Pyrokinetic (Better Fire Force Supplement)

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Work In Progress
This content deviates from 5th edition standards. Its use could dramatically alter campaigns, take extreme care. DesignDisclaimer.png
Caution - Here there be monsters!
This content intends to provide a different experience, or goes beyond the scope of the anticipated subjects and situations, than the 5th edition rules were intended to handle. Some portions of the content below may not be what you expect from traditional game content. When implementing this content, DMs and Players should read over all the information carefully, and consider the following specific notes of interest:
Some of the subclasses are very powerful as it is based off a series with very powerful characters. Ask your DM if you can use the subclass you want to use if you believe it may be overpowered. Also this class does have spoilers for the anime/manga Fire Force as this class has the abilities of characters introduced in the manga that haven't been in the anime.
This content deviates from 5th edition standards. Its use could dramatically alter campaigns, take extreme care. DesignDisclaimer.png
Caution - Here there be monsters!
This content intends to provide a different experience, or goes beyond the scope of the anticipated subjects and situations, than the 5th edition rules were intended to handle. Some portions of the content below may not be what you expect from traditional game content. When implementing this content, DMs and Players should read over all the information carefully, and consider the following specific notes of interest:
The main class features are finished (unless I change one or two things) and the subclasses that are currently on the page are finished. I'm still working on getting every other pyrokinetic from Fire Force in this which will take awhile.


A Pyrokinetic is someone who can utilize fire for combat and can sometimes use fire to create other things like electricity, plasma, and magnetic fields. There are 3 generations of Pyrokinetics. The first generation become flaming beings with little sentience who’s only objective is to kill, which happens via Spontaneous Human Combustion, or SHC. The second generation can manipulate fire in many ways but aren’t capable of creating it, so they have to create it themselves in some way or use their enemy’s fire. The third generation can create fire but can’t manipulate it besides certain ways that depend on what type of ignition power they have.

Creating a Pyrokinetic[edit]

The 8 Pillars of Adolla source, [1]

When making a pyrokinetic you should ask yourself a few questions about your character. First, do they fight for good to protect the people from threats or are they the threats? Do they use their pyrokinesis to kill or protect? Or maybe you have some other type of goal that you want to accomplish.

Quick Build

You can make a Pyrokinetic quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength. Second, choose the Fire Soldier or White-Clad background. Third, you choose either the Fire Soldier background or the White-Clad background.

Class Features

As a Pyrokinetic you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Pyrokinetic level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Pyrokinetic level after 1st


Armor: All Armor
Weapons: All Weapons
Tools: Choose one tool
Saving Throws: Strength and Constitution
Skills: Pick 3 from Athletics, Acrobatics, Medicine, Religion, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Intimidation, Deception, and Insight


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The Pyrokinetic

Level Proficiency
Features Flame Points Martial Arts Die
1st +2 Ignition Ability, Martial Arts 3+ConMod 1d6
2nd +2 Generation Ability 6+ConMod 1d6
3rd +2 Ignition Ability feature 9+ConMod 1d8
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Hand Signs 12+ConMod 1d8
5th +3 Extra Attack 15+ConMod 1d10
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement 18+ConMod 1d10
7th +3 Ignition Ability feature 21+ConMod 1d10
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Hysterical Strength 24+ConMod 1d10
9th +4 Adolla's Grace 27+ConMod 1d12
10th +4 Breath of Life 30+ConMod 1d12
11th +4 Ignition Ability feature, Extra Attack (2) 33+ConMod 1d12
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 36+ConMod 2d6
13th +5 Improved Hand Signs 39+ConMod 2d6
14th +5 Ability Score Improvement 42+ConMod 2d6
15th +5 Ignition Ability feature, Press of Death 45+ConMod 2d8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 48+ConMod 2d8
17th +6 Extra Attack (3), Third Eye 51+ConMod 2d8
18th +6 Adolla Burst 54+ConMod 2d10
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 57+ConMod 2d10
20th +6 Ignition Ability feature, Mastered Hand Signs 60+ConMod 2d10

Ignition Ability[edit]

At 1st level, you get an Ignition Ability, which allows you to wield fire in different ways. First, pick between 2nd Generation and 3rd Generation. Then choose an Ignition Ability from the ones listed in the Generation. You gain the features from this Ignition Ability that you would unlock at 1st level. You gain more features from this at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 20th levels.

Flame Points

The abilities granted to you by your Ignition Ability are fueled by the oxygen flowing through your body which is represented by Flame Points. You have an amount of Flame Points to spend equal to 3 times your level plus your Constitution modifier. You regain all of your flame points during a long rest and half of your maximum during a short rest.

Ignition save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier

Ignition attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier


You have a limited amount of oxygen in your body meaning you aren’t able to use your Ignition Ability infinitely. Using an Ignition Ability too much depletes your oxygen supply and if you use it too much your body starts turning to ash in a process called Tephrosis. You can use Flame Points beyond your maximum but for every 5 Flame Points you use you lose 5 maximum hit points that cannot be regained by any means except from spells of 8th level or higher and you take 1 damage for every Flame Point used above your maximum.

Martial Arts[edit]

You’ve trained to fight with anything you can to support your flames, to include your fists.

