Template:Design Disclaimer
How To
The format is {{Design Disclaimer|# edition|specific details}}
Which outputs
I did not include the word "edition" in the template because of all the different ways people refer to editions, and because of pathfinder and d20M, and in case we one day include BECMI, OD&D, AD&D, or Chainmail on the site. This allows people to enter edition in any format they like:
- #e
- # edition
- number edition
- tangential game name
This template is used to give contextual explanation for content which may be contentious or difficult to visualize, in the interest of preventing edit/flame wars on the wiki and debates at the table. This template is not justification for broken, overpowered, unfinished, unbalanced, or incomprehensible design, (see Help:Precedent) nor is this template intended to identify pages as being incomplete or broken (see Help:Improving, Reviewing, and Removing Templates). It is designed to communicate an unusual fringe-case piece of homebrew which is conditionally problematic. For example, flight is often cited as being fundamentally unbalanced for PCs by many DMs, however there are many designers and DMs who have absolutely no problem with flight whatsoever, as they design their adventures to challenge their PCs' specific abilities. The result is a never-ending flame-war and debate between hobbyists about a point that is moot: It depends on the DM and the game, and has very little to do with rules balance. There are no good arguments for either side, because evidence is that both sides are true! This template communicates that a piece of homebrew either is, or contains, such a fringe-case, and requires special consideration. In other words, this template is used to shut down grey-area debates regarding the word "balance" without being forced to give certain pages permanent imbalance templates demanding correction, or allowing questionable balance pages to go unmarked. It is our acknowledgement that the word "balance" is fundamentally subjective.
There are a number of pre-scripted disclaimers for recurring subjects. These can be used in the place of the open-field disclaimer as a shortcut.
- 5e Standardized Disclaimers
- Template: Fly
- Template:Tunnel
- Template:Empath
- Template:Telepath
- Template:Invisible
- Template:Gills
- Template:Incongruous
- Template:Handy
Design Disclaimer Articles
- 5e PECR Creature Preload
- 5e Random Magic Treasure
- A.I. (5e Race)
- Aarakocra, 2nd Variant (5e Race Variant)
- Aasimar, Variant (5e Race Variant)
- Abyssdweller (5e Background)
- Academy Student (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Accursed Healer (5e Feat)
- Adamantine Knight (3.5e Prestige Class)
- Adaption (5e Equipment)
- Addict (5e Background)
- Adjuchas Hollow (Bleach Supplement)
- Advanced Hunter Training (3.5e Feat)
- Adventurer (5e Class)
- Air Trooper (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Ajisai (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Akatsuchi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Akira Otoishi (JJBA Supplement)
- Akuta (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Albina Maga (3.5e Race)
- Alessi (JJBA Supplement)
- Alexander Anderson (JJBA Supplement)
- Alien Commoner (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Alien Soldier (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Alien Soldier Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Alkilith, Variant (5e Race)
- Allomancer (5e Class)
- Alucard (JJBA Supplement)
- Alucard, Final (JJBA Supplement)
- Amachi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ameyuki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ameyuri Ringo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Anbu Chunin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Anbu Genin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Anbu Jonin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Andre Boomboom (JJBA Supplement)
- Android 13 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Android 16 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Android 17 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Android 18 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Angel Paragon, Variant (5e Class)
- Angelic Warrior (5e Class)
- Anjuro Katagiri (JJBA Supplement)
- Anko (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Anubis (JJBA Supplement)
- Ao (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ao, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Aoda (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Aoi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Apurture Science Dual Portal Device (5e Equipment)
- Arabia Fats (JJBA Supplement)
- Arashi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Araumi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Araya, Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Arcane Mechanist (5e Subclass)
- Arch Wizard (5e Class)
- Aroma Bat (JJBA Supplement)
- Arsene Amulet (5e Equipment)
- Artifacts (Minecraft Supplement)
- Ascended Saiyan (5e Class)
- Ascended Saiyan, Variant (5e Class)
- Ashimaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Assassin (FMA Supplement)
- Assassin (JJBA Supplement)
- Assassin, Variant (5e Creature)
- Asuma (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Asura (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Atsui (Shinobi World Supplement)
- User:AtticusVS
- User:AtticusVS/Planeswalker, Variant (5e Class)
- Automail Soldier (FMA Supplement)
- Automated Camera (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Automaton Forged (5e Creature)
- Automaton, Variant (5e Race)
- Autonomous Armor (FMA Supplement)
- Awesome Equipment (5e Equipment)
- Axl RO (JJBA Supplement)
- Aya Tsuji (JJBA Supplement)
- Baiu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Bakudo39 (5e Spell)
- Bamboo Snake (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Bandit, Variant (5e Creature)
- Baoh Dog (JJBA Supplement)
- Baoh Parasite (JJBA Supplement)
- Barrier Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Basitin (5e Race)
- Battle Dance (3.5e Feat)
- Battle Jacket (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Bear Thief (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Beekeeper (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Benga (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Benjamin Boomboom (JJBA Supplement)
- Bestiary (JJBA Setting)
- Billie Ray (JJBA Supplement)
- Biological Apex, Variant (5e Class)
- Black Shadow (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Black Zetsu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Blackmore (JJBA Supplement)
- Blade of the Warrior Queen (5e Equipment)
- Blood Mage (5e Class)
- Blood Mage (5e Subclass)
- Bloodstone (5e Equipment)
- Blue B (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Boingo (JJBA Supplement)
- Bone Collector (5e Class)
- Bongo, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Bonthain (5e Race)
- Boon of Greater Immortality (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of True Immortality (5e Epic Boon)
- Boro (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Boruto, Ao Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Boruto, Code Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Boruto, Kawaki Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Boruto, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Boundary Forger (5e Subclass)
- Branch (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Bruford (JJBA Supplement)
- Bruiser (FMA Supplement)
- Bruiser (JJBA Supplement)
- Bruiser Chimera (FMA Supplement)
- Bruno Bucciarati (JJBA Supplement)
- Bug-Eaten (JJBA Supplement)
- Bulma (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Bulma, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Bunpuku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Buntan (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Burami (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Burter (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Byakuren (Shinobi World Supplement)
- C (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Caesar Zeppeli (JJBA Supplement)
- Caesar Zeppeli, Training (JJBA Supplement)
- Caius Ballad (5e Creature)
- Calamity Ganon (5e Creature)
- Cameo (JJBA Supplement)
- Cannibal Ghoul (5e Class)
- Captain Shinigami (Bleach Supplement)
- Carne (JJBA Supplement)
- Champion, Variant (5e Creature)
- Chem-Baron (5e Class)
- Chemical F (5e Equipment)
- Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Chiaotzu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Chikamatsu Collection of Ten (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Chino (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Chinoike Chunin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Chinoike Genin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Chinoike Jonin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Chiriku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Chiyo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Chiyomatsu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Choji (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Choji, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Choji, Sasuke Recovery Mission (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Choji, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Choji, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Chojuro (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Chojuro, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Chomei (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Choza (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Chukaku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Cioccolata (JJBA Supplement)
- Circle of Ley (5e Subclass)
- Civilian Alchemist (FMA Supplement)
- Coalescent (5e Class)
- Coco Jumbo (JJBA Supplement)
- Code (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Code, Limiters (Shinobi World Supplement)
- College of the Feudal Lord (5e Subclass)
- Colosseum Maze of Epics (4e Quest)
- Common Chimera (FMA Supplement)
- Commoner, Variant (5e Creature)
- Concentration Everfliers (5e Subclass)
- Conch King (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Control Electricity (5e Spell)
- Craven Edge (5e Equipment)
- Creepy Doll (5e Race)
- Creoboros (5e Race)
- Crown of the Princess (5e Equipment)
- Crush Snake (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Cui (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Curse of Immortality (5e Curse)
- Curse of the Ultima (5e Curse)
- Cyborg (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Cyborg Commando (JJBA Supplement)
- Cyborg Demolitionist (JJBA Supplement)
- Cyborg Ranger (JJBA Supplement)
- Cyborg Sniper (JJBA Supplement)
- Cymbal (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- D an G (JJBA Supplement)
- D-I-S-C-O (JJBA Supplement)
- Daemon Prince (5e Class)
- Daikaiju (Kaiju No.8 Supplement)
- Dan (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Daniel J. D'Arby (JJBA Supplement)
- Danzo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Darui (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Darui, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Datara (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Deepa (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Deidara (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Delta (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Demiglaive (5e Class)
- Demigod, Modulation (5e Race)
- Demigod, Variant (5e Race)
- Demon Brothers (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Demonic Little Grey Cat (5e Creature)
- Dende (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Dende, Xeno (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Devil (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Devil Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Devo (JJBA Supplement)
- Diavolo (JJBA Supplement)
- Diego Brando (JJBA Supplement)
- Diego Brando, the World (JJBA Supplement)
- DIO (JJBA Supplement)
- Dio Brando (JJBA Supplement)
- Dio Brando, Burned (JJBA Supplement)
- Dio Brando, Young (JJBA Supplement)
- DIO, Coffin (JJBA Supplement)
- DIO, High (JJBA Supplement)
- Dire (JJBA Supplement)
- Talk:DnD Discussion
- Dodai (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Dodoria (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Doki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Donatello Versus (JJBA Supplement)
- Dordo (JJBA Supplement)
- Dosei (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Dosu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Doto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Dr. Ferdinand (JJBA Supplement)
- Dracula (JJBA Supplement)
- Dragon Ball +30 Preload
- Dragon Mask (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Rider (5e Class)
- Dragon Ryder, Variant (5e Class)
- Dragon, Variant (5e Class)
- Drill-Beaked Bird (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Drone Bee Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Drum (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Drunken Bum (5e Background)
- DuelSoulBlade Shadow Vampelf (5e Race)
- Duerdog (5e Race)
- Dullahan, Variant (5e Race)
- Dungeon Master (5e Creature)
- Dwarf Gekko (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Early Artificial Experiment (3.5e Race)
- Earth Golem (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Earth Prison Golem (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Earth Style Chunin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Earth Style Genin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Earth Style Jonin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- User:Eco
- Elder Blessings (5e Variant Rule)
- Elder Sage (5e Class)
- Eldritch Abomination Warden (5e Subclass)
- Elemental Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Eleven Men (JJBA Supplement)
- Eliksni (5e Class)
- Eliksni (5e Race)
- Elite Alchemist (FMA Supplement)
- Elite Automail Soldier (FMA Supplement)
- Elite Bomber (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Elite Chimera (FMA Supplement)
- Elite Gunner (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Elite Infiltrator (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Elite Sniper (FMA Supplement)
- Elite Sniper (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Elite Soldier (FMA Supplement)
- Elite Zombie (JJBA Supplement)
- Elocationer (5e Class)
- Emissary Of The Twilight (5e Class)
- Template:Empath
- Emporio Alnino (JJBA Supplement)
- En no Gyoja (Shinobi World Supplement)
- En Oyashiro (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Enderman (5e Race)
- Endless Soul (5e Background)
- Enlightened One, Variant
- Enma (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Enra (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Enrico Pucci (JJBA Supplement)
- Envy (FMA Supplement)
- Envy, 2003 (FMA Supplement)
- Enya (JJBA Supplement)
- Epic Levels, Ascension, Godhood, and Divine Rank (5e Variant Rule)
- Erlking of Hate (5e Subclass)
- Ermes Costello (JJBA Supplement)
- Esca (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Esidisi (JJBA Supplement)
- Esoteric Alchemist (FMA Supplement)
- Etoro (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Evil Buu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Evil Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Evolved Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Failed Chimera (FMA Supplement)
- Fairy, 2nd Variant (5e Race)
- Fallen God (5e Race)
- False Hydra (Adult, 6 heads) (3.5e Creature)
- Farmer with Shotgun (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Father (FMA Supplement)
- User:Felix Infelix/WIP/1
- Felkin (5e Race)
- Feruchemist (5e Class)
- Festering Anger (5e Feat)
- Fire Bender (5e Class)
- Fire Style Chunin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Fire Style Genin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Fire Style Jonin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- First Raikage (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Flame Breathing Slayer 1 (Demon Slayer Supplement)
- Template:Fly
- Foldable Weapon Frame (5e Equipment)
- Foo Fighters (JJBA Supplement)
- Foreclaimers (5e Race)
- Forever (JJBA Supplement)
- Formaggio (JJBA Supplement)
- Fourth Raikage (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Frieza (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Frieza Soldier (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Frieza Soldier Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Frost Demon Commoner (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Frost Demon Mutant (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Fu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Fubuki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Fugai (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Fugaku Uchiha (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Fuguki Suikazan (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Fukusaku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Fully Realized (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Funamushi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Funny Valentine (JJBA Supplement)
