Eliksni (5e Class)

The Eliksni, or "Fallen" as the common people know them by, are a nearly extinct four-armed, bipedal humanoid race. They are a space-faring race that worship the Great Machine (known as the Traveler by Humanity) a benevolent, god-like, sphere shaped entity. They also hold a reverence for machines in general, shaping Servitors, the machines that produce ether (ether being a form of sustenance, as well as a sort of growth hormone for the Eliksni) after the Great Machine. During "the Whirlwind," the Great Machine fled the Eliksni homeworld Riis in fear of destruction by an entity known as the Darkness, leaving the Eliksni with almost all of their civilisation in ruins, and ether scarce. After this event, they left their colonies to follow the Great Machine, which now resides above Earth. Now, the Eliksni live scattered, their once great houses either gone or barely staying together, and little chance of peace in sight.
- Fallen and Risen
You must be Eliksni to take levels in this class. You cannot multiclass. By accepting this class, your racial traits are altered in the following ways:
- Your size is determined by this class.
- The trait "Eliksni Magic" is replaced by this class.
- The trait "Ranking System" is replaced by this class.
Creating an Eliksni[edit]
When creating an eliksni, you must consider your motivations. Do you seek to return your race to glory, or seek your own personal throne? Do you aspire for power for its own sake, or do you have a goal? Will you be Kell, or die trying?
- Quick Build
You can make an eliksni quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity and/or Intelligence. Second, you do not choose a background.
Class Features
As a Eliksni you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Eliksni level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Eliksni level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light and medium armor
Weapons: Simple and martial weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose any two from Arcana, Religion, History, Athletics, and Survival.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- You start with hide armor, an explorer's pack, and 10 full ether sups which may be refilled after use.
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Growth |
1st | +2 | Eliksni Racial Traits, Growth Cycle, Eliksni Engineering | Dreg |
2nd | +2 | Fallen House | |
3rd | +2 | Bonus Proficiency | |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack | Vandal |
6th | +3 | House Feature | |
7th | +3 | Engineering Options | |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | |
9th | +4 | Ether Blink | Captain |
10th | +4 | House Feature | |
11th | +4 | Engineering Options | |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | |
13th | +5 | Archon's Repulse | Archon |
14th | +5 | House Feature | |
15th | +5 | Engineering Options | |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | |
17th | +6 | Indomitable Kell | Kell |
18th | +6 | Ether Champion | |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | |
20th | +6 | Kell of Kells |
Growth Cycle[edit]
Beginning at 1st level, you are a Dreg. You are weak and little, but you have potential for growth. Your form will change at 5th level, then again at 9th, 13th, and 17th, when your proficiency increases. Other traits from this class will change depending on which form you are in.
- Dreg
Your size is Small. You require only one ether sup per day.
- Vandal
You take this form at 5th level. Your size is now Medium, and you require 3 ether sups per day.
- Captain
You take this form at 9th level. You now require 5 ether sups per day.
- Archon
At 13th level, your size becomes Large and you gain proficiency with heavy armor if you do not already have it. You now require 10 ether sups per day.
- Kell
At 17th level, your growth into the peak of your race is complete. You require 12 ether sups per day in this form.
Eliksni Engineering[edit]
Also at 1st level, you construct a Servitor and two weapons: a shock blade and shock pistol. You construct additional weapons at 7th, 11th, 15th levels as detailed at the end of this class description. You can only construct one kind of Shank, at 11th level. You can construct two utility items, at 7th and 15th levels. Your total constructions by 15th level, therefore, include: your servitor, shock dagger and shock pistol, three weapons from your Engineering Options, one type of shank, and two utility items.
- Servitor
Your servitor is a Medium construct type creature. It is a spherical drone that glows with dim light out to 10 feet, and hovers just off the ground or above the surface of liquids.
Your servitor has hit points equal to fifteen times your proficiency (minimum of 30) and an AC of 16. It is immune to the charmed and poisoned status effects as a result, and immune to disease. Your servitor does not eat, drink, or sleep. For the moment, its construction is incomplete, and it cannot attack or take any actions besides Dash and Disengage.
By default, it follows you, and you may order it to move on your turns as a bonus action. It converts metal you give it into ether to sustain it. Metal received can be of any kind, and produces one day's worth of ether into an ether sup with an amount of metal worth 1sp. Your servitor can hold rations of ether, up to a number equal to 12 times your character level, while you require ether sups to store and transport it yourself.
If your servitor is destroyed, and its body is recoverable, you can repair it over a long rest using metal scrap equal in value to 1gp. If it is destroyed and its body is not recoverable, you must construct a new one over the course of seven hours of work, at least one hour per day, and use metal equal in value to 10gp.