  • You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your Unarmed Strikes.
  • You can use a d4 in place of the normal damage of your Unarmed Strikes, which increase as you gain Pyrokinetic levels as shown in the Martial Arts Die column of the Pyrokinetic table.
  • When you take the Attack action with an Unarmed Strike on your turn, you can make one Unarmed Strike as a bonus action.

Generation Ability[edit]

Both generations have a certain trait which all Pyrokinetics within those generations have. At 2nd level, depending on what Generation you picked at 1st level, you get a new ability. If you picked 3rd Generation you get resistance to all Fire damage from any source. If you picked 2nd Generation you have advantage on all saving throws against Fire damage and attackers have disadvantage on attacks that deal Fire damage as long as you can see the attacks and effects.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Hand Signs[edit]

At 4th level, you’ve learned how to shape your hands in ways that affect the flow of ki in your body, strengthening your flames, even if you are 2nd Generation. For 5 Flame Points, as a bonus action, as long as you have at least one open hand, you can make one of the following hand signs to improve the next pyrokinetic ability you use. You can only have one hand sign in effect at a time.


You enhance your firepower, making them deal more damage. You increase the ability’s damage die amount by 2.


You enhance your fire output, making them larger. You double the area of effect/range of the ability.

Extra Attack[edit]

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 17th level in this class.

Hysterical Strength[edit]

At 8th level, you’ve learned to utilize the hysterical strength of the fight or flight response in combat. When you reach a third of your maximum hit points, you enter a state called the Press of Death. While in this state, your martial arts damage die increases by 1 tier, your unnamed strikes and unarmed strike equivalent attacks (pyrokinetic abilities that replace unarmed strikes and natural weapons) have +2 to attack and damage rolls, and you gain a +2 bonus to your AC. This state ends once you are no longer in combat or you have health above a third of your hit points.

Adolla's Grace[edit]

At 9th level, you can attain the grace of Adolla, granting your flames an extra boost via a connection to the Adolla dimension, a dimension of flame, but only for a second. When using a pyrokinetic ability, you can connect to Adolla for an extra 15 Flame Points, increasing the damage die amount by 3, the area of effect/range doubles, you have advantage on attack rolls, targets have disadvantage on saving throws, and the critical hit range increases to 18-20. These can be stacked with hand signs.

Breath of Life[edit]

At 10th level, you learn to hear the Breath of Life in attacks. As a bonus action, for 6 Flame Points, you can enter a special state where you focus on the breath of your attackers for 1 minute. While focusing you have disadvantage on attack rolls but all attacks against you are made with disadvantage and you have a bonus to your AC equal to half your Proficiency Bonus as long as you can hear the attacker. This state ends if you become deafened by any means. You can spend 3 Flame Points at the end of the duration to keep up this form for another minute.

Improved Hand Signs[edit]

At 13th level, your usage of hand signs has improved greatly. You can now use any hand sign as a free action to enhance the next pyrokinetic ability you use but they now cost 8 Flame Points to use. You can down cast your hand signs to cast the basic signs to spend less. The previous hand signs improve, and you gain an additional sign as well, as listed below.

Improved Tiger

You are able to further enhance your firepower, greatly increasing the damage done by your flames. You now increase the ability’s damage die amount by 4.

Improved Boar

You are able to further enhance your fire output, greatly increasing the size of your flames. You now triple the ability’s area of effect/range.


You can enhance the heat of your flames, making them more difficult to withstand. Creatures have disadvantage on any saving throws caused by your ability.

Press of Death[edit]

At 15th level, you have fully mastered the hysterical strength of the fight or flight response to the point where you can use it at any time. You can enter the Press of Death state as an action. If you each a third of your maximum hit points you end the Press of Death state if you are already in it and enter the True Press of Death state making your martial arts damage die increase by 2 tiers, your unnamed strikes and unarmed strike equivalent attacks (pyrokinetic abilities that replace unarmed strikes and natural weapons) have +4 to attack and damage rolls, you gain a +3 bonus to your AC, and you have advantage on saving throws. This state ends once you are no longer in combat or you have health above a third of your hit points.

Third Eye[edit]

At 17th level, you can open your 6th chakra gate in your forehead, opening your third eye, as a bonus action for 3 Flame Points. This lasts for 1 minute and you can spend 1 Flame Point every minute after that first minute to keep it active. While your third eye is open you can look into other dimensions and planes of existence.

Adolla Burst[edit]

At 18th level, you can not only obtain temporary grace from Adolla for a second but can effectively extract flames from Adolla and use them for longer. For 20 Flame Points as an action, you can utilize the flames of Adolla increasing the damage die tier by 4, the area of effect/range triples, you have advantage on attack rolls, targets have disadvantage on saving throws, and the critical hit range increases to 17-20. These can be stacked with hand signs but not with the Adolla’s Grace feature.

Mastered Hand Signs[edit]

At 20th level, you have completely mastered the use of hand signs putting you among some of the strongest Pyrokinetics ever. You are now able to use hand signs with no action required, but they now cost 10 Flame Points and can still be down casted like usual. You can also now use two different hand signs at a time but cannot use two of the same. Your hand signs improve even further, and you learn a new one.

Mastered Tiger

You enhance your flame’s firepower to the absolute limit, significantly increasing your damage. You increase your ability’s damage die amount by 5.

