Mystery Seed (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, uncommon

A mystery seed appears as a small, spiral-shaped seed of a bright green color. These seeds supposedly grow only from magical trees in a far away land, and cannot be cultivated elsewhere. As an action, you can throw it on the ground or any hard surface within a range of 60 feet — a ranged weapon attack roll is needed to hit a specific creature. You can also fire the seed from a sling as if it was a sling bullet.

On impact, the seed is destroyed, and a random effect occurs. If the seed is used as a sling bullet, it inflicts damage immediately before the random effect.

d12 Effect
1 If the target is a creature, it restores 3d6 hit points, and gains enough nourishment to sustain itself for one day. If the target is not a creature, it is affected by the mending spell, and up to 1 cubic foot around the impact point is cleaned as if by the prestidigitation spell.
2 If the target is a creature, it becomes invisible for 1 minute. If the target is not a creature, then for 1 minute, all creatures which come within 5 feet of it become invisible while they remain within 5 feet of it.
3 If the target is a creature, it is affected by the tongues spell for 1 minute. If the target creature's Intelligence score is below 3, it is increased to 3 for the duration of this effect. If the target is not a creature, roll again for a different effect.
4 A wave of overwhelming gravity washes out from the impact point. The target itself is not affected, but all creatures within 120 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
5 A fog cloud, as the spell, emanates from the target, and lasts where it was created for 1 hour unless something disrupts it.
6 A blinding flash and bang emanate from the impact point. All creatures within 30 feet must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded and deafened for 1 minute.
7 If the target is a creature, it is stunned until the end of its next turn, but is otherwise affected as if by the haste spell for 1 minute.
8 All objects and creatures within a 10-foot radius of the impact point, including the target, glow green as the faerie fire spell for 1 minute.
9 If the hit target is a creature, it suffers 1d6 poison damage. Any creature which begins its turn in the target square must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer 1d6 poison damage and become poisoned until the end of its turn. If the target is a creature with a keen sense of smell, it has disadvantage on this saving throw.
10 If the hit target is a creature or loose object smaller than a Huge creature, it is immediately thrown directly upward a distance of 30 feet, potentially subjecting it to 3d6 bludgeoning damage from falling. Otherwise, a momentary whirlwind blows over the target, causing any dust or minor objects to be blown up instead.
11 A burst of flame explodes from the impact point. The target and everything within 10 feet of it takes 6d6 fire damage; if the target is a creature, it is ignited. Succeeding on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw halves this damage.
12 If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be polymorphed — as the spell — into a chicken for a duration of 1 minute. If the target is not a creature, a normal chicken is magically created immediately above the target, and persists indefinitely.

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