All other parameters are determined by your House.
- Shock Dagger and Shock Pistol
Your shock dagger is a martial weapon with the light and finesse properties, and it weighs 2 pounds. It deals 1d6 slashing damage, and for the moment is incomplete. Your shock pistol is a ranged weapon with the light property, and weighs 1 pound. It has a range of 30/120, and deals 1d6 lightning damage on a hit. As long as you are not under the effects of exhaustion due to lack of ether, you can power it with the ether in your body.
Fallen House[edit]
At 2nd level, you chose a House. You must use the house or code of your subrace, from House of Devils, Kings, Winter, Wolves, Judgment, Dusk, and Exiles, or a Titan, Hunter, or Warlock Code, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.
- Spellcasting Ability
Some of your features and abilities gained from this class require a saving throw. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Fallen House subclass features. You use your Intelligence whenever a feature refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for any class feature you use and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Bonus Proficiency[edit]
At 3rd level, you learn to be more light on your feet, for escape as well as pursuit. You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Ether Blink[edit]
Beginning at 9th level, you can cast Misty Step. You vanish into wisps of pale blue mist for an instant and reappear nearby. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses on a short rest.
Archon's Repulse[edit]
Starting at 13th level, you stomp the ground and reproduce the effects of the Thunderwave spell. Once you use this feature, you must complete a short rest before you can do so again.
Indomitable Kell[edit]
At 17th level, your Strength score cannot be lower than 18. If it is already 18 or higher, it increases to 22, and 22 becomes your maximum Strength score unless it is already higher than that such as due to magic items. Lastly, you gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.
Ether Champion[edit]
At 18th level, if your total for a Constitution check is less than your Constitution score, you can use that score in place of the total. Additionally, you overcome your racial vulnerability to lightning damage, and now take normal damage from such sources.
Kell of Kells[edit]
At 20th level you reach the peak of eliksni power. As an action, you may activate a damaging aura of ether to charge the air around you for one minute. Up to three creatures you choose within 5 feet of you take 20 lightning damage if they enter the aura or start their turn there and, if they take this damage, cannot take reactions until the start of their next turn.
In addition, ranged spell attacks that pass through the aura are disrupted and have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Fallen Houses[edit]
At 2nd level, you chose a House. You must use the house or code of your subrace. Your House or Code grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.
House of Devils[edit]
- Completed Engineering
At 2nd level, you complete your shock dagger, which now does 1d4 slashing and 1d4 lightning damage on a hit. In addition, your servitor gains an additional 2AC, for a total of 18.
- Completed Servitor
At 6th level, you complete your servitor. It can now take actions as normal, such as Hide to dim the purple light it gives off. It now has an energy projector, a ranged weapon that deals 1d8 force damage on a hit. It is considered proficient with this weapon, and uses your proficiency modifier and Dexterity modifier to resolve its attacks. It now acts on its own turn, and rolls initiative using your proficiency bonus as its modifier.
- Devils' Ferocity
At 10th level, you can use a bonus action to enter a Rage for one minute. While raging, you have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws, when you make a melee attack using Strength, you deal an additional 3 damage, so long as the damage is physical, and you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Your rage ends early if you are reduced to 0 hit points. Once you do so, you must complete a long rest before you can again.
- Prime Servitor
At 14th level, you upgrade your servitor to a Prime Servitor. Its size becomes Large, and its energy projector now deals 2d8 force damage. It also gains access to your Ether Blink feature, and has three uses per short rest. Lastly, it gains a shield which grants it 20 maximum temporary hit points. This shield will restore 5 temporary hit points at the start of each of your Prime Servitor's turns, provided it has not taken any damage since the end of its last turn.
House of Kings[edit]
- Completed Engineering
At 2nd level, you complete your shock dagger, which now does 1d4 slashing and 1d4 lightning damage on a hit. In addition, your servitor can now search in place of you. It uses your Wisdom modifier and gains proficiency in the Perception skill. It verbally relays the information it gathers to you in your language, Eliksni.
- Completed Servitor
At 6th level, you complete your servitor. It can now take actions as normal, such as Hide to dim the purple light it gives off. It now has an energy projector, a ranged weapon that deals 1d8 force damage on a hit. It is considered proficient with this weapon, and uses your proficiency modifier and Dexterity modifier to resolve its attacks. It now acts on its own turn, and rolls initiative using your proficiency bonus as its modifier.