- Futsu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Future Gohan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Future Trunks (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Fuyo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gaara (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gaara, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gaara, Sasuke Recovery Mission (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gaara, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gaara, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gama (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamabunta (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamaden (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamagoro (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamahiro (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamaken (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamakichi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamakichi, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamakosuke (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamamaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamamichi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamariki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamatama (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamatatsu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gando (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Garaga (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gargantuan Beast (5e Creature)
- Gari (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Garo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gedo Mazo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Geist (5e Race)
- Gekko (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gelato (JJBA Supplement)
- Gengetsu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gengo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Genie (5e Race)
- Genie in a Bottle (5e Race)
- Genryu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gerotora (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ghiaccio (JJBA Supplement)
- Ghost Soldier (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ghost, Variant (5e Race)
- Giant Clam (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Giant Size (5e Spell)
- Giga Demon God Overlord (4e Race)
- Gillian Hollow (Bleach Supplement)
- Template:Gills
- Giorno Giovanna (JJBA Supplement)
- Gitai (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Glich (5e Race)
- Gluttony (FMA Supplement)
- Gluttony, 2003 (FMA Supplement)
- Glyph Witch (5e Class)
- God (5e Race)
- God Tree Seed (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gohan, Android Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Buu Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Cell Games (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, GT (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Namek Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Raditz Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Super (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Tournament of Power (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gokai (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Goku Black (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, 21st Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, 22nd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, 23rd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Android Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Baba Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Blue (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Blue Kaioken (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Buu Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Cell Games (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, End of GT (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, God (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, GT (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, King Piccolo Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Namek Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Pilaf Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Super Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Ultra Instinct (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gold and Silver Brothers (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Good Buu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goro Majima (5e Creature)
- Goro Majima, Young (5e Creature)
- Gosunkugi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Goten (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goten, RoSat (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gotenks (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gotenks, RoSat (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gotthänder (5e Subclass)
- Gozu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gozu, Timeskip (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Grandpa Gohan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gray Fly (JJBA Supplement)
- Great Flail (5e Equipment)
- Greater Than Or Equal To CR 31 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Greed (FMA Supplement)
- Greed, 2003 (FMA Supplement)
- Green Baby (JJBA Supplement)
- User talk:Green Dragon/Archive 29
- Guarded Fighter (5e Class)
- Guccio (JJBA Supplement)
- Guido Mista (JJBA Supplement)
- Gunslinger, 5th Variant (5e Class)
- Gunslinger, 6th Variant (5e Class)
- Guren (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Guru (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gurumes Soldier, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gurumes, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gwess (JJBA Supplement)
- Gyro Zeppeli (JJBA Supplement)
- Gyuki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hagoromo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hagoromo, Jinchuriki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hagoromo, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Haido (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Haku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hakuhyo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Half-Satori (5e Race)
- Half-Satori Half-Phantom (5e Race)
- Hamon Coach (JJBA Supplement)
- Hamon Initiate (JJBA Supplement)
- Hamura (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hamura, Tenseigan (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hamura, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Han (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hana (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Template:Handy
- Hanzaki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hanzo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hashirama (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hassaku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hato (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Haven Trooper (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Haze Quadruplets (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Heavenly Restriction, Sauce Variant (5e Class)
- Hebiichigo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Heiji (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Heinkel Wolfe (Anime Setting)
- Hidan (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hidari (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hidden Fist (5e Class)
- High-Class Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Higuma (Grand Line Supplement)
- Hinata (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hinata, The Last (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hinata, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hinata, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hinoko (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hiruko (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hiruko, Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hiruzen (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hiruzen, Prime (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hisame (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hisen (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hitaiyo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hoichi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hokage Guard Platoon (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hoki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hoki, Takumi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hokushin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hokuto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hol Horse (JJBA Supplement)