Mastered Boar

You enhance your flame’s fire output to the max, significantly increasing the size of your flames. You quadruple the area of effect/range of your ability.

Improved Ox

You further enhance the heat of your flames making them much more difficult to withstand. Creatures have disadvantage on any saving throws caused by your ability, and you have advantage on attack rolls with your ability.


You enhance the unpredictability of your flames, making them much more difficult to defend against. The crit range of your ability increases by 1 (20 to 19-20 etc.)

2nd Generation Ignition Abilities[edit]


An Absorber absorbing a hit from a Devil's Footprint user, source [2]

Instead of controlling and manipulating flames you can absorb kinetic energy and turn it into fire that is temporarily stored in your body for you to release via special attacks.


At 1st level, you treat your Flame Points as Potential Flame Points, meaning you have none of your own, but you do have a maximum you can gain. Whenever you take damage, you can use a reaction while being hit with any physical attack to reduce the damage by your Constitution modifier. The damage that is reduced is turned into Flame Points. You have an amount of extra reactions equal to your Proficiency Bonus + your Constitution modifier that can only be used for this feature. All Flame Points are lost at the end of a short or long rest.


At 1st level, you can release the kinetic energy you have stored through certain abilities. There are 3 abilities. If you have used Absorption within the last 2 turns you cannot use any of these abilities. If you have used any of these abilities within the last 2 turns you cannot use Absorption. You can spend an amount of Flame Points on these abilities up to your Constitution modifier. X equals the amount of Flame Points spent on the ability.

  • Punch/Counter: You yell out “PUNCH!” and make an unarmed strike against a creature. On a hit, you deal your normal unarmed strike as well as an amount of fire damage equal to xd6. You can use this as a reaction to being hit as well. If you do so you instead yell out “COUNTER!” and deal an extra xd4 fire damage instead of d6. Punch and Counter count as unarmed strikes for the purpose of action costs and reactions against you.
  • Walk/Stomp: As an action, you yell out “WALK!” and move up to your movement speed while causing explosions under your feet with each step. Every 5ft you move you cause an explosion making every creature within 5ft of you make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take xd8 + your Constitution modifier fire damage and half as much on a success. You can also direct this on a single creature that is prone replacing an unarmed strike causing them to take the damage if you hit.
  • Clap: As an action, you yell out “CLAP!” as you clap your hands in front of you. Every creature 10ft in front of you must make a Dexterity saving throw taking xd8 + your Constitution modifier fire damage and half as much on a success.
Superior Attacks

At 3rd level, you are able to release energy better through your attacks. When you make an attack roll with a Release ability you can spend 5 extra Flame Points to gain advantage on the roll. These extra Flame Points do not count towards the damage.

Improved Absorption

At 7th level, your body is able to store more kinetic energy from each attack. You can now reduce damage from physical attacks by your Constitution modifier added twice.

Improved Release

At 11th level, you are able to release far more kinetic energy with each attack. You can now spend your Constitution modifier added thrice Flame Points on Release abilities.

Quicker Absorption

At 15th level, you can absorb energy faster than normal. You now have a number of extra reactions for Absorption equal to your Proficiency Bonus + your Constitution modifier added twice.

The Reflector

At 20th level, you have become the ultimate reflector, able to absorb any blow and throw the force right back at them with ease. You can now reduce damage by your Constitution modifier added thrice and you can spend up to 4 times your Constitution modifier Flame Points on Release abilities. Also, you gain the ability to, once you reach your Flame Point maximum, not attack any further until you have an amount of Flame Points up to double your maximum and release all of the energy absorbed as an action. When you use this action, you automatically spend all Flame Points you have on a massive explosion from your body dealing xd12 fire damage that bypasses resistances and immunities to all creatures in a 120ft radius from you. After using this you immediately die and can’t be brought back by anything except the wish spell or the Shinrabansho Man feature in the Devil’s Footprint subclass.

Thermo-Acoustic Cooling[edit]

A Thermo-Acoustic Cooling user shooting ice after turning flames into sound waves, source [3]

You are able to turn flames into sound waves and turn those sound waves into ice by filtering them through a tuba-shaped instrument.

Thermo-Acoustic Refrigeration

At 1st level, you are the only Pyrokinetic who deals with ice alongside fire. You start with a tuba-shaped instrument with a handle in the middle and a handheld bell. As a bonus action or reaction to a fire-based spell being cast or a flame-based attack being made, you can ring the bell, and you can have any amount of fire within 30ft concert into sound waves and enter your instrument. This costs 1 Flame Point per 5ft cube of fire converted. You must be holding the instrument, and you must be able to ring the bell to use it. This ability doesn’t work if, for whatever reason, sound cannot exist where you or the fire is. For every Flame Point spent you gain 1 Frost Point. Frost Points are used to fuel your other abilities instead of Flame Points. You can have a maximum of 30 Frost Points at a time and lose them all at the end of a short or long rest. The instrument can also be used as a weapon dealing 1d8 bludgeoning damage.