- Keeper Of The Lair
At 10th level, you gain knowledge of the Alarm and Arcane Lock spells. You can cast both without material components. Alarm may be used a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, but Arcane Lock may only be used once. You regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Prime Servitor
At 14th level, you upgrade your servitor to a Prime Servitor. Its size becomes Large, and its energy projector now deals 2d8 force damage. It also gains access to your Ether Blink feature, and has three uses per short rest. Lastly, it gains a shield which grants it 20 maximum temporary hit points. This shield will restore 5 temporary hit points at the start of each of your Prime Servitor's turns, provided it has not taken any damage since the end of its last turn.
House of Winter[edit]
- Completed Engineering
At 2nd level, you complete your shock dagger, which now does 1d4 slashing and 1d4 lightning damage on a hit. In addition, your servitor can now use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to its AC when targeted by an attack.
- Completed Servitor
At 6th level, you complete your servitor. It can now take actions as normal, such as Hide to dim the purple light it gives off. It now has an energy projector, a ranged weapon that deals 1d8 force damage on a hit. It is considered proficient with this weapon, and uses your proficiency modifier and Dexterity modifier to resolve its attacks. It now acts on its own turn, and rolls initiative using your proficiency bonus as its modifier.
- Stolen Knowledge
At 10th level, you gain resistance to acid damage. Additionally, you gain proficiency with the Forgery Kit and have advantage on Intelligence checks to decipher written codes.
- Prime Servitor
At 14th level, you upgrade your servitor to a Prime Servitor. Its size becomes Large, and its energy projector now deals 2d8 force damage. It also gains access to your Ether Blink feature, and has three uses per short rest. Lastly, it gains a shield which grants it 20 maximum temporary hit points. This shield will restore 5 temporary hit points at the start of each of your Prime Servitor's turns, provided it has not taken any damage since the end of its last turn.
House of Wolves[edit]
- Completed Engineering
At 2nd level, you complete your shock dagger, which now does 1d4 slashing and 1d4 lightning damage on a hit. In addition, your servitor can now make itself invisible on command. It cannot attack on a round it starts invisible.
- Completed Servitor
At 6th level, you complete your servitor. It can now take actions as normal, such as Hide to dim the purple light it gives off. It now has an energy projector, a ranged weapon that deals 1d8 force damage on a hit. It is considered proficient with this weapon, and uses your proficiency modifier and Dexterity modifier to resolve its attacks. It now acts on its own turn, and rolls initiative using your proficiency bonus as its modifier.
- Constant War
At 10th level, your melee attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. At 14th level, this expands to a roll of 18, 19, or 20.
- Prime Servitor
At 14th level, you upgrade your servitor to a Prime Servitor. Its size becomes Large, and its energy projector now deals 2d8 force damage. It also gains access to your Ether Blink feature, and has three uses per short rest. Lastly, it gains a shield which grants it 20 maximum temporary hit points. This shield will restore 5 temporary hit points at the start of each of your Prime Servitor's turns, provided it has not taken any damage since the end of its last turn.
House of Judgment[edit]
- Completed Engineering
At 2nd level, you complete your shock dagger, which now does 1d4 slashing and 1d4 lightning damage on a hit. In addition, your servitor can translate other languages for you. To learn a language, your servitor only needs to be exposed to it over the course of a short rest. It can store up to five other languages besides Eliksni.
- Completed Servitor
At 6th level, you complete your servitor. It can now take actions as normal, such as Hide to dim the purple light it gives off. It now has an energy projector, a ranged weapon that deals 1d8 force damage on a hit. It is considered proficient with this weapon, and uses your proficiency modifier and Dexterity modifier to resolve its attacks. It now acts on its own turn, and rolls initiative using your proficiency bonus as its modifier.
- Hidden Peacekeeper
At 10th level, you gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. You have advantage on Deception checks you make to pose as a member of another House. Additionally, you can now use the Hide action as a bonus action.
- Prime Servitor
At 14th level, you upgrade your servitor to a Prime Servitor. Its size becomes Large, and its energy projector now deals 2d8 force damage. It also gains access to your Ether Blink feature, and has three uses per short rest. Lastly, it gains a shield which grants it 20 maximum temporary hit points. This shield will restore 5 temporary hit points at the start of each of your Prime Servitor's turns, provided it has not taken any damage since the end of its last turn.
House of Dusk[edit]
- Completed Engineering
At 2nd level, you complete your shock dagger, which now does 1d4 slashing and 1d4 lightning damage on a hit. In addition, your servitor can use the Sending spell once per long rest. It relays your voice, albeit with some minor static, to a creature you have spoken to previously at least once and know by name.
