5e Large Monsters
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Large Size Monsters, Quality and Featured[edit]
These monsters have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.
Name | CR | Speed | Size | Type | Alignment |
Woolly Rhinoceros | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Large Size Monsters[edit]
Name | CR | Speed | Size | Type | Alignment |
Abaddon the Despoiler | 20 | 20 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Aberrant Demagogue | 10 | 10 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Abyssal Terror | 7 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Accolade (Type A) | 5 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Accolade (Type B) | 5 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Accolade (Type C) | 3 | 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Accolade (Type D) | 3 | 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Actaeon | 13 | 40 ft. (50 ft. in stag form) | Large | fey | lawful good |
Adam | 14 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | chaotic evil |
Adult Candle Dragon | 5 | 40 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral |
Adult Furred Drake | 4 | 60 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic neutral |
Adult Phoenix | 11 | 40 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral good |
Advanced Battle Shikigami (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) | 11 | 80ft | large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Aegis | 29 | 50 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Afrotaur | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Aggron | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | elemental | any alignment |
Ahriman the Exile | 18 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | lawful evil |
Ahrimaniphim | 14 | 40 ft., fly 70 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Ahuizotl, Variant | 5 | 20 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
AI Housing | 25 | 0 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Airelong | 9 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Ajul | 2 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | lawful neutral |
Akaiyama no Oni | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | neutral evil |
Akhlut | 4 | 40 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Akresti | 5 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | celestial | neutral good |
Albertosaurus | 2 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Alicorn | 5 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Allegiance | 9 | 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Amber Golem | 10 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Amethyst Nightmare Dimension | 23 | 50 ft., burrow 25 ft., climb 25 ft. | Large | fiend | any evil alignment |
Amethyst Nightmare Dimension, Zarkhator | 30 | 50 ft., burrow 25 ft., climb 25 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | fiend (shapechanger) | chaotic evil |
Ammit | 14 | 30 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Ammit, Variant | 4 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Amphisbaena | 3 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Ancient Candle Dragon | 7 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral |
Ancient Mana Wyrm | 5 | 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Ancient Ogre | 9 | 30 ft., fly 25 ft. | Large | humanoid | lawful evil |
Ancient Stag Centaur (Guardian Stagtaur) | 14 | 50 ft. | Large | fey | neutral good |
Angler | 12 | 30 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful neutral |
Anito Octal | 4 | 30 ft., climb 10 ft. | Large | fey | chaotic neutral |
Annulid Messiah | 18 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Apocalypse Horse | 20 | 60 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
Applaud | 4 | 25 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Aptonoth | 1/4 | 35 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Aqrabuamelu (Scorpion Man) | 5 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Aquamentus | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral evil |
Aquatank | 5 | 0 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Arachnicid | 6 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Araquine | 1/2 | 60 ft., climb 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Arbok | 8 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic neutral |
Archer Artifice | 20 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | construct | any alignment |
Archespore | 5 | 5 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Archvile | 8 | 45 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Ardor | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Arixen Vutha Vignar | 10 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Armed Sentinel | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Armonto | 1/2 | 25 ft., burrow 25 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral evil |
Armored Dodongo | 9 | 30 ft., swim 20 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic neutral |
Armored Troll | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Arrowhawk | 12 | 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Artemion | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Artful Flyer | 6 | 10 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Asabi Stingtail | 2 | 40 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | lawful evil |
Asaurus Rex | 24 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells | 30 | 30 ft., fly 120 ft. (hover) | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Aspect of Mothra | 19 | 30 ft., fly 120 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral good |
Aspect of the Primeval Hunter | 9 | 50 ft. | Large | fey | neutral |
Assault Rider | 7 | 50 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Astral Warrior | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Atrophus | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Aurozenti | 9 | 40 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | any lawful alignment |
Aurozenti Deathblade | 17 | 40 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | any lawful alignment |
Australovenator | 4 | 55 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Avaceratops | 4 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Avalanche | 10 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Avatar Knight | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Avatar of Harlok | 21 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral evil |
Avatar of the Lidless Eye | 14 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Awakened Vine | 1/2 | 10 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Baatorian | 10 | 30 ft., swim 45 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Baboon Demon of Set | 13 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Baku | 5 | 40 ft. | Large | fey | neutral good (95%) or neutral (5%) |
Bale Taurus | 8 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Ball of Blades | 14 | 40 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Barnaclops | 11 | 20 ft., swim 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Basilisk Matriarch | 6 | 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Basilisk, Variant | 4 | 20 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Beamos | 5 | 0 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Bear Sloth | 3 | 30 ft., climb 15 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Beast of Darkness | 40 | 150 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Bellador | 10 | 45 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
Bellowshell | 2 | 20 ft., swim 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Belltower Gargoyle | 4 | 30 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Benthid | 6 | 10 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | beast | neutral |
Berenike Knight | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | lawful neutral |
Berserker Nobody | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral |
Big Deku Baba | 1/2 | 0 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Big Eeno | 2 | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | elemental | chaotic evil |
Big Moblin | 1 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Big Octo | 6 | 40 ft., burrow 10 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Big Pengator | 3 | 40 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Bionoid | 8 | 120 ft. | Large | humanoid | neutral good |
Bipedal Dodongo | 3 | 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Black Ape | 2 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Black Howler | 5 | 40 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Black Knight | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | neutral evil |
Black Moblin | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Black Oak | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Black River Demon | 9 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Black Unicorn | 6 | 50 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Blackland Fire Dragon | 4 | 30 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral evil |
Blaze Elemental | 11 | 25 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Blazeclaw | 11 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Blazeclaw Burner | 14 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Blight Tree | 3 | 15 ft. | Large | plant | neutral evil |
Blitz Spear | 21 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Blood Beast | 6 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. | Large | ooze | neutral evil |
Blood Crawler | 1/2 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Blood Elemental | 6 | 30 ft., swim 80 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Blood Hulk | 8 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Bloodslab | 11 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic neutral |
Blue Gel | 2 | 10 ft., climb 10 ft., swim 10 ft. | Large | ooze | unaligned |