Frost Summoning

At 1st level, you can spend Frost Points to use the sound waves inside of your instrument and turn it into ice. You gain use the following abilities:

  • Ice Spike: As an action for 2 Frost Points, you can summon a big spike made of ice and throw it at someone. Make a ranged spell attack against a target within 45ft. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage.
  • Freeze: As an action for 4 Frost Points, you can freeze an object within 45ft, to include water. You encase the object in ice in any way you like if your DM approves. You can also use it on creatures for 6 Frost Points forcing them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is petrified in ice. You can also use this as a reaction to being targeted by a projectile for 6 Frost Points.
Ice Shield

At 3rd level, you can make a shield out of ice to protect you and your allies from attacks. As a reaction for 5 Frost Points, you can make an Ice Shield, and the attack will target that instead of you. The Ice Shield has an amount of hit points equal to your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. You can also use this ability to shield any creature or object within 30ft of you.

Upgraded Tuba

At 7th level, you can talk to a blacksmith to upgrade your tuba. For every 10gp you spend you can increase the maximum Frost Points your tuba can hold by 10. For every 15gp you spend you can increase the melee damage of the tuba by 1 tier to a maximum of 3d6. These prices are in total (If you spend 30gp your melee damage increases by 2 tiers and your maximum Frost Points increase by 30). Your DM can regulate the regularity and price of this feature as you go on. Also, when taking a short rest, you only lose half instead of all frost points.

Ice Weapon

At 11th level, for 8 Frost Points as a bonus action, you can blow your tuba to coat yours or your team members weapons in ice. This lasts for 1d4+1 turns. While this is active the weapon does an extra 1d8 cold damage. At 15th level this increases to 2d8.

The Great Spikes of Ice

At 15th level, your Ice Spike becomes more powerful than before, allowing you to make many spikes at once. As an action for 15 Frost Points, you can shoot ice spikes in a 10ft radius centered on a point within 60ft of you. Everyone in that radius must make a Dexterity saving throw taking 6d8 + your Dexterity modifier cold damage, and half as much on success.

Area Freezing

At 15th level, as an action for 10 Frost Points, you blast ice straight at the ground, freezing it. The surrounding area in a 60ft radius becomes difficult terrain. When you use this every creature of your choice may either be affected by Freeze or take 4d6 cold damage, your choice.

Frost Blast of the Tuba

At 20th level, as an action for 25 Frost Points, you blow ice out of your tuba so hard that it’s deafening to the ears. All creatures besides you in a 20-foot radius must make a Constitution saving throw. On failure, they take 8d6 cold damage and become deafened and paralyzed for 1 minute. On success they take half as much damage without the effects. You may also spend an additional amount of Frost Points up to your proficiency bonus for each additional frost point spent add an extra d6 for each additional Frost Point spent.

3rd Generation Ignition Abilities[edit]

Devil's Footprint[edit]

A Devil's Footprint user showing off his flames, source [4]

Your ignition ability allows you to expel flames from your feet, allowing you to fly and enhance your kicks with flames and propulsion.

Flame Flight

At 1st level, you can expel flames from your feet granting you the ability to fly as a bonus action for 1 Flame Point. This grants you a flying speed equal to double your walking speed which lasts for 10 minutes and can be maintained by spending 1 Flame Point at the end of the 10 minutes to add an extra 5 minutes.

Flame Kick

At 1st level, you can replace an unarmed strike to make a kick empowered by your flames for 3 Flame Points on a creature within 30ft of you. This attack deals bludgeoning damage equal to your martial arts damage and additional fire damage equal to 1d6 + your Constitution modifier. When you use the Tiger hand sign with this ability, it effects the fire damage only.

Flame Boost

At 3rd level, as an action for 5 Flame Points, you can move up to four times your walking speed. You can also make an unarmed strike attack against a creature during this movement. This attack deals an extra 1d6 for every 5ft you have moved during this movement. After you make the attack the movement stops.

Extra Hand Signs

At 7th level, you learn two new hand signs that, instead of enhancing your flames making them stronger, cause your flames to be expelled in a different manner. You gain the following 2 abilities. These abilities cannot be enhanced by hand signs until 20th level.

  • Rapid: You tighten your flames making you much faster. You can use Flame Kick and spend an extra 5 Flame Points to make it a Rapid, increasing the range to 90ft and making the fire damage deal 2d6 + your Constitution modifier added twice.
  • Corna: You cause a quick and powerful explosion at your feet while attacking. You use the Flame Kick and spend an extra 5 Flame Points to instead cause an explosion decreasing the range to 5ft and making the fire damage 3d8.
Lightspeed Kick

At 11th level, when you make a Rapid attack empowered by the Adolla’s Grace feature or while under the effect of the Adolla Burst feature, you can spend an extra 8 Flame Points to go so fast that your cells deteriorate then travel back in time to a point before they deteriorated making you invisible. The fire damage increases by 4 damage die and adds your Constitution modifier thrice, but you have disadvantage on the attack roll. Creatures cannot take reactions to this attack or its movement. At 17th level, you no longer have disadvantage, but you do not have advantage.

Improved Flame Flight

At 15th level, you’ve bettered your Flame Flight significantly. You can now use Flame Flight for free at will and now as a bonus action for 3 Flame Points you can make your flying speed quadruple your walking speed for 1 minute.