- Completed Servitor
At 6th level, you complete your servitor. It can now take actions as normal, such as Hide to dim the purple light it gives off. It now has an energy projector, a ranged weapon that deals 1d8 force damage on a hit. It is considered proficient with this weapon, and uses your proficiency modifier and Dexterity modifier to resolve its attacks. It now acts on its own turn, and rolls initiative using your proficiency bonus as its modifier.
- Unlikely Allies
At 10th level, you can construct one additional Shank, as listed in your Engineering Options below.
- Prime Servitor
At 14th level, you upgrade your servitor to a Prime Servitor. Its size becomes Large, and its energy projector now deals 2d8 force damage. It also gains access to your Ether Blink feature, and has three uses per short rest. Lastly, it gains a shield which grants it 20 maximum temporary hit points. This shield will restore 5 temporary hit points at the start of each of your Prime Servitor's turns, provided it has not taken any damage since the end of its last turn.
House of Exiles[edit]
- Completed Engineering
At 2nd level, you complete your shock dagger, which now does 1d4 slashing and 1d4 lightning damage on a hit. In addition, your servitor can produce ether at half the cost, down to 5cp of metal.
- Completed Servitor
At 6th level, you complete your servitor. It can now take actions as normal, such as Hide to dim the purple light it gives off. It now has an energy projector, a ranged weapon that deals 1d8 force damage on a hit. It is considered proficient with this weapon, and uses your proficiency modifier and Dexterity modifier to resolve its attacks. It now acts on its own turn, and rolls initiative using your proficiency bonus as its modifier.
- Stunted Growth
At 10th level, you forever remain a Captain, and do not advance to Archon or Kell. You still gain your other class features as normal, but you may also construct the Shield Unit for free, described below in your Engineering Options.
- Prime Servitor
At 14th level, you upgrade your servitor to a Prime Servitor. Its size becomes Large, and its energy projector now deals 2d8 force damage. It also gains access to your Ether Blink feature, and has three uses per short rest. Lastly, it gains a shield which grants it 20 maximum temporary hit points. This shield will restore 5 temporary hit points at the start of each of your Prime Servitor's turns, provided it has not taken any damage since the end of its last turn.
House of Light - Arc Titan Code[edit]
- Rebirth
At 2nd level, you die and are reborn in light. Your shock dagger is lost and your servitor ceases to function, but your unarmed strikes now deal an additional 1d4 lightning damage on a hit. If you are an Archon or a Kell, this lightning damage deals 1d8 instead.
- Striker
At 6th level, your rebirth grants you an additional ability. As an action, using one of your free hands, you lob a ball of energy to a point you choose within 60 feet. The ball detonates there in a 10 foot radius. Creatures within the radius take 1d12 lightning damage and are blinded until the end of their next turn, though a Dexterity saving throw can halve the damage. Affected creatures with Darkvision are blinded for up to one minute, but can repeat a Constitution save at the start of each of their turns to overcome this condition. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Death From Above
At 10th level, as an action, you cloak your body in lightning and rain down upon your foes. Leap up to 50 feet in the air and choose an unoccupied square within 60 feet, laterally. You may descend up to 200 feet unharmed. You rocket toward the point you choose, sending a wave of electricity out upon your impact. Creatures within 10 feet of your landing point must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d10 lightning damage on a failure and half as much on a success. Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.
- Risen Terror
At 14th level, creatures you choose that are hit by your Death From Above feature are frightened for 1d6 rounds. Beginning at this level, you have advantage on attacks made against frightened creatures.
You may use an Intimidation check opposed by a creature's Wisdom saving throw to attempt to cause the target to be frightened of you. On a successful save, the creature is not frightened and cannot be affected by this feature again for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature is frightened of you for 1d6 rounds.
House of Light - Void Titan Code[edit]
- Rebirth
At 2nd level, you die and are reborn in light. Your shock dagger is lost and your servitor ceases to function, but your unarmed strikes now deal an additional 1d4 force damage on a hit. If you are an Archon or Kell, this force damage deals 1d8 instead.
- Defender
At 6th level, your rebirth grants you an additional ability. When you successfully land an unarmed strike, gain temporary hit points equal to your level in this class multiplied by two (maximum of 40). Once you use this feature, you must complete a short rest before you can do so again.
- Suppression
At 10th level, as an action using one of your free hands, you lob a ball of energy at a creature you choose within 60 feet. Make a ranged attack against your target. On a hit, creatures within 5 feet of the target take 1d12 force damage. At the start of your next turn, the ball detonates a second time for another 1d12 force damage to any creature still within range. Only one instance of this feature can be active at a time. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Ward of Dawn
At 14th level, you may use an action to closely mimic the effects of the spell Globe of Invulnerability. An immobile, faintly shimmering, violet barrier springs into existence in a 10-foot radius around you and remains for one minute. Any spell of 5th level or lower cast from outside the barrier can't affect creatures or objects within it, even if the spell is cast using a higher level spell slot. Such a spell can target creatures and objects within the barrier, but the spell has no effect on them. Similarly, the area within the barrier is excluded from the areas affected by such spells. Furthermore, ranged attacks collide with the barrier harmlessly.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.