Blue Lynel | 13 | 50 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Blueflame Cerberus | 5 | 55 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Bog Unicorn | 5 | 60 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Boneclaw, Variant | 7 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Bonecrusher | 7 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Bonewrack | 5 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Boss Bokoblin | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Brain Golem | 11 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Brainbill | 6 | 40 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | beast | chaotic evil |
Broiling Drake | 8 | 20 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral |
Brood Horror | 5 | 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Brown Bear Zombie | 1 | 30 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Brown Slime | 3 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | ooze | unaligned |
Brown Tide Ooze | 6 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. | Large | ooze | unaligned |
Brump | 1/4 | 30 ft., swim 35 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Buer | 18 | 60 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Bugbear Elite Warrior | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
BUL Loader | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Bull Shark | 3 | 0 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Bully Dog | 7 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Buwan Aswang | 5 | 30 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Buzzwole | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral |
Byakhee | 3 | 15 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral |
Byamdan | 2 | 40 ft., swim 20 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Cake Construct | 1/4 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Caller in Darkness | 4 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Cannon Tiger | 3 | 35 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Capelobo | 5 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Capra Demon | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Carnotaurus | 2 | 60 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Carnotaurus, Variant | 2 | 65 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Cave Troll | 7 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Cave Wyvern | 6 | 30 ft., climb 10 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Cavigog | 5 | 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Centaurian | 10 | 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Centrosaurus | 6 | 55 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Ceratosaurus | 4 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Cerberus | 9 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Ceryneian Deer | 5 | 80 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Chained Ogre | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Chaos Carriage | 6 | 60 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Chaos Drake | 8 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic neutral |
Chaos Space Marine | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any evil alignment |
Chaos Space Marine, Berserker | 10 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any evil alignment |
Chaos Space Marine, Chaos Lord | 12 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any evil alignment |
Chaos Space Marine, Dark Apostle | 11 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any evil alignment |
Chaos Space Marine, Havoc | 7 | 25 ft. | Large | humanoid | any evil alignment |
Chaos Space Marine, Noise Marine | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Chaos Space Marine, Plague Marine | 10 | 25 ft. | Large | undead | any evil alignment |
Chaos Space Marine, Possessed | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | any evil alignment |
Chaos Space Marine, Raptor | 7 | 35 ft. | Large | humanoid | any evil alignment |
Chaos Space Marine, Rubric Marine | 10 | 25 ft. | Large | undead | lawful neutral |
Chaos Space Marine, Sorcerer | 11 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any evil alignment |
Chaos Witch Quelaag | 12 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic neutral |
Chasmosaurus | 6 | 45 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Cherub | 32 | 60 ft., fly 240 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Chilfos | 2 | 30 ft. | Large | elemental | lawful neutral |
Chill Ripper | 20 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Chill Turtle | 5 | 5 ft., swim 10 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Chimera, Stalker | 3 | 45 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Chimera, Variant | 4 | 45 ft. | Large | beast | chaotic evil |
Chronotyryn | 15 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Cipactli, Young | 3 | 15 ft., swim 45 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic neutral |
Citadel Devil | 15 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Cithaeronian Lion | 3 | 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Clawed Demon | 9 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Clay Armor | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Clay Polyelemental | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Clay War Golem | 12 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Claymate | 5 | 30 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | ooze | chaotic good |
Clinger | 4 | 35 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Clockwork Fiend | 17 | 40 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Cloth Golem | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Cockatrice, Variant | 9 | 70 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Cockatrice, Witcher Creature | 1 | 25 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Cocytalisk | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | any evil alignment |
Cold Legion Slinger | 2 | 30 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral evil |
Cold One | 2 | 50 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Colour Out of Space | 10 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | aberration | neutral evil |
Commander | 8 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Common Drake | 3 | 35 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Conduit Hound | 4 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Construct Companion, Complex | 4 | 40 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Construct Companion, Intricate | 4 | 40 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Consumer | 12 | 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) | Large | aberration | chaotic neutral (50%) or chaotic evil (50%) |
Copperajah | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | elemental | any alignment |
Coronated Reaper | 7 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Corrupted Monk | 17 | 40 ft. | Large | humanoid | lawful evil |
Corruptor | 4 | 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Courser Drake | 4 | 45 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Crawling Creeper | 2 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Crimson Vampire Chosen of Cthugha | 7 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Crocodile Pishacha | 6 | 30 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Crossbreed Priscilla | 13 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | neutral |
Crypt Horror | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Crypt Stalker | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Crystal Drake | 7 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral good |
Crystal Golem | 13 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Crystal Rager | 11 | 25 ft., burrow 25 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Cthonian Coeurl | 6 | 40 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Cyclops, Variant | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | neutral |
Daedroth | 8 | 35 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Dalasmir | 8 | 10 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Dark Inferno | 28 | 50 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Dark Inferno χ | 33 | 80 ft., fly 120 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Dark Tormentor | 14 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
Deadly Nadder | 16 | 40 ft., fly 100 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Death Sword | 10 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Death-rattle | 2 | 35 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Deathbloom | 8 | 15 ft., climb 25 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Deathclaw | 10 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Deathmask Trooper | 10 | 35 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Deathvine | 2 | 5 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Decayed Guardian | 11 | 40 ft., climb 35 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
DeepWave Ice Golem | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
DeepWave Skimmer | 1/2 | 0 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
DeepWave Strider | 1/2 | 35 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Defender | 8 | 50 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Defender Heartless | 6 | 25 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
Demigod of Light | 26 | 60 ft., fly 150 ft. | Large | humanoid | lawful good |
Demigryph | 2 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Demise | 30 | 120 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Demise Armor | 10 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | unaligned |
Demon Vaati | 21 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Destrachan | 7 | 30 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Devourer | 1 | 20 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Dhaal | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic good |
Diabloceratops | 6 | 45 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Diamond Golem | 24 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Dilophosaurus | 2 | 40 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Dimetrodon, Variant | 2 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Dingonek | 6 | 40 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Dire Harpy | 5 | 25 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Dire Rabbit | 2 | 35 ft., burrow 25 ft. | Large | fey | chaotic neutral |