- Honored One (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Hooleer Hollow (Bleach Supplement)
- Horse, Vampiric (JJBA Supplement)
- Hot Pants (JJBA Supplement)
- Hotarubi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- House Dragon (5e Race)
- Hozuki Hound (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Huge Beast (5e Creature)
- Human Fruit, Model: Nika (5e Equipment)
- Humanatus (3.5e Racial Family)
- Humlebi (5e Race)
- Hylian (5e Race)
- Hyrule: Occult Mutations (Hyrule Supplement)
- Hyrule: Researcher (5e Class)
- Hyrule: Sage (5e Class)
- Hyrule: Scion (5e Class)
- Ibiki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ibuse (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ibushi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ice Launcher (5e Equipment)
- Ichi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ichikishimahime (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ichirota (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Idate (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Idate, Team 14 (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Identify (4e Ritual)
- Iggy (JJBA Supplement)
- Ikada (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ikuro Hashizawa (JJBA Supplement)
- Illuso (JJBA Supplement)
- Immortal (5e Background)
- Imperfect Cell (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Impostor Captain Tennille (JJBA Supplement)
- Help:Improving, Reviewing, and Removing Templates
- Inabi Uchiha (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Template:Incongruous
- Indra (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Industrial Alchemist (FMA Supplement)
- Infiltrator Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Infinity Stones (5e Equipment)
- Innate Talent (5e Feat)
- Ino (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ino, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Inscribed (5e Background)
- Integra Hellsing (JJBA Supplement)
- Interfusion Mage (5e Class)
- Template:Invisible
- Iop (5e Race)
- Isari (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Isaribi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ishidate (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ishikawa (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ishvalan Exile (FMA Supplement)
- Isobu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Isshiki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Itachi Uchiha (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Iwasaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Izumi Uchiha (Shinobi World Supplement)
- J. Geil (JJBA Supplement)
- Jagdarmee Quincy (Bleach Supplement)
- Jan Valentine (Anime Setting)
- Jashin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Jean Pierre Polnareff (JJBA Supplement)
- Jecheondaeseong (5e Class)
- Jeice (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Jibachi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Jibiki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Jiga (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Jigen (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Jinchuriki (5e Race)
- Jinchuriki, Variant (5e Race)
- Jinin Akebino (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Jinpachi Munashi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Jiraiya (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Jirobo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- JJBA Creature Preload
- Joel Joestar (JJBA Supplement)
- Johngalli A. (JJBA Supplement)
- Johnny Joestar (JJBA Supplement)
- Jolyne Cujoh (JJBA Supplement)
- Jonathan Joestar (JJBA Supplement)
- Jonathan Joestar, Final (JJBA Supplement)
- Jonathan Joestar, Young (JJBA Supplement)
- Josefumi Kujo (JJBA Supplement)
- Joseph Joestar (JJBA Supplement)
- Joseph Joestar, Final (JJBA Supplement)
- Joseph Joestar, Part 3 (JJBA Supplement)
- Joseph Joestar, Part 4 (JJBA Supplement)
- Joseph Joestar, Training (JJBA Supplement)
- Josuke Higashikata (JJBA Supplement)
- Josuke Higashikata, Part 8 (JJBA Supplement)
- Jotaro Kujo (JJBA Supplement)
- Jotaro Kujo, Part 4 (JJBA Supplement)
- Jotaro Kujo, Part 6 (JJBA Supplement)
- Jugo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Jugo, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Jujumaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Juzo Biwa (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kabuto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kabuto, Orochi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kaen (5e Race Variant)
- Kagari (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kagero (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kagura (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kaguya (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kahyo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kaiosei (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kaiwareman (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kajika (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kakashi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kakashi, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kakashi, Six Paths (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kakashi, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kakashi, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kako (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kakuzu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kamariki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kamatari (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kami (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kamikaze Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kamira (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kandachi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kankitsu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kankuro (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kankuro, Sasuke Recovery Mission (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kankuro, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Karasu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Karenbana (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Karin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kars (JJBA Supplement)
- Kars, Ultimate (JJBA Supplement)
- Karyu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kasei (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Katas (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Katsuyu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Katsuyu, Huge (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Katsuyu, Large (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Katsuyu, Medium (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Katsuyu, Tiny (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Katsuyu, True Form (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kawaki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kawaki, Code Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kazami (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kazuma (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Keicho Nijimura (JJBA Supplement)
- Ken Oyanagi (JJBA Supplement)
- Kenny G. (JJBA Supplement)
- Kenzou (JJBA Supplement)
- Kiba (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kiba, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kiba, Sasuke Recovery Mission (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kiba, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kiba, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kid Buu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kid Piccolo (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kidnapper (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Kido (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kidomaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kigiri (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kiho (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kikasaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kikunojo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Killer B (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kimimaro (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kimimaro, Healthy (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kina (Shinobi World Supplement)
- King Bradley (FMA Supplement)
- King Candidate (FMA Supplement)