Shinrabansho Man

Note: This is obviously far too powerful for dnd so ask your DM if you can have this. If you can’t then get the below feature which I made for this class specifically so that players don’t miss out on a whole feature simply because it’s too powerful. For this reason, I didn’t bother trying to balance Shinrabansho Man because even if I did it would still be far too powerful.

At 20th level, you have conquered the power of hope, essentially making you a god. For 30 Flame Points as an action, you can enter the Shinrabansho Man state, granting you several abilities. You have an infinite amount of Flame Points. Whenever you are attacked, targeted by a spell, or forced to make a saving throw you rewind time over and over until you succeed. You can take any spell directed towards you and use it to create something in the world such as an atmosphere, terrain, civilizations, and so on. You can also turn water such as tears or rain within 360ft into the souls of the dead. You can then return these souls reviving anybody that can be brought back via the wish spell as long as their soul hasn’t been completely erased. You can also strike the ground and cause plant life to grow.

Mastered Devil's Footprint

At 20th level, you have fully mastered your ignition ability, allowing you to use it with its full potential. Your Flame Flight’s base speed is now triple your walking speed and when you use Improved Flame Flight you boost it to quintuple your walking speed. You can use Lightspeed Kick without the Adolla’s Grace or Adolla Burst features but when you do it costs double. When using your Improved Flame Kick, you can an extra 5 Flame Points to add your unarmed strikes damage twice.

Knight King[edit]

A Knight King readying his mighty Excalibur for battle, source [5]

Your ability is powered by your wild imagination, whether in a good way or bad. You believe yourself to be a knight king and a slayer of dragons. (Feel free to change the knight king part to whatever you want. The premise is that it’s based on your imagination so have fun with it.)


At 1st level, you carry the mighty Excalibur wherever you go which is a sword hilt made out of the legendary Orichalcum metal found in the regular department store that you use as a plasma blade to fight. As a free action for 1 Flame Point, you can summon plasma protruding from the hilt to form the blade of a longsword that deals 2d6 fire damage instead of its normal damage and it loses its versatile property. You can use a hand sign when you activate the sword causing that hand sign to effect the sword until you deactivate it. All features and attacks that use Excalibur requires Excalibur to be activated to use unless it says otherwise.

Violet Flash

At 3rd level, as an action for 5 Flame Points, you can move up to your movement speed to a target you can see and make a quick slash attack against them. Roll to hit with advantage. On a hit, you deal your Excalibur damage + 3d4 + your Constitution modifier fire damage.


At 3rd level, during a long rest for 10gp each you can make small pocket-sized Excaliburs that can be used as welding tools or to cut locks open and such and deal 1d4 fire damage each. These can only be used 1 time each because after use they melt from the heat of your plasma.

Non-Self Nirvana

At 7th level, as a bonus action for 4 Flame Points, you can clear your thoughts completely and enter a state of Nirvana as your body seems to move on its own which lasts for 1 minute. While in this state your thoughts cannot be read, and you cannot be mind controlled in any way. You also have advantage on all attack rolls while enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. The downside to this is that you must define your enemies before entering this state because those defined enemies are the only enemies you can attack, and you can only make simple attacks with Excalibur and Violet Flash attacks on said enemies. This feature does not require Excalibur to be activated but you can’t activate it once you enter the state, and you can’t make attacks without it activated while in this state.

Improved Violet Flash

At 11th level, you have improved your Violet Flash attack making it quicker and stronger. You can now spend 10 Flame Points instead of 5 on a Violet Flash to make it the improved version. The improved version has a movement range of double your movement speed and it now deals your Excalibur damage + 3d8 + your Constitution modifier added twice fire damage.

True Excalibur

At 15th level, you can pay a blacksmith (who’s willing to play along with your imagination) 100gp to make an Excalibur out of actual Orichalcum (that isn’t actually Orichalcum) that deals 2d12 fire damage that ignores resistances and immunities instead of 2d6 and you can activate it without using any type of action.

The Violet Flash

At 20th level, you can bring out your power by undergoing a “rigorous” trial. Discuss with your DM what the trial is. Once you pass the trial you gain the following features which can only be used with True Excalibur:

  • Teleportation: You can call upon the heavens to carry you anywhere on the plane teleporting you to a location within the plane as a full turn action for 20 Flame Points.
  • Lightning Accumulation: You can choose for your Excalibur to deal lightning damage instead of fire damage or split it however you want. You can also walk on thunderclouds while your Excalibur is activated.
  • Violet Flash Descent: Whenever you make a Violet Flash attack you can spend an extra 8 Flame Points to add 2d6 + your Constitution modifier lightning damage to the total damage.
  • Violet Flash: Eight-Fold Strike: Whenever you make a Violet Flash attack you can spend an extra 15 Flame Points to make it a critical if it hits.
  • Excalibur Beam: You can shoot a beam from your Excalibur giving it a reach of 360ft.
  • Magic Item Creator: You can turn mundane items into magic items by believing that they have magical properties. Talk to your DM about what items you could give certain effects and what the effects are. Only you can use the item with these effects.
  • Steeled for Death: You can enter the True Press of Death state as a bonus action.
  • Violet Flash: Earth Divider: As a full turn action, you make a Violet Flash attack spending 50 Flame Points to make the target make a DC 45 Dexterity saving throw taking 30d12 fire damage that bypasses immunities and resistances as you slash the world itself in half. You can only use this while in the True Press of Death state.