Disc of Tzeentch | 18 | 0 ft., fly 150 ft. (hover) | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Dismembered One | 8 | 10 ft., climb 10 ft. | Large | ooze | chaotic evil |
Distraught Souls | 3 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Dodongo Snake | 6 | 25 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Domovoi | 3 | 30 ft., burrow 15 ft. | Large | plant | neutral evil |
Doomwheel | 7 | 80 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Dracodrider | 8 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Dracohybrid Charger | 5 | 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Dracohybrid Mauler | 7 | 40 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Dracotaur | 6 | 50 ft., gets additional movement speeds based on type in features | Large | dragon | lawful good |
Dragon Frog | 4 | 20 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral |
Dragon Zombie | 6 | 30 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Dragonair | 5 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | dragon | any alignment |
Dragonite | 10 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | any good alignment |
Draught Centaur | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic good (50%) or lawful neutral (50%) |
Dread Oni | 11 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | giant | lawful evil |
Dread Wraith | 25 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Dread Wraith, Variant | 26 | 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Drider Ancient One | 7 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Drider Lurker | 10 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Drider Priest | 6 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Duergar Bull Centaur | 5 | 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Each Uisge | 4 | 60 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | fey | chaotic evil |
Earth Golem | 12 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Efreeti Mameluke | 15 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | elemental | lawful evil |
Einiosaurus | 5 | 45 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Ekhidna | 3 | 10 ft., fly 50 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Elder Thing | 3 | 20 ft., fly 40 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful neutral |
Electric Moblin | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Elephant Sloth | 2 | 20 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Eliminator | 22 | 50 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Embrac | 4 | 20 ft. | Large | aberration | unaligned |
Emela-Ntouka | 5 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Entbrat | 1/2 | 30 ft. | Large | plant | neutral good |
Entombed | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Eternally-Rasping One | 11 | 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Ether Elemental | 6 | 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Ettin Wiccan | 7 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Ettin, Greater | 7 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Eustreptospondylus | 2 | 35 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Eutychaea | 25 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Excremental | 1/2 | 20 ft. | Large | elemental | unaligned |
Executioner Smough | 11 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | neutral evil |
Fairness | 14 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
False Death Tyrant | 4 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Fat Moblin | 5 | 25 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Fearless | 14 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Fell Beast | 6 | 20 ft., fly 100 ft. | Large | aberration | any evil alignment |
Fenbeast | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Festerheart Livestock | 7 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Festerheart Mayor | 14 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Fey Touched Bulette | 5 | 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. | Large | fey | unaligned |
Feywild Hippogriff | 4 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | fey | unaligned |
Fingertip Stalker | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic neutral |
Fire Moblin | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Fire Serpent | 1 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | elemental | unaligned |
Fire Spider | 8 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Fire Vine | 8 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Fire Wolf | 3 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Fire-Ice Elemental | 9 | 40 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Fireback | 8 | 20 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
First Mother Harpy | 8 | 20 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Flaris | 16 | 45 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 45 ft. | Large | beast | any alignment |
Flesher Alpha | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Fleshtearer Troll | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Fleshwrack | 5 | 20 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Flood Pure Form | 5 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | unaligned |
Flowing Slush | 6 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | elemental | unaligned |
Fokkeru | 10 | 40 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | humanoid | lawful evil or lawful neutral |
Font Artifice | 19 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | construct | any alignment |
Foo Lion | 2 | 50 ft. | Large | celestial | chaotic good |
Force Brute | 2 | 30 feet | Large | Undead | Lawful Evil |
Formicid Queen | 14 | 5 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Foulblood Kilkorn | 12 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | lawful evil |
Founder Amethyst Nightmare Dimension | 29 | 50 ft., burrow 25 ft., climb 25 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | fiend (shapechanger) | any evil alignment |
Fragnetic | 7 | 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | any alignment |
Frost Atronach | 4 | 20 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Frostflame Reaver | 14 | 30 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Frostmare | 3 | 90 ft. | Large | elemental | chaotic neutral |
Fulmen | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Fungal Grick | 5 | 30 ft., climb 15 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral |
Furgon | 8 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic good |
Gajasura | 10 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Galerog | 4 | 40 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Galilean | 7 | flying 50 ft. | Large | aberration | unaligned |
Gallimimus | 2 | 60 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Gamma Metroid | 10 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | aberration | unaligned |
Gardon Ironhide, Warpriest of the Good Fiend | 9 | 40 ft., fly 20 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful good |
Gardon Legionary of the Good Fiend | 9 | 40 ft., fly 20 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful good |
Gatekeeper | 8 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Geldarm | 1/2 | 40 ft., burrow 20 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Geldman | 2 | 40 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral evil |
Geodic | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Geovishap | 7 | 20 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Ghost-Tiger Manticore | 6 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic neutral |
Giant Flytrap | 10 | 15 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Giant Peahat | 2 | 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | plant | unaligned |
Giant Pillbug | 1 | 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Giant Shallow Wave Stalker | 3 | 25 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Giant Slime | 5 | 25 ft., climb 25 ft. | Large | ooze | unaligned |
Giant Snow Golem | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Giant Spider Wasp | 4 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Giant Tardigrade | 6 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Giant Yensa | 6 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | beast | neutral |
Gibberwock | 6 | 20 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Gigas Shadow | 10 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Girtablilu (Scorpionfolk) | 5 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | any alignment |
Giulainidh Sidhe | 3 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | fey | neutral |
Glass Polyelemental | 5 | 30 ft., burrow 20 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Glass Slime | 5 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | ooze | unaligned |
Glasya | 21 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Glorious | 24 | 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Glory | 14 | 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Glowl, Variant | 1/2 | 15 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | elemental | lawful neutral |
Gnarler | 15 | 30 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | beast | neutral evil |
