Ligrothian (5e Creature)
Ligrothian (Ligro)[edit]
Large monstrosity, neutral Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Saving Throws Str +11, Dex +9 Climb. The Ligrothian can climb sheer cliffs much like a gargoyle, trees, and more as long as the surface can hold his weight. Climb Speed is 40 feet. Swim. Ligro is actually a pretty good swimmer and being elemental allows him to able to dive down 200 feet on a breath and swim speed is 30. Truesight. Truesight can, out to a specific range, see in normal and magical darkness, see invisible creatures and objects, automatically detect visual iilusions and succeed on saving throws against them, and perceive the original form of a shapechanger or a creature that is transformed by magic. Furthermore, the Ligrothian can see into the Ethereal Plane within the same range. Innate Spellcaster. The Ligrothian may cast elemental spells at will as a psionic or if the spell does not take more than 4 verbal words. His spellcasting DC25+19, and his Spell Save is Intelligence+9. ACTIONSBite. Melee Weapon Attack: 10d10+19 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 45(10d8+15)+20 Bludgeoning, Piercing. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: 10d10+20 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10(10d6)+5 Piercing, Slashing. Tail Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: 5d10+5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8(5d4)+3 Bludgeoning. Grapple. Melee Weapon Attack: 15d10+20 to hit, reach 5ft, one or two targets depending on size.* Hit: 124(42d10) Bludgeoning, Crushing. *If the creature or target is sized medium or smaller, the Ligrothian can use each hand to grapple one creature each. If Large or larger, only one creature or target can be grappled. When grappling and Ligro comes down to fours, the bludgeoning turns into crushing damage. REACTIONSHealing Touch. If he has a rider, the Ligrothian has the ability to heal a player character's hit points to full, and damage to the rider is reversed, bringing the rider to full health once more. Ligro only does this when it is critical to save his rider or when he first gains a rider. At no other time does he employ the healing touch. Tail Grab. If someone is trying to come up behind him with a weapon, the Ligrothian's tail actually acts like another hand and is able to wrap around the wrist of the one trying to attack him. If he releases forcefully, the creature is flung away and must make a Dexterity saving throw in order to avoid falling prone upon the ground. LEGENDARY ACTIONSThe Ligrothian can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Ligrothian regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. Elemental Storm. Unleashes a very powerful storm of wind, thunder, lightning, large hail, and also causes the ground to rupture and bring lava to the surface which the Ligrothian can control. Each of the elements in the storm does its own damage as stated in the spells cumulatively. This means that if lightning does 3d6 and thunder deafens with 2d10, hail bludgeons you at 1d4 per turn, you would add those together rolling the d4, d6 and d10 for damage points. Lava Wall. When a creature or target is charging him, Ligro can use the lava from the Elemental Storm to cast a lava wall that is 4d10 wide and 6d10 tall doing 10d10 fire damage to the charging attacker, and those nearby the lava wall must do a Dexterity saving throw of DC28+ his Charisma ability modifier to halve radiant damage and the conditions of Intimidation and Frighten. Upon a failing throw, you must take full damage. Blizzard. When he needs to obscure or make his terrain cold to prevent fire immune creatures from chasing him, he can use the Blizzard effect to quell any damage the fire may have cast. With the whipping winds, along with fog, snow, and ice quickly gathering, this not only hinders attackers, but also freezes their feet in place. The Ligrothian's keen hearing and sense of smell can pick up the scents in the blizzard and attack them swiftly with little damage. His stealth in the blizzard also makes him hard to track as his golden fur becomes white with frost, making it easy for him to blend into the white-out conditions of the blizzard. All in the area of 500 feet of Ligro must make a saving throw at the beginning of each turn. Conditions are known as flash freezing. |
![]() Posted with Permission, Drawn by VegetaWrath
Ligro, the Ligrothian's name, is part gargoyle, lion, and Lycan, getting the best traits and features from each of them. His blinding speed allows him to quickly take down those that try to run. Normally an ambush predator, Ligro has the ability to withstand a long-distance marathon, running longer and faster than any horse ever could. As tall as a shire horse, this massive beast is not to be underestimated. Ligro is powerful in more than just a thick tough hide, and brute strength. His canines are 6 inches long and his claws are 4 inches long. Thus, the bite not only crushes bone, but the teeth pierce in as well like a mouth full of daggers. His hands on the front can grapple and hold his prey while his back claws tear into his target, gutting them alive. Backing this up is also his intelligence and his elemental abilities as well. Ligro is extremely smart and knows when it would be best to attack. The teeth and the claws may be intimidating enough but adding in the elemental forces as well can cause an adventurer to think many times before trying to take down this monstrosity of a creature. As the Creature of Wrath, he has control over the elements, able to summon storms, earthquakes and more. If it is considered a natural disaster, he can create it. Then you have his defensive side too. The tough hide is hard to get through. His long mane around his neck helps protect his throat and neck, making most creatures get a mouthful of hair rather than flesh. If you gain Ligro's trust however, you can actually make partners with him and if he feels you are a competent rider you can actually ride upon his back if he lets you, but you must have the Handle Animal in order to stay on. He has a unique bridle and saddle that fits him and will appear when he decides that you can ride him. Ligro also has the ability to stand and walk as well as move on fours. When upright, he can give a powerful blow with his hands that equates to a giant's club hitting its target. Likewise, he can also kick behind him too. His tail is a prehensile tail as well as a whip. |
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