- King Piccolo (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- King Piccolo, Young (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kinsei (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kinshiki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kirara (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kirisame (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kiryu Kazuma (5e Creature)
- Kiryu Kazuma, Young (5e Creature)
- Kisame Hoshigaki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Knight of Guinea (3.5e Prestige Class)
- Knight of the Round Table (5e Creature)
- Kobasoza (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kobuna (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kohan (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Koichi Hirose (JJBA Supplement)
- Koji Kashin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kokuo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kokuyo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Konan (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Konan, Yahiko's Akatsuki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Konan, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Konenmaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kongo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Konohamaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Konohamaru, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kotohime (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Krillin, 21st Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Krillin, 22nd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Krillin, 23rd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Krillin, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kronan (5e Race)
- Ku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kujaku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kurama (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kurenai Yūhi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kuroari (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kurobachi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kurobane (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kuroma (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kurotsuchi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kurotsuchi, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kushimaru Kuriarare (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kushina (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kusuna (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kyodaigumo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kyoho (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kyukonman (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kyusuke (Shinobi World Supplement)
- L.A. Boomboom (JJBA Supplement)
- Lament of Pure Ice (5e Class)
- Lang Rangler (JJBA Supplement)
- Large Beast (5e Creature)
- Legendary Super Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Legionis (5e Class)
- Leone Abbacchio (JJBA Supplement)
- Lieutenant Shinigami (Bleach Supplement)
- Lightning Fish (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Lightning Style Chunin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Lightning Style Genin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Lightning Style Jonin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Lightsabers (5e Equipment)
- Lisa Lisa (JJBA Supplement)
- Little Pony (5e Race)
- Litwick (5e Race)
- Living Curse (5e Class)
- Lizard Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Lobra (5e Race)
- Log (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Lord Jashin (5e Creature)
- Lord Slug (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Lord Slug, Young (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Low-Class Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Low-Class Saiyan Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Luke Valentine (Anime Setting)
- Lumate (5e Race)
- Lupine (5e Race)
- Lust (FMA Supplement)
- MacGuffin Stone (5e Equipment)
- Madara, Six Paths (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Magenta Magenta (JJBA Supplement)
- Magire (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Majin Buu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Makinami (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Manda (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Manda II (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mangetsu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mannequin (FMA Supplement)
- Mannish Boy (JJBA Supplement)
- Mansaku Nijimura (JJBA Supplement)
- Mariah (JJBA Supplement)
- Marine Brawler 1 (Grand Line Supplement)
- Marine Fighter, East Blue (Grand Line Supplement)
- Marine Gunner, East Blue (Grand Line Supplement)
- Marine Swordsman, East Blue (Grand Line Supplement)
- Mario Zucchero (JJBA Supplement)
- Marionetista (5e Class)
- Mark of Mastery Mystic (5e Class)
- Martial Arts Expert (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Martial Arts Master (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Martial Arts Prodigy (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Martial Arts Student (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Martin (JJBA Supplement)
- Martyr (5e Class)
- Masazo Kinoto (JJBA Supplement)
- Mask of the Doom Flumph (5e Equipment)
- Master Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Matatabi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mecha Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mecha-Naruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mechromancer 2K (5e Class)
- Medium Beast (5e Creature)
- Medrosakal (5e Race)
- Mei (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Melone (JJBA Supplement)
- Menma (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Menma Uzumaki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Meno (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Metoro (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mid-Class Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Midare (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Midler (JJBA Supplement)
- Mifune (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Might Duy (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Might Guy (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mighty Majin (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Mike O. (JJBA Supplement)
- Mikitaka Hazekura (JJBA Supplement)
- Military Officer (FMA Supplement)
- Military Officer (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Minato (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mirai (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Miraschan (JJBA Supplement)
- Misaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mistborn (5e Class)
- Mistborn, Variant (5e Class)
- Misumi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mitsuki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Miuccia Miuller (JJBA Supplement)
- Mizore (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mizuki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mizuki, Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mizura (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mobian Blitzer (5e Class)
- Mobian Brilliance (5e Class)
- Mobian Voyager (5e Class)
- Mogma (5e Race)
- Moguranmaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mokusei (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Momoshiki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Momoshiki, Transformed (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Monaito (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Monju (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Monkey D. Luffy, kid (Grand Line Supplement)
- Monkey Rock (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Monster Compendium (3.5e Sourcebook)/Races
- Monster Trainer (5e Class)
- Moonlight Conclave (5e Subclass)
- Moryo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mother and Father (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mountain Tim (JJBA Supplement)
- User:Mr. Knight/Doomsday
- Mr. Satan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Mr. Shakedown (5e Creature)
- Mu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mubi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Muhammad Abdul (JJBA Supplement)
- Mui (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mujo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mukade (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Multi-Headed Dog (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Murasame (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Muse Mirror (5e Equipment)
- Muta (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mutant (5e Race)