Gnoph-Keh | 10 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Gohma | 5 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Golden Lynel of Holodrum | 19 | 55 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Golden Lynel of Hyrule | 28 | 70 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Golden Moblin | 19 | 40 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Golem, Adamantine | 25 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Golem, Arcane | 11 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Golem, Quicksilver | 19 | 70 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Golem, Tentacle | 6 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Golurk | 7 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Gorgonopsid | 3 | 40 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Gorgosaurus | 3 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Grace | 14 | 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Gracious | 24 | 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Grand Regent Cockatrice | 5 | 40 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Grand Vampire | 20 | 40 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Grass Golem | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Grass Lion | 2 | 40 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | beast | neutral |
Gravislayer | 9 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | aberration | neutral evil |
Great Air Elemental | 8 | 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Great Earth Elemental | 8 | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Great Fire Elemental | 8 | 50 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Great Jaggi | 6 | 60 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Great Jaggi, Variant | 4 | 70 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Great Maccao | 3 | 35 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Great Scuttler | 4 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Great Water Elemental | 8 | 30 ft., swim 90 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Greater Kusk | 5 | 35 ft., climb 35 ft. | Large | aberration | unaligned |
Greater Murk Wolf | 1/2 | 45 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Greater Shadow Demon | 7 | 40 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Greater Wisp | 1/2 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | fey | unaligned |
Green Man | 13 | 45 ft. | Large | fey | neutral good |
Gronckle | 16 | 40 ft., burrow 15 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Guardian Ape | 3 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Guardian Artifice | 20 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | construct | any alignment |
Guardian Stalker | 11 | 40 ft., climb 35 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Gullinbursti | 23 | 50 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Gummabust | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic neutral |
Gyorg | 9 | 0 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Half-Celestial Centaur | 4 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | any good alignment |
Half-Fiend Minotaur | 5 | 40 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | any evil alignment |
Half-Ogre Thief | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | any chaotic alignment |
Half-Troll | 2 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | any chaotic alignment |
Heat Saber | 20 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Heedle | 3 | 40 ft., burrow 10 ft. | Large | elemental | chaotic neutral |
Hell Ape | 3 | 40 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Helmed Body | 18 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Herrerasaurus | 1 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Hippalectryon | 1/2 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Hippocampus | 2 | 20 ft., swim 90 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic good |
Hodag | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Hokbok | 1/2 | 40 ft., burrow 20 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Holyflame Tiger | 4 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Horla | 5 | 30 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Horned Hulk | 7 | 40 ft., burrow 10 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Horned Serpent | 5 | 30 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | beast | neutral |
Horned Wyvern | 9 | 50 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Horror Knight | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Horsehead | 10 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | lawful evil |
Huayangosaurus | 2 | 40 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Hulking Jester | 28 | 60 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Hunter, Halo Variant | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | any alignment |
Hunting Horror | 5 | 20 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Hunting Jednong | 1 | 60 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral evil |
Hydralisk | 2 | 25 ft. (35 ft. on creep) | Large | aberration | unaligned |
Ice Moblin | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Ice Paraelemental | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Ice Troll | 4 | 45 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Ice Wanderer | 19 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | celestial | neutral good |
Ichor Sticker | 6 | 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Iguanodon | 1 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Ikran | 8 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 100 ft. | Large | beast | neutral |
Imgig Zu | 15 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Indominus Rex | 14 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Indoraptor | 5 | 45 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Infernal | 8 | 35 ft. | Large | elemental | chaotic evil |
Inferno Owlbear | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Iron Golem | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Iron Guard | 26 | 50 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Iron Ogre | 5 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Itsumade (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) | 11 | 25ft walking, 50ft flying | Large | Unaligned | |
Jaguar Lord | 5 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Jail-cell Titan | 5 | 25 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Jazul | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Jazul Shiredo | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Jenova Dreamweaver | 19 | 20 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Jet Balloon | 8 | 0 ft., swim 90 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Jewel Ooze | 10 | 25 ft., climb 25 ft. | Large | ooze | unaligned |
Jiao | 2 | 35 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Jillyfleur | 8 | 0 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Joy Mutant | 13 | 20 ft. | Large | humanoid | any alignment |
Juggernaut of Khorne | 9 | 50 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Jurresh'Keel the Fallen | 30 | 50 ft., fly 75 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Juvenile Black Dragon | 10 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Juvenile Blue Dragon | 12 | 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful evil |
Juvenile Brown Dragon | 9 | 40 ft., burrow 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Juvenile Green Dragon | 11 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful evil |
Juvenile Grey Dragon | 10 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful evil |
Juvenile Reaper Leviathan | 7 | 0 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Juvenile Red Dragon | 13 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Juvenile White Dragon | 8 | 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Kajhar | 5 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Kalkara | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral evil |
Kaprosuchus | 3 | 40 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Karabuk | 5 | 60 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Kazilleon | 1/4 | 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful good |
Kecha Wacha | 7 | 40 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | beast | neutral |
Keeper of Secrets | 25 | 100 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Kelp Angler | 9 | 20 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Kelpie, Variant | 5 | 50 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful good |
Kentrosaurus | 2 | 35 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Kharn the Betrayer | 18 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Kilkorn Vestige | 13 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Kill Worm | 7 | 60 ft., burrow 60 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Killer Plant | 9 | 0 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Kiminari Kirin | 10 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | dragon | any non-lawful alignment (usually neutral good) |
Kirinzhai | 1 | 60 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Kirre | 6 | 60 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Kliniloth | 15 | 40 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
Knuckledragger | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Knucklemaster | 7 | 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Ko-Ax | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Koleotrix | 6 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Koloktos | 11 | 0 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Komatu | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Kongamato | 5 | 30 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic neutral |
Kooma Panda | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | fey | chaotic neutral |
Krakkonor | 4 | 50 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | any neutral alignment |
Krootox | 3 | 35 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Kroxigor | 3 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | neutral |
Krvavrilo | 13 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Kyurem | 28 | 60 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral good |
Laelaps | 1 | 40 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Lambeosaurus | 1 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Lamia Medusa | 7 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Lammasu | 14 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic neutral |
Land Armor | 12 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Lanmola | 4 | 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic neutral |