Voltage Nova[edit]

A Voltage Nova user showing off his power, source [6]

You are able to create flames within your body that enhances your physical features that gets stronger over time.

Stage 1

At 1st level, as a bonus action for 2 Flame Points, you can activate Voltage Nova: Stage 1 granting you the following bonuses:

  • Your unarmed strikes damage increases by 1 tier.
  • You gain +1 to your AC.
  • You gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to half your Constitution modifier.

You can end Stage 1 as a free action for 1 Flame Points. It also deactivates if you fall unconscious or die.

Stage 2

At 3rd level, you’ve found that the longer you have Voltage Nova active, the stronger it gets. While you’ve had Stage 1 activated for 1 minute, you can spend 4 Flame Points as a bonus action to activate Stage 2, granting you the following bonuses, replacing those of the previous Stage:

  • Your unarmed strikes damage increases by 2 tiers.
  • You gain +2 to your AC.
  • You gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. ( These replace any temporary hit points you may already have from the previous Stage but stack with any other sources of temporary hit points)

You can end Stage 2 as a free action for 2 Flame Points. It also deactivates if you fall unconscious or die.

Stage 3

At 7th level, you’re able to go even further beyond. While you’ve had Stage 2 activated for 1 minute, you can spend 8 Flame Points as an action to activate Stage 3, granting you the following bonuses, replacing those of the previous Stage:

  • Your unarmed strikes damage increases by 3 tiers.
  • You gain +3 to your AC.
  • You gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier + half your Constitution modifier. (These replace any temporary hit points you may already have from the previous Stage but stack with any other sources of temporary hit points)
  • Your unarmed strikes benefit from hand signs.

You can end Stage 3 as a bonus action for 4 Flame Points. It also deactivates if you fall unconscious or die. You can also enter Stage 3 from Stage 1 if you’ve been in it for 1 minute and 30 seconds as an action for 14 Flame Points.

Stage 4

At 11th level, you’re able to go even further than ever before. While you’ve had Stage 3 activated for 1 minute, you can spend 16 Flame Points as an action to activate Stage 4, granting the following bonuses, replacing those of the previous Stage:

  • Your unarmed strikes damage increases by 4 tiers, and you can add your Constitution modifier to attack rolls.
  • You gain +4 to your AC.
  • You gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier added twice. (These replace any temporary hit points you may already have from the previous Stage but stack with any other sources of temporary hit points)
  • Your unarmed strikes benefit from hand signs and the Adolla’s Grace.
  • You have a damage reduction of your Constitution modifier added twice.
  • Your size increases by 1.

You can end Stage 4 as a bonus action for 8 Flame Points. It also deactivates if you fall unconscious or die. Also, when you end this Stage you must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, gaining 1 level of exhaustion on a failure.

Stage 5

At 15th level, you’re able to unlock the absolute max power of Voltage Nova. While you’ve had Stage 4 activated for 1 minute, you can spend 20 Flame Points as an action to activate Stage 5 granting you the following bonuses, replacing those of the previous Stage:

  • Your unarmed strikes damage increases by 5 tiers, and you can add your Constitution modifier to attack and damage rolls.
  • You gain +5 to your AC.
  • You gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier added thrice. (These replace any temporary hit points you may already have from the previous Stage but stack with any other sources of temporary hit points)
  • Your unarmed strikes benefit from hand signs and Adolla’s Grace.
  • You have a damage reduction of your Constitution modifier added thrice and you have immunity to fire damage.
  • Your size increases by 2.

You can end Stage 5 as an action for 10 Flame Points. It also ends when you fall unconscious or die. Also, when you end this Stage you must make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw gaining 2 levels of exhaustion on a failure and 1 on a success.

Perfected Nova

At 20th level, you have perfected Voltage Nova completely making it quicker and easier to activate and switch stages with little repercussions. The time you need to have a Stage activated to enter the next is halved and the action cost of activating and deactivating Stages is reduced by 1. When in Stage 4 and 5, your unarmed strikes also benefit from the Adolla Burst feature. Also, when deactivating Stage 4 you only gain a level of exhaustion if you fail by 6 or more, and when deactivating Stage 5 you gain no levels of exhaustion on a success, 1 level on a failure, and 2 levels if you fail by 6 or more. You also have advantage on the saving throw to prevent exhaustion when deactivating Stage 4 and 5. Also, you can skip the timer of a Stage for 12 extra Flame Points, which you can do an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus per day.

The Joker[edit]

A Joker summoning a card, source [7]

Your ability allows you to create a deck of playing cards out of fire which have a lot of versatility.

Deck of Cards

At 1st level, you are able to summon a deck of up to 16 playing cards as a bonus action for 3 Flame Points. These cards have the light, finesse, and thrown (30/60) properties and deal 1d6 piercing damage and any modifiers added to the damage rolls are added as fire damage. They also count as martial melee weapons. These cards can be summoned with a hand sign causing all of the cards have the benefits of the hand signs used. These can also be used to block attacks. As a reaction, you can block a melee or ranged weapon attack, reducing the damage by your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. You have an amount of reactions for this equal to your Dexterity modifier, but you can’t block attacks if you’re out of cards. When you use a card to block or attack with a card 5 times, the card breaks and disappears. You can only summon a deck if you have no cards left. You can only have up to 16 playing cards at a time.