- Muyami (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Myriadic Edge (5e Equipment)
- Myriadic Edge, Variant (5e Equipment)
- Mystic Warden (3.5e Class)
- N'Doul (JJBA Supplement)
- Nadare (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nagare (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nagato (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nagato, Yahiko's Akatsuki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nagato, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nail (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Named Hollow (Bleach Supplement)
- Namekian 11 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Namekian 9 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Nameless Hollow (Bleach Supplement)
- Nameless Namekian (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Nan (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nappa (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Narancia Ghirga (JJBA Supplement)
- Narciso Anasui (JJBA Supplement)
- Narrator (5e Background)
- Naruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Naruto, Akatsuki Suppression Mission (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Naruto, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Naruto, Pain Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Naruto, Sasuke Recovery Mission (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Naruto, Six Paths (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Naruto, The Last (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Naruto, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Naruto, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Neji (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Neji, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Neji, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nekomata (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nena (JJBA Supplement)
- Nephilim, Variant (5e Class)
- Next-Generation Special Forces (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Ni (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ni's Dog (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ni's Lion-Turtle (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nine-Tailed Clone (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nine-Tailed Clone, Ama no Hoko (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ninja Cat (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ninja Dog (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Noriaki Kakyoin (JJBA Supplement)
- Nowaki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nue (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nuiba (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nurari (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Nymph, 3rd Variant (5e Race)
- Nökken (5e Race)
- Obito (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Obito, Six Paths (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Obito, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Obito, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Obito, Zetsu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Oboro (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Oingo (JJBA Supplement)
- Okisuke (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Okuyasu Nijimura (JJBA Supplement)
- Omoi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ongde (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Onoki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Oolong, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Original Character (5e Race)
- Orochimaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Otsutsuki Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Outer Heaven Scorpion (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Template:Overpowered Campaign
- Oyecomova (JJBA Supplement)
- Pain, Animal Path (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Pain, Asura Path (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Pain, Deva Path (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Pain, Human Path (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Pain, Naraka Path (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Pain, Preta Path (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Pakura (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Pannacotta Fugo (JJBA Supplement)
- Pasta, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Template:PECR
- Perfect Cell (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Pesci (JJBA Supplement)
- Pet Shop (JJBA Supplement)
- Pheasant Hunter (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Philosopher of the East (5e Class)
- Philosopher of the West (5e Class)
- Phoelarch (5e Race)
- Piano (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, 23rd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Android Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Buu Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Kami Absorbed (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Nail Absorbed (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Namek Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Pillar Men (5e Race)
- Pillar of Adolla (Better Fire Force Supplement)
- Pirate Robot (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Pirate Robot Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Plan B (5e Background)
- Planeswalker (5e Class)
- Planeswalker Spark (5e Feat)
- Pocoloco (JJBA Supplement)
- Police Officer (FMA Supplement)
- Police Officer (JJBA Supplement)
- Polpo (JJBA Supplement)
- Popo (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Pork Pie Hat Kid (JJBA Supplement)
- Powder firearms (based off DM guide) (3.5e Equipment)
- Power Rangers (5e Class)
- Help:Precedent
- Pride (FMA Supplement)
- Primal Zerg (5e Race)
- Primordial Arcane (5e Class)
- Prodigy (5e Background)
- Prophet (5e Subclass)
- Prosciutto (JJBA Supplement)
- Proxy (3.5e Race)
- Puar, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Pun-Pun (3.5e Optimized Character Build)
- Pyrokinetic (Better Fire Force Supplement)
- Quantumancer (5e Subclass)
- Queen Bee Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Quick Chimera (FMA Supplement)
- User:Quincy/Anansi-Salticidae Arachnomorpha-Greater (5e Race)
- Quirk User (5e Class)
- Raditz (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Rahyo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Rai Mamezuku (JJBA Supplement)
- Raiga Kurosuki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Rainenmaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Randomon (5e Creature)
- Ranke (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ranmaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Rasa (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Rashōmon (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Recoome (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Red Mage, Variant (5e Class)
- Reibi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Reishi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Remon (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Remote Tracking Device (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Renga (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Reto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Rikiel (JJBA Supplement)
- Rin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ring of the Hunt (5e Equipment)
- Ringo Roadagain (JJBA Supplement)
- Rinji (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Rip Van Winkle (Anime Setting)
- Risotto Nero (JJBA Supplement)
- Rivers Twins (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ro (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Rock Lee (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Rock Lee, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Rock Lee, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Rocks Anne (JJBA Supplement)
- Roen (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Rohan Kishibe (JJBA Supplement)
- Rokku Jishokua (JJBA Supplement)
- Roshi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Roshi, 22nd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Rubber Soul (JJBA Supplement)
- Ruiga (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ryogi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ryugan (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ryuka (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ryuki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ryumaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Saburo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sadai (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sadistic Assassin (5e Background)