Large Armor | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Large Awakened | 1 | 35 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Large Body | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Large Breed Arachne | 5 | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic neutral |
Large Water Weird | 5 | 0 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Lava Golem | 11 | 25 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Lava Snail | 3 | 15 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | beast | neutral |
Lavalance | 14 | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Legolem | 7 | 30 ft. (0 ft. in object form, 45 ft. in quadruped form, 5 ft., swim 30 ft. in sea creature form) | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Lemma Vissiv, Greater | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | celestial | any alignment, typically neutral |
Leomhann Sidhe | 5 | 40 ft. | Large | fey | any good alignment |
Leshen | 10 | 25 ft. | Large | plant | chaotic neutral |
Leshy | 3 | 40 ft. | Large | fey | any neutral alignment |
Lesser Phoenix | 2 | 10 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Light Elemental | 5 | 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral good |
Lightning Bird | 3 | 20 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Lightning Elemental | 5 | 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Lightning Golem | 13 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | construct | unaligned |
Lightning Polyelemental | 5 | 0 ft., fly 100 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Lightning Rager | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | elemental | chaotic neutral |
Lightning Tiger | 3 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Ligrothian | 20 | 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Like Like | 5 | 20 ft. | Large | ooze | unaligned |
Lillend | 6 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | celestial | chaotic good |
Lithic Fistslinger | 9 | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Living Bone | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Lloigor | 7 | 30 ft. (0 ft., fly 60 ft. in vortex form) | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Lodestone Marauder | 9 | 30 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | aberration | unaligned |
Lolth Succubus/Incubus | 7 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
Lonely Cottage | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Lucius the Eternal | 18 | 35 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Lunar Wolf Companion | 7 | 50 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Lupire | 21 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Luring Dragon | 8 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral evil |
Lusi'ir | 9 | 45 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | any alignment |
Magedoom | 10 | 25 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Magitek Armor | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Magma Paraelemental | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Magmanos | 4 | 0 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Maho no Oni | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Mahoyama no Oni | 11 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | any chaotic alignment |
Majora | 24 | 40 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Majungasaurus | 3 | 55 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Malacada | 6 | 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Malboro | 9 | 20 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Malfestio | 5 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Man-Eater Bug | 2 | 30 ft., burrow 20 ft. | Large | beast | neutral evil |
Man-Eating Plant | 2 | 5 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Man-Serpent | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Managarmr | 6 | 70 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Mandragoran | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Mangler Squig | 5 | 25 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Mapinguari | 4 | 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Maramorian | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Maramorian Arbiter | 10 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Maramorian Guardian | 10 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Maramorian Irukil | 10 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Maramorian Mystic | 7 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Maramorian Sand Echo | 6 | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | undead | lawful neutral |
Maramorian Warrior | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Marilith Black Blood | 16 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Marsupial Lion | 2 | 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Martian | 10 | 25 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Master Hand | 14 | 40 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Matrix Guardian | 9 | 35 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Mech | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Mechanic Tank | 2 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Mechanical Golem | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Mega Aggron | 16 | 30 ft. | Large | elemental | any alignment |
Megaraptor | 4 | 55 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Megaraptor, Variant | 3 | 60 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Megatherium | 2 | 20 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Megoi Armor Master | 23 | 50 ft., climb 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Megoi Heavy Elite | 17 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Megoi Mountain Master | 35 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Megoi Schooler of Arcane | 22 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Megoi Summoner | 16 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Megoi Super Heavy Elite | 27 | 40 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Melmetal | 14 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Melt Strider | 1/4 | 10 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Mephistopheles, Archduke of Cania | 27 | 40 ft., fly 100 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Merwyrm | 7 | 30 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Metriacanthosaurus | 2 | 35 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Milaq | 5 | 15 ft., swim 45 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Mind Brute | 14 | 40 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Mindseeker | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Mini Imsh | 11 | 40 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | giant | lawful evil |
Mirrorwyrm | 5 | 40 ft., climb 35 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Mishipeshu | 3 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | beast | lawful evil |
Mist Golem | 10 | 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Large | construct | unaligned |
Mistral Roamer | 9 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral good |
Molten Troll | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Monarch Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) | 21 | 70ft | large | undead | Lawfull Evil |
Moonbeast | 6 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Moonlight Butterfly | 1/2 | 20 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Moorkutlot | 13 | 45 ft., climb 15 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant | 21 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Morellatops | 6 | 45 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Morning Star | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Mortarion | 30 | 40 ft., fly 120 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
Mothula | 2 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Mountain Beast | 1 | 30 ft., burrow 25 ft., climb 25 ft., swim 15 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Mountain Bigfolk | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | neutral |
Mourn Tiger | 7 | 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Mourngul | 14 | 10 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Mudsdale | 2 | 60 ft. | Large | elemental | unaligned |
Mulrak Mindbreaker | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | neutral evil |
Mulrak Stonebreaker | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | neutral evil |
Murk Elemental | 5 | 30 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | elemental | chaotic neutral |
Mushizo Daogui | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Mutalisk | 3 | 10 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | aberration | unaligned |
Myoxat | 1 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral good |
Mysterious Orb | 5 | 0 ft., fly 15 ft. (hover) | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Naganadel | 8 | 10 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral |
Nasutoceratops | 6 | 45 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Nebula Slayer | 8 | 40 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Necrosteed | 1 | 60 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Needle Haltija | 8 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic neutral |
Neovenator | 4 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Neptune's Harlot | 6 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Nidhogg | 6 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | dragon | any evil alignment |
Night Feeder | 22 | 120 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Night Fury | 17 | 50 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 240 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Nightmare Dragon | 9 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral evil |