Shuffle the Deck

At 3rd level, you can shuffle the deck to partially replenish your cards. As a reaction to a card breaking, you can spend 1 Flame Point to regain that card. As a bonus action, you can spend up to your Constitution modifier Flame Points to shuffle your deck and regain an amount of cards equal to the amount spent. As an action, you can shuffle your deck and spend an amount of Flame Points equal to your Constitution modifier added twice gaining an amount of cards equal to the amount spent. You can only have an amount of cards up to your maximum and you cannot shuffle your deck if you have no cards left.

Improved Deck

At 7th level, your card maximum increases to 32 cards. The damage of your cards is increased to 2d6 + your Dexterity modifier piercing + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus fire damage, and the thrown range is increased to 60/120. Blocking now reduces damage by your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus added twice, and you have an amount of reactions for it equal to your Dexterity modifier + half your Dexterity modifier.

Improved Shuffling

At 11th level, whenever you shuffle your deck you can now spend double what you previously could, and when using your reaction you gain 2 cards per Flame Point spent.

Perfected Deck

At 15th level, your card maximum increases to 52. The damage of your card is increased to 3d6 + your Dexterity modifier added twice piercing + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus added twice fire damage, and the thrown range is increased to 120/240. Blocking now reduces damage by your Dexterity modifier added twice + your proficiency bonus added twice, and you now have an amount of reactions for it equal to your Dexterity modifier added twice. The cards can also be used with Adolla’s Grace and Adolla Burst.

I'm a Joker

At 20th level, you have reached the peak of your power and are able to fight even after running out of cards. As a reaction to running out of cards, for 5 Flame Points, you can summon a Joker card as a last resort card. The Joker card deals 5d6 + your Dexterity modifier added thrice piercing + your Constitution modifier added twice + your proficiency bonus added thrice fire damage and it’s thrown range is 240/360. It’s blocking reduces damage by your Dexterity modifier added thrice + your proficiency bonus added twice, and you have an amount of reactions for it equal to your Dexterity modifier added thrice. This card breaks after 5 blocks or 15 hits. You cannot summon or shuffle your deck until the Joker card breaks.



You were born as both a 2nd Generation and a 3rd Generation. Because of this you utilize the powerful Iai Hand-Sword style and are one of the most powerful Pyrokinetics ever.

Fire Output

At 1st level, you are capable of not only igniting fires but manipulating them as well, allowing you to make basic attacks with fire that no other Pyrokinetic is capable of. Talk to your DM about some types of basic fire attacks that you can do like creating explosions or shooting fire projectiles.

Iai Hand-Sword

At 1st level, you have been trained to use the powerful Iai Hand-Sword style of fighting, granting you the ability to use the following abilities:

  • Iai Hand-Sword Form One: Kagetsu (Fire Moon): Replacing an unarmed strike when you take the attack action for 4 Flame Points, you ignite your hand and slice through the air making every creature in a 30ft cone make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your martial arts damage die + your Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier added twice fire damage. You can also use this as a melee ability making a melee spell attack with a crit range of 19-20 but only targeting 1 creature.
  • Iai Hand-Sword Form Two: Gekkō (Moonlight): Replacing an unarmed strike when you take the attack action for 6 Flame Points, you throw fire in an X-shape forcing all creatures within a 60ft cone to make a Dexterity saving throw taking your martial arts damage dice + your Constitution modifier added twice fire damage on a failure and half as much on a success.
  • Iai Hand-Sword Form Three: Akebono (Daybreak): Replacing an unarmed strike when you take the attack action for 8 Flame Points, you ignite your hand and throw an uppercut slash attack. Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, you deal your martial arts damage die + your Strength modifier added twice + your Constitution modifier fire damage, and the target has to make a Strength saving throw. If they fail the saving throw they get flung 5 x your Strength modifier feet in the air.
  • Iai Hand-Sword Form Seven: Nichirin (Sun Wheel): Replacing an unarmed strike when you take the attack action for 10 Flame Points, you summon a ring of fire followed by a palm strike. Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, you deal your martial arts damage die + your Strength modifier added twice + your Constitution modifier added twice fire damage. If you get a critical hit the target must make a Strength saving throw with disadvantage getting knocked back 15ft.
Composite Pyokinetic

At 3rd level, you have honed the power of the 2nd Generation. You gain the 2nd Generation ability from the Generation Ability feature. You also gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition.

Improved Iai Hand-Sword

At 7th level, you have trained to use more of the Iai Hand-Sword forms. You gain access to the following abilities:

  • Iai Hand-Sword Form Four: Sekijitsu (Red Sun): Replacing an unarmed strike when you take the attack action for 14 Flame Points, you can send out a beam of flames in a 60ft long and 15ft wide line, forcing every creature within the line to make a Dexterity saving throw taking your martial arts damage die + your Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier added thrice fire damage on a failure or half as much on a success.
  • Iai Hand-Sword Form Five: Sokijitsu (Sunset): Replacing an unarmed strike when you take the attack action for 16 Flame Points, you can ignite your hands and use a downward slash attack on a target. Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, you deal your martial arts damage die + your Strength modifier added thrice + your Constitution modifier added twice fire damage, and they must make a Strength saving throw. If they fail the saving throw they are knocked prone and are stunned for 1 minute. If the target is in the air they get knocked down 5 x Strength modifier feet.
Crimson Moon

At 11th level, you can create such powerful fire that it turns the moon a crimson color. As an action for 30 Flame Points, you make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, you deal your martial arts damage die + your Strength modifier added four times bludgeoning damage and everything within 60ft, including the target, takes your Strength modifier added thrice + your Constitution modifier added four times fire damage which leaves a 60ft radius crater in the ground. Only the fire damage can benefit from hand signs and the fire damage is dealt even if the attack misses.