- Sai (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sai, ROOT (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sai, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sai, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Saibaking (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Saibaman (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Saibaman Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Saiken (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sakon/Ukon (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sakumo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sakura (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sakura, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sakura, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sakura, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sale (JJBA Supplement)
- Samidare (Shinobi World Supplement)
- San (Shinobi World Supplement)
- San's Bird (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sand Puppet Master (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sanshouo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Santana (JJBA Supplement)
- Sap Spider (JJBA Supplement)
- Sarutahiko (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sasori (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sasuke (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sasuke, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sasuke, Cursed (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sasuke, Sasuke Recovery Mission (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sasuke, Six Paths (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sasuke, The Last (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sasuke, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sasuke, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Satori (5e Race)
- Satori (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Savage Amazons (5e Race)
- Sazanami (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sazanka (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Schrödinger (JJBA Supplement)
- Scolippi (JJBA Supplement)
- Scourge Warlock (5e Class)
- Seated Shinigami (Bleach Supplement)
- Secco (JJBA Supplement)
- Second Raikage (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Seimei (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Seiren (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sekiei (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Semi-Perfect Cell (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Seneca's Connected DnD Cannon (5e Index)
- Seras Victoria (JJBA Supplement)
- Setsuna (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shade, Variant (5e Race)
- Shamon (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shayde the Devastator (5e Creature)
- Shibi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shibuki, Waterfall (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shigekiyo Yangu (JJBA Supplement)
- Shigure (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shiin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shikaku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shikamaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shikamaru, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shikamaru, Sasuke Recovery Mission (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shikamaru, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shikamaru, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shima (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shin Uchiha (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shinki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shinno (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shino (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shino, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shino, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shino, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shinobi World Creature Preload
- Shinsu Senju (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shira (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shiranami (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shiso (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shisui Uchiha (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shizuka (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shizuka Joestar (JJBA Supplement)
- Shizuku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shizuma (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shizune (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shoggoth Bloodline (5e Subclass)
- Shojoji (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shomenkongo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shukaku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shura (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Siege Creature (5e Feat)
- Singer (5e Background)
- Skeleton Fairy (5e Background)
- Skull Robo (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Skull Robo Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Skulls Unit (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Slave (5e Background)
- Sloth (FMA Supplement)
- Sloth, 2003 (FMA Supplement)
- Small Beast (5e Creature)
- Snake-Tailed Chameleon (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Soldat Quincy (Bleach Supplement)
- Soldier (FMA Supplement)
- Soldier (JJBA Supplement)
- Soldier (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Soldier, Variant (5e Creature)
- Son Goku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Songsaber (5e Subclass)
- Sora (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sorbet (JJBA Supplement)
- Soul Phantom (5e Race)
- Soul Reaver (5e Race)
- Soundman (JJBA Supplement)
- Sovereign of the Supreme Wind (5e Class)
- Spawn (5e Class)
- Speedwagon (JJBA Supplement)
- Spellrave (5e Class)
- Spellweaver (5e Class)
- Spider Keeper (4e Paragon Path)
- Spin User (JJBA Supplement)
- Sports Maxx (JJBA Supplement)
- Squalo (JJBA Supplement)
- Staff of the Arch Magus (5e Equipment)
- Stand User (JJBA Supplement)
- Stand User Variant (5e Class)
- State Alchemist (FMA Supplement)
- Steely Dan (JJBA Supplement)
- Sternritter Quincy (Bleach Supplement)
- Stinger (5e Equipment)
- Straits (JJBA Supplement)
- Straits, Vampiric (JJBA Supplement)
- Stroheim (JJBA Supplement)
- Subrosian (5e Race)
- Suien (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Suigetsu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Suika (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Suiko (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Suiren (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Suisei (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Suiu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sumaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sumire (JJBA Supplement)
- Summoning Centipede (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Summoning Crab (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Summoning Ox (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Summoning Panda (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Summoning Rhino (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Super Buu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Super Human (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Super Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Superhero (5e Class)
- Suzumebachi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Swamp Ogre (5e Race)
- Swarm of Shinobi Insects (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sōma (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tactical Doll (5e Race)
- Tagitsuhime (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tagorihime (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Taijutsu Chunin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Taijutsu Genin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Taijutsu Jonin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Taisa (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Takanami (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tama (JJBA Supplement)
- Tamami Kobayashi (JJBA Supplement)
- Tambourine (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Tarkus (JJBA Supplement)
- Tatewaki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tayuya (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Telence T. D'Arby (JJBA Supplement)
- Template:Telepath