Nightmare Wraith | 6 | 60 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Nkala | 8 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Nodosaurus | 3 | 25 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Nosferatu Carnifex | 10 | 40 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Novaraptor | 3 | 65 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Nuckelavee | 13 | 50 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Nue | 4 | 20 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Nyraala Golem | 3 | 25 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Obsidian Golem | 15 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Ochaun | 5 | 20 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | giant | neutral |
Octohulk | 4 | 20 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Ogre Bull Priest | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Ogre Mage | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Ogre Maneater | 3 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic neutral |
Ogre Missionary | 2 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Ogre Skeleton | 2 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Ogre Storm Shaman | 3 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Ogre Thinker | 3 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | lawful evil |
Ogre Warlord | 10 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Ohgi Oni | 19 | 60 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | giant | any alignment |
One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flying Purple People Eater | 5 | 30 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic good |
Oni Overlord | 15 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | giant | lawful evil |
Ooze Paraelemental | 5 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Ooze, Arcane | 5 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | ooze | unaligned |
Oozing Lord | 12 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | ooze | chaotic evil |
Ophiotaurus | 1 | 40 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Orange Lynel | 3 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Orc Brute of Bahgtru | 3 | 35 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | unaligned |
Ore Construct | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Oritaku | 7 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Ouranosaurus | 1 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Owlbear of the Ignan Serpent | 7 | 40 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral evil |
Pachycephalosaurus | 3 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Pachyrhinosaurus | 5 | 45 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Pale Horse | 5 | 80 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Pale Pegasus | 13 | 120 ft., fly 180 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Pale Stallion | 8 | 120 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Pale Yearling | 1 | 90 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Palemane Minotaur | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Palemane Seer | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Panopticon | 3 | 15 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Parasaurolophus | 1 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Pathiel | 19 | 30 ft., fly 120 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Pegaslick | 3 | 60 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | fey | chaotic neutral |
Pegursa | 1/2 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral good |
Phantasm | 10 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Phantom Feeder | 11 | 40 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral evil |
Phantomtail | 18 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Phase Drider | 7 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Philter of Love Elemental | 5 | 30 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral good |
Piasa | 5 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Pidgeot | 5 | 25 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | beast | neutral |
Pigron | 5 | 30 ft., fly 50 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | dragon | any chaotic alignment |
Pink Agaricus | 0 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Pit Lord Aatrox | 21 | 50 ft., fly 150 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Pizza Blob | 2 | 10 ft. | Large | ooze | chaotic neutral |
Plague Swimmer | 5 | 30 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Planar Cerberus | 13 | 60 ft. (50 ft. in humanoid form) | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Planetar Knight | 19 | 40 ft., fly 150 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Plant Centaur | 2 | 50 ft. | Large | plant | lawful neutral |
Plateosaurus | 2 | 40 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Poewk | 2 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Pollinii | 6 | 25 ft., climb 25 ft. | Large | plant | chaotic neutral |
Pols Voice | 3 | 25 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Popobawa | 8 | 30 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Possessed Ooze Knight | 13 | 25 ft., climb 25 ft. | Large | ooze | neutral evil |
Pot Scorpion | 19 | 60 ft., climb 60 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Preyton | 6 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Project Series:19C | 1/4 | 0 ft., fly 20 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Prowling Demon | 7 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Pseudogiant | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Pseudonatural Troll | 12 | 60 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Psyche Worm | 11 | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral evil |
Pumpkin Head | 3 | 40 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Puppeteer | 12 | 35ft | Large | Construct | Neutral Evil |
Quarrister | 2 | 25 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral good |
Quasar Knight | 8 | 40 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) | Large | aberration | lawful good |
Quazenti | 9 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | dragon | any lawful alignment |
Quazenti Knight | 14 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | dragon | any lawful alignment |
Quazenti Warden | 14 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | dragon | any lawful alignment |
Rage Drake | 7 | 60 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Raiju | 11 | 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic neutral |
Rainbow Slime | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | ooze | unaligned |
Rajasaurus | 4 | 55 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Rampager | 12 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Rat Ogre | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Red Lynel | 8 | 45 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Red Widow | 6 | 30 ft. (30 ft., climb 30 ft. in spider form) | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Reflective Ooze | 10 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | ooze | unaligned |
Regice | 18 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Regidrago | 18 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Regirock | 18 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Registeel | 19 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Renzhuyo | 5 | 15 ft., swim 25 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Repulsate | 5 | 40 ft., burrow 10 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Rhyxali | 21 | 60 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
River Troll | 6 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Robot GCV | 6 | 120 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Robot Horse | 3 | 60 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Robot Overlord | 20 | 40 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Rokuro-Kubi | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
Rooter Amalgamation | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | plant | neutral evil |
Ropen | 5 | 15 ft., fly 70 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Rot Lord | 25 | 35 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Round Deer | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Rust Golem | 11 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Rust Strider | 1/2 | 30 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral |
Sail Fiend | 1/2 | 20 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Salt Golem | 9 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Sanctuary Guardian | 7 | 0 ft., fly 25 ft. (hover) | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Sand Elemental, Terraria | 9 | 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | chaotic neutral |
Sand Paraelemental | 5 | 40 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Sand-Beast | 1 | 40 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Sandgorgon | 9 | 40 ft., burrow 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Sandling | 1/4 | 15 ft., burrow 15 ft. | Large | elemental | unaligned |
Sasquatch | 3 | 40 ft. | Large | giant | any non-lawful alignment |
Satyr Heartless | 12 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Savannah Ant Hive Guardian | 1 | 20 ft., burrow 10 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Savannah Ant Queen | 3 | 20 ft., burrow 10 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Scanderig | 12 | 20 ft., burrow 20 ft. | Large | elemental | lawful evil |
Scarbuncle | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Scavenger King | 9 | 55 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Schematica | 15 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Scion of Flames | 12 | 50 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Scion of Wind | 12 | 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Scolipede | 6 | 90 ft. | Large | monstrosity | any alignment |
Scolomorph | 5 | 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Scorch Fox | 5 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral good |
Scorching Sphere | 17 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Scorpius Rex | 5 | 45 ft., climb 25 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Scorporilla | 3 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic neutral |
Scrapper | 2 | 40 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Screamer | 5 | 0 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Sea Drake | 8 | 20 ft., fly 60 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | dragon | unaligned |