Flame Extinguishment

At 11th level, you control all fire around you and you don’t let anyone use it against you. As a reaction for 8 Flame Points, you can completely nullify any fire damage to be dealt within 25ft of you. If someone makes a spell attack within 25ft of you or on a target within 25ft of you are within 25ft of an area of effect spell, you can get rid of all fire damage from the attack. If you are within 25ft of an attack that deals any fire damage, you can completely get rid of all fire damage that would be dealt. You can also do this with any Pyrokinetic ability by spending an amount of Flame Points equal to the amount spent on the ability and, when you do this, you can get rid of any area of effect ability.

True Nichirin

At 15th level, you have finally learned how to use a Nichirin to it’s fullest. When you use Iai Hand-Sword Form Seven: Nichirin, you can spend an action instead of an attack and spend an extra 20 Flame Points to summon a wheel of fire that circles the world in its entirety and make a palm strike against a target. Make a melee attack roll with a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus and advantage. On a hit, you deal your martial arts damage die + your Strength modifier added five times + your Constitution modifier added five times fire damage.

Destroyer of Asakusa

At 20th level, you are able to produce an incredibly powerful attack by merging the Crimson Moon and the True Nichirin. When you use either the Crimson Moon or the True Nichirin you can spend an extra 25 Flame Points to use both, dealing the damage of the True Nichirin and having the area of effect damage of the Crimson Moon.

Uncontrolled Flame Radiation[edit]

An Uncontrolled Flame Radiation user losing control while tapped inside a massive Infernal, source [8]

You have trouble controlling your power due to being scared, overburdened, and mentally unstable.

Flame Claw

At 1st level, you can’t control your flames very well, so you restrict them to just a claw from your arm. As a bonus action for 2 Flame Points, you can create a big claw out of fire that encases your arm for 2 minutes. For the duration, your unarmed strikes deal fire damage, add your Constitution modifier to all damage rolls, and add 5ft of range. You also can’t hold any items in the hand that you have the flame claw on.

Improved Flame Claw

At 3rd level, you’ve gotten better at using your fire for combat, but not good enough. Your Flame claw now lasts for 5 minutes, and you add your Constitution modifier twice. Also, the range of your unarmed strikes is increased by 10ft instead of 5.

Flame Lasers

At 7th level, you have much finer control of your flames, allowing you to fire lasers, but you’re still not good enough. As a bonus action for 5 Flame Points each, you can create an amount of Laser Catalysts equal to your proficiency bonus which appear at any unoccupied space of your choosing within 30ft of you. While you have these Catalysts activated you can replace an attack when you make the attack action to fire a laser from them for 6 Flame Points, targeting anything within 30ft of the Catalyst. You can only do this while you are within 120ft of them. Any Catalyst disappears when you are 240ft away from it, after 5 minutes, or you are knocked unconscious or die. Whenever you make an attack with one of these Laser Catalysts you make a ranged spell attack roll. On a hit, you deal your martial arts damage + your Constitution modifier added twice. You can move any amount of them up to your movement speed as a free action.

Uncontrollable Radiation

At 11th level, your mental instability has made you lose control over your pyrokinetic ability, making them leak radiation. Any creature within 30ft of any of your Laser Catalysts that doesn’t have any levels in the Pyrokinetic class gains the poisoned conditioned and takes your Constitution modifierd6 poison damage at the beginning of each round in initiative.

Improved Lasers

At 15th level, your lasers have grown stronger, and more out of control. Your lasers now have a range of 120ft, you have advantage on attack rolls, you deal your martial arts damage die + your Constitution modifier added four times, and you can use your lasers within 240ft of them and they disappear at a range of 360ft, but the radiation now has a range of 60ft and deals your Constitution modifierd8 poison damage.

Controlled Flame Radiation

At 20th level, you have overcome your mental instability enough to be able to control the radiation emitted from your Laser Catalysts. You can now choose the range of the radiation that each individual Laser Catalyst emits up to 240ft. For example, you could make one Catalyst emit radiation for 120ft, another for 30ft, and have another emit no radiation. You can also now summon an amount up to double your proficiency bonus as a free action within an unoccupied space of your choosing within 60ft. You’re Laser Catalysts now cost 10 Flame Points each and using Laser attacks now cost 8 Flame Points. You can also move Laser Catalysts up to double your movement speed. Finally, your Laser attacks now deal your martial arts damage die + your Constitution modifier added six times.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Pyrokinetic class, you must meet these prerequisites: Constitution 15 and Strength 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Pyrokinetic class, you gain the following proficiencies: All armor, all weapons, Religion, and Athletics

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