- Temari (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Temari, Sasuke Recovery Mission (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Temari, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Temujin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tenma (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tenma Kodon (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tennosei (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tenten (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tenten, Boruto (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tenten, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Terunosuke Miyamoto (JJBA Supplement)
- User:TeslaFistforge/Vee (5e Race)
- The Captain (Anime Setting)
- The Herald of the Empire (5e Class)
- The Hollow (5e Subclass)
- The Hollow, Variant (5e Subclass)
- The Inscribed, Epithet Variant (5e Class)
- The Leader of the Swarm (3.5e Class)
- The Major (Anime Setting)
- The Potion of Yum Yum Time (5e Equipment)
- Thief (FMA Supplement)
- Thief (JJBA Supplement)
- Thief, Variant (5e Creature)
- Third Kazekage (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Third Kazekage, Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Third Mizukage (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Third Raikage (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Three-Headed Guardian Beast (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Thunder McQueen (JJBA Supplement)
- Thunder Shock Last Resort (5e Spell)
- Tien, 22nd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Tien, 23rd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Tien, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Time Lord (5e Race)
- Tiny Beast (5e Creature)
- Tiziano (JJBA Supplement)
- Tobi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tobirama (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Toki, Shinobazu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tompetty (JJBA Supplement)
- Toneri (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Toneri, Tenseigan (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tonio Trussardi (JJBA Supplement)
- Toroi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Torune (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tosaka (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Toshikazu Hazamada (JJBA Supplement)
- Toyohiro Kanedaichi (JJBA Supplement)
- Trainee (5e Class)
- Trish Una (JJBA Supplement)
- Trouble at the Watering Hole (5e Quest)
- True Vampire (Overlord) (5e Race)
- Truly Attuned (5e Feat)
- Trunks (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Trunks, Cell Games (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Trunks, RoSat (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Truth Alchemist (FMA Supplement)
- Tsubaki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tsubaki, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tsuchinoko (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Tsukiyo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tsume (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tsunade (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tsuno (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Tsurushi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Tubalcain Alhambra (Anime Setting)
- Template:Tunnel
- Twilight Maiden (5e Race)
- Tymorian (5e Race)
- Ukulele (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Umibozu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ungalo (JJBA Supplement)
- Unseated Shinigami (Bleach Supplement)
- Urakaku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Urashiki (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Urashiki, Transformed (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Utakata (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Valkyrie (5e Race)
- Vampire (5e Race)
- Vampire (JJBA Supplement)
- Vampire Puppet (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Vampire, 3rd Variant (5e Race)
- Van Hohenheim (FMA Supplement)
- Vanilla Ice (JJBA Supplement)
- Vanilla Ice, Vampiric (JJBA Supplement)
- Variable Length Sword (5e Equipment)
- Vasto Lorde Hollow (Bleach Supplement)
- Vegeta, Android Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Blue (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Blue Evolved (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Buu Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Cell Games (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, God (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, GT (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Namek Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegito, Buu Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Venomous Hamster (Metal Gear Supplement)
- Victor (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Videl (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Viltrumite (5e Race)
- Vinegar Doppio (JJBA Supplement)
- Virus (5e Class)
- Vivianno Westwood (JJBA Supplement)
- User:Vladulenta/otherthing
- Voidwalker (5e Race)
- WAAAGH Conduit (5e Class)
- Walken (JJBA Supplement)
- Walter C. Dornez (JJBA Supplement)
- Walter, Vampire (JJBA Supplement)
- Wamuu (JJBA Supplement)
- War's Champion (5e Class)
- Waraji (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Warrior Clan Namekian (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Water Style Chunin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Water Style Genin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Water Style Jonin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Way of the Dissipating Palm (5e Subclass)
- Way of the Gaoh (5e Subclass)
- Way of the Kaiwan (5e Subclass)
- Way of the Spell-Thief (5e Subclass)
- Way of the Tempest (5e Subclass)
- Weather Report (JJBA Supplement)
- Wekapipo (JJBA Supplement)
- Wendigo, Variant (5e Race)
- White Snake Sage (Shinobi World Supplement)
- White Zetsu (Shinobi World Supplement)
- White Zetsu, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- William Zeppeli (JJBA Supplement)
- Wind Style Chunin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Wind Style Genin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Wind Style Jonin (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Wonder Majin (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Wood Human (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Wrath, 2003 (FMA Supplement)
- Xingese Alkahestris (FMA Supplement)
- Xingese Assassin (FMA Supplement)
- Xingese Bodyguard (FMA Supplement)
- Xingese Prince (FMA Supplement)
- Xingese Smuggler (FMA Supplement)
- Yagura (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Yahiko (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Yahiko, Young (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Yajirobe (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yama (5e Race)
- Yamato (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Yamcha, 21st Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yamcha, 23rd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yamcha, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yamcha, Pilaf Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yamcha, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yashiro Uchiha (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Yasuho Hirose (JJBA Supplement)
- Yathchol Webrider (4e Paragon Path)
- Yomi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- YoRHa Troop (5e Class)
- Yoroi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Yoshihiro Kira (JJBA Supplement)
- Yoshikage Kira (JJBA Supplement)
- Yoshikage Kira, Part 8 (JJBA Supplement)
- Yoshiteru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Yotaka (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Yugito (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Yukako Yamagishi (JJBA Supplement)
- Yukimaru (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Yumiko Takagi (Anime Setting)
- Yurinojo (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Yuya Fungami (JJBA Supplement)
- Z Fighter (5e Class)
- Z Gogeta (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Za Hando (5e Class)
- Zabuza Momochi (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Zaku (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Zarbon (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- User:ZarHakkar/Aniripsa (5e Race)
- User:ZarHakkar/Cra (5e Race)
- User:ZarHakkar/Ecaflip (5e Race)
- User:ZarHakkar/Ouginak (5e Race)
- User:ZarHakkar/Sram (5e Race)
- User:ZarHakkar/The Infinity Stones (5e Equipment)
- User:ZarHakkar/Xelor (5e Race)
- Zombie (JJBA Supplement)
- Zori (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Zorin Blitz (Anime Setting)
- ZZ (JJBA Supplement)