Seawolf, Greater | 2 | 20 ft., swim 50 ft. (30 ft., swim 30 ft. in hybrid form, 30 ft. in humanoid form) | Large | monstrosity | Chaotic Evil |
Sebastian Jones | 12 | 20 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral good |
Sepulchral Stalker | 7 | 40 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Sergeant | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Shadow Beast | 4 | 60 ft. | Large | humanoid | unaligned |
Shadow Elemental | 5 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | chaotic neutral |
Shadow Soldier, Rank 4 | 6 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | lawful neutral |
Shadow Soldier, Rank 5 | 9 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | lawful neutral |
Shadowlord | 7 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
Shantak | 6 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral evil |
Shapeless Giant | 5 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. (40 ft., swim 80 ft. in shapeless form) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Shatjan | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | fey | lawful neutral |
Shedu | 8 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | celestial | any chaotic alignment |
Sheltering Zone | 6 | 0 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Shimmering Echo | 30 | 40 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Shishigami | 7 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | celestial | neutral good |
Shivering Slayer | 3 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Shreeg | 7 | 20 ft., climb 10 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Silent Abomination | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Silk Weaver | 10 | 35 ft. | Large | beast | neutral good |
Silver Lynel | 18 | 60 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Silver Moblin | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
Silver Scourge | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Singing Holly | 3 | 0 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Sinii Krai | 11 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic neutral |
Sirocco Striker | 11 | 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Sivak Draconian | 6 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful evil |
Skull Beast | 6 | 40 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Sky Grappler | 10 | 10 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Slave Knight Gael | 12 | 30 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Sleipnir | 28 | 240 ft., fly 240 ft. | Large | celestial | chaotic good |
Small Titan | 8 | 45 ft. | Large | humanoid | neutral |
Smog Dragon | 8 | 30 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic neutral |
Smoke Paraelemental | 5 | 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Snappergeist | 6 | 15 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | unaligned |
Snapworm | 3 | 20 ft., burrow 10 ft., swim 10 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Sneyser | 2 | 20 ft. | Large | elemental | chaotic neutral |
Snithernash | 3 | 40 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | any chaotic alignment |
Snowy Crystal | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Solid Armor | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Sourtrout | 8 | 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | any chaotic alignment |
Space Marine, Apothecary | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any non-good alignment |
Space Marine, Assault | 6 | 35 ft. | Large | humanoid | any non-good alignment |
Space Marine, Captain | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any non-good alignment |
Space Marine, Chaplain | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any non-good alignment |
Space Marine, Devastator | 6 | 25 ft. | Large | humanoid | any non-good alignment |
Space Marine, Librarian | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any non-good alignment |
Space Marine, Tactical | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any non-good alignment |
Space Marine, Techmarine | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any non-good alignment |
Space Marine, Terminator | 8 | 20 ft. | Large | humanoid | any non-good alignment |
Space Marine, Unarmored | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | any non-good alignment |
Spawn of Cerberus | 5 | 50 ft., climb 50 ft. | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Spawn of Gia | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Spectral Guardian | 10 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | neutral |
Sphinxtaur | 13 | 50 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Spider Daedra | 6 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Spider Dragon | 15 | 50 ft., climb 50 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral evil |
Spider-Council | 7 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Spiked Crawler | 12 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Spinoraptor | 5 | 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Sporepion Adult | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Spyder-Fiend | 8 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Spydragon | 15 | 50 ft., climb 50 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Spyger | 1 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Spytrap | 0 | 0 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Stag Centaur (Stagtaur) | 5 | 50 ft. | Large | fey | neutral good |
Stained Glass Golem | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Stalblind | 13 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Staldra | 3 | 40 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Star Vampire | 4 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Steam Paraelemental | 5 | 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Steam Tank | 9 | 45 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Steorra the Starseer | 20 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | celestial | neutral |
Stick Snatcher | 1 | 50 ft., climb 50 ft. | Large | aberration | unaligned |
Stogg | 1/2 | 25 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Stone Troll | 6 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Stonefin | 6 | 0 ft., burrow 40 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Storm Atronach | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Storm Paraelemental | 5 | 30 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover), swim 90 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Straw Juggernaut | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | chaotic neutral |
Streptile | 7 | 30 ft., swim 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful neutral |
Strute | 4 | 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Stymphalian Bird | 3 | 10 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Sunflowmon | 3 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | plant | chaotic neutral |
Swarm of Aracha | 1/2 | 20 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Swarm of Morths | 1/8 | 10 ft., climb 10 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Swarm of Susuwatari | 1/8 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | fey | neutral |
Swarm of Tritails | 3 | 5 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) | Large | beast | unaligned |
Tagduru | 3 | 35 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Tailbunker | 10 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Tainted Fire Elemental | 7 | 50 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral evil |
Taisho Kirin | 18 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful good |
Tapejara | 1 | 15 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Taruk | 5 | 20 ft., climb 15 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Taurus Demon | 4 | 25 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Tempest | 3 | 60 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Templar | 5 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Tenontosaurus | 1 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Terripatus | 8 | 20 ft., climb 10 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Terror Toad | 4 | 40 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
The Bagman | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
The Ebony Knight | 16 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
The Four Kings | 10 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
The Gulo | 5 | 40 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | beast | chaotic evil |
The Jailer | 7 | 25 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
The Render | 13 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
The Sandman, Master of Dreams | 21 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | celestial | neutral |
The Warden | 14 | 50 ft., burrow 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
The Wither | 24 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Thracian Horse | 3 | 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Thunder Elemental | 6 | 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Thunderaffe | 2 | 60 ft. | Large | fey | chaotic neutral |
Thunderer Artifice | 20 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | construct | any alignment |
Ticktox | 6 | 10 ft., climb 10 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Tigbanua | 2 | 30 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Tiger Pishacha | 4 | 40 ft. | Large | fiend | unaligned |
Tikbálang | 3 | 60 ft. | Large | fey | chaotic evil |
Ting-Lu | 16 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral evil |
Titanium Golem | 17 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Tlalocoatl, Young | 9 | 30 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful evil |
Tlincalli Diviner | 7 | 40 ft., burrow 20 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Toado Swarm | 1/4 | 10 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Tokotas | 1/2 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Topiary Sentinel | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | plant | lawful neutral |
