Combined +3 Enchanted bonus to AC. Charges can be spent to give the same Runic blessing as the spell.

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