Tragg | 2 | 60 ft., swim 20 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Treasure Golem | 14 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | construct | unaligned |
Treekin | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | plant | chaotic good |
Triple Wrecker | 5 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Troll Mystic | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | chaotic evil |
Troll, Kaimeran | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | typically chaotic evil |
Trollcow | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Tsintaosaurus | 1 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Tungsten Golem | 16 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Tupandactylus | 2 | 15 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Typhus the Traveller | 18 | 20 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Ullagon | 23 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Umbog | 2 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 25 ft. | Large | giant | any non-lawful alignment (usually neutral evil) |
Umbral Stalker | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Undead Unicorn | 5 | 60 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Undertow Stalker | 7 | 5 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral |
Unelemental | 6 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | elemental | neutral |
Unmaker | 7 | 20 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic neutral |
Unversed Bruiser | 2 | 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Uraga Jadugara | 12 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Ursolavee | 8 | 50 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Ushabti | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Utahraptor | 1 | 60 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Uuduk | 2 | 0 ft., burrow 25 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Valkor | 13 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Vampire Lord | 26 | 50 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Vampiric Hippo | 14 | 50 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Varangjar Garou | 12 | 30 ft. (50 ft., climb 30 ft. in wolf form) | Large | humanoid | lawful evil |
Vargheist | 2 | 30 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Varja | 15 | 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Vassal of Ged | 18 | 30 ft. | Large | aberration | unaligned |
Vassal of Nul | 18 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | aberration | lawful neutral |
Vaxasaurian | 5 | 45 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Vayne Solidor, the Undying | 20 | 10 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
Vedrfolnir | 3 | 10 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral good |
Velstadt, Guardian of Time | 22 | 40 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful neutral |
Venomax | 6 | 60 ft., climb 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | any alignment |
Venos Arachna | 4 | 30 ft., climb 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Vexpa, Swarm Lord | 15 | 5 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Vicious Wurm | 7 | 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Vile Artemion | 6 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Void's Bastard | 8 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Void-Corrupted Astral Tideborn | 10 | 40 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Volvagia | 9 | 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Voporak | 15 | 30 ft. | Large | humanoid | lawful neutral |
Wadjet | 16 | 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover), swim 40 ft. | Large | elemental | chaotic neutral |
Wailing Hermit | 4 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
War Centaur | 6 | 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic neutral (50%) or chaotic evil (50%) |
War Griffon | 2 | 30 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
War Troll | 12 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | lawful evil |
Warhorse Zombie | 1/2 | 50 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Warrior Hellwasp | 8 | 10 ft., fly 70 ft. (hover) | Large | fiend | lawful evil |
Wavecrest | 10 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Wax Golem | 6 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Web Drake | 5 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | dragon | neutral |
Wendigo Curse | 14 | 65 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Wendigo, Variant | 3 | 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Werewolf Progenitor | 50 | 60 ft. (90 ft. in wolf form) | Large | humanoid | chaotic evil |
White Anchor | 5 | 35 ft. | Large | monstrosity | lawful evil |
White Pudding | 6 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | ooze | unaligned |
White Wolfos | 6 | 50 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Wild Bruiser | 5 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | chaotic evil |
Willinakaqe | 1 | 50 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Windstorm | 18 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Wither, Minecraft Variant | 9 | 20 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Witherweed | 1/2 | 5 ft., climb 5 ft. | Large | plant | unaligned |
Wobzrem | 8 | 40 ft., climb 35 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Wood Golem | 7 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Wraith Weed | 9 | 0 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Wraithguard | 10 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | chaotic good (50%) or chaotic evil (50%) |
Wrath Entity | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Wyvern Heartless | 5 | 10 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | fiend | chaotic evil |
Xalitik | 7 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
Xalitik Flaremaster | 17 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | fiend | neutral evil |
Xalthon | 21 | 45 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic evil |
Xavi | 15 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft. | Large | aberration | chaotic neutral |
Xenogmir | 7 | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Xenophobia Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) | 17 | 60ft Walking, 40ft Climing, 25ft Swimming, 30ft Flying | large | undead | Evil |
Xorn Crusthide | 17 | 20 ft., burrow 20 ft. | Large | elemental | neutral |
Xurkitree | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | aberration | neutral |
Yaggol | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful evil |
Yahurei Wolf | 1/2 | 30 ft. | Large | beast | chaotic good |
Yithian | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | aberration | lawful neutral |
Yitsan | 7 | 60 ft., burrow 30 ft., swim 60 ft. | Large | monstrosity | unaligned |
Yoggy Ram | 2 | 60 ft. | Large | fey | chaotic neutral |
Yoruyama no Oni | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | giant | any evil alignment |
Young Adult Black Dragon | 12 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Young Adult Blue Dragon | 14 | 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful evil |
Young Adult Brown Dragon | 11 | 40 ft., burrow 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Young Adult Green Dragon | 13 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful evil |
Young Adult Red Dragon | 15 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Young Adult White Dragon | 11 | 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Young Brown Dragon | 7 | 40 ft., burrow 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Young Chaos Dragon | 9 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic neutral |
Young Cobalt Dragon | 8 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful good |
Young Dawn Dragon | 9 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful good |
Young Dusk Dragon | 9 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Young Grey Dragon | 8 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful evil |
Young Iron Dragon | 7 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful good |
Young Lead Dragon | 8 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic good |
Young Mecha Dragon | 10 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful evil |
Young Mercury Dragon | 7 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic good |
Young Mithral Dragon | 14 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful good |
Young Orange Dragon | 9 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Young Orium Dragon | 8 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful good |
Young Pitch Dragon | 7 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Young Purple Dragon | 8 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful evil |
Young Silent Dragon | 9 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | any lawful alignment |
Young Steel Dragon | 9 | 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | dragon | lawful good |
Young Yellow Dragon | 7 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | dragon | chaotic evil |
Yuan-ti Leader | 17 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Yutyrannus | 3 | 60 ft. | Large | beast | unaligned |
Zacian | 24 | 120 ft. | Large | fey | lawful good |
Zamazenta | 24 | 60 ft. | Large | celestial | lawful good |
Zarogmir | 8 | 10 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Zaukharai | 5 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral evil |
Zephyr Artifice | 20 | 40 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | construct | any alignment |
Zeta Metroid | 16 | 50 ft., climb 50 ft. | Large | aberration | unaligned |
Zeus | 250 | 360 ft., fly 1,440 ft. | Large | celestial | chaotic good |
Zoat | 7 | 40 ft. | Large | monstrosity | neutral good |
Zolephant | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | fey | chaotic neutral |
Camel Zombie | 1/8 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Zombie Horror | 2 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Incomplete Large Size Monsters[edit]
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