House of Light - Solar Titan Code[edit]
- Rebirth
At 2nd level, you die and are reborn in light. Your shock dagger is lost and your servitor ceases to function, but your unarmed strikes now deal an additional 1d4 fire damage on a hit. If you are an Archon or Kell, this fire damage deals 1d8 instead.
- Sunbreaker
At 6th level, your rebirth grants you an additional ability. You may recreate the effects of the spell Burning Hands. Once you use this feature you must complete a short rest before you can do so again.
- Hammer of Sol
At 10th level, as an action using one of your free hands, you throw a flaming hammer at a creature you choose within 60 feet. Make a ranged attack against your target. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 fire damage and is lit aflame for one minute. At the start of each turn, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to put out the fire. On a failure, the creature takes an additional 1d8 fire damage, on a success, the fire is put out. Only one instance of this feature can be active at a time. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Sunspot
At 14th level, when you land an unarmed strike or score a hit with your Hammer of Sol feature, a swirling flame appears in the square your target is in. This flame lasts up to one minute unless it is doused with water, and multiple flames can be active at the same time. Creatures you choose that start their turn in a flame created by this feature take 2d12 fire damage. If you stand in such a flame, you deal maximum fire damage with your unarmed strikes or Hammer of Sol.
House of Light - Arc Hunter Code[edit]
- Rebirth
At 2nd level, you die and are reborn in light. You complete your shock dagger, which now does 1d4 slashing and 1d4 lightning damage on a hit, but your servitor ceases to function. If you are an Archon or Kell, your shock dagger is upgraded to a shock blade (detailed below) befitting your size. You may still construct an additional shock blade.
- Arc Burn
At 6th level, as an action using one of your free hands, you lob a ball of energy at a creature you choose within 60 feet. Make a ranged attack against your target. On a hit, creatures within 5 feet of the target take 2d6 lightning damage. On a miss, the ball lands in a square behind the target and detonates for 1d6 lightning damage to any creatures within 5 feet of where it lands. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Blade Trance
At 10th level, you may use a bonus action to enter a Rage for one minute. While raging, you have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws, when you make a melee attack using Strength, you deal an additional 3 damage, so long as the damage is physical, and you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Your rage ends early if you are reduced to 0 hit points. Once you do so, you must complete a long rest before you can again.
- Showstopper
At 14th level, during your Blade Trance, you may use an action to cause an explosion of electricity around you. Creatures within 10 feet of you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d10 lightning damage on a failure and half as much on a success. Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.
House of Light - Solar Hunter Code[edit]
- Rebirth
At 2nd level, you die and are reborn in light. You complete your shock dagger, which now does 1d4 slashing and 1d4 fire damage on a hit, but your servitor ceases to function. If you are an Archon or Kell, your shock dagger is upgraded to a shock blade (detailed below) befitting your size. You may still construct an additional shock blade, but any you create will deal fire damage in place of lightning damage.
- Gunslinger
At 6th level, using a ranged weapon you are proficient in, you infuse your next attack with fire as a bonus action. The next time you score a hit with the infused weapon, it deals an additional 2d6 fire damage. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Keyhole
At 10th level, your ranged attacks pierce their target. Whenever you make a ranged attack against a creature, it also becomes an attack against a creature directly opposite the target from you. Creatures that are hit by the pierced shot take an additional 1d6 fire damage.
- Golden Gun
At 14th level, when you use your Gunslinger feature, you may instead make three ranged attacks, choosing your target each time. On a hit, instead of your ranged weapon's usual damage, a target takes 6d10 fire damage. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.
House of Light - Void Hunter Code[edit]
- Rebirth
At 2nd level, you die and are reborn in light. You complete your shock dagger, which now does 1d4 slashing and 1d4 force damage on a hit, but your servitor ceases to function. If you are an Archon or Kell, your shock dagger is upgraded to a shock blade (detailed below) befitting your size. You may still construct an additional shock blade, but any you create will deal force damage in place of lightning damage.
- Smokescreen
At 6th level, as an action using one of your free hands, you lob a ball of energy to a point you choose within 60 feet. The ball detonates there in a 10 foot radius. Smoke appears in the radius, making the area heavily obscured to all creatures but you. This smoke lingers in place for up to one minute. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Slip Away
At 10th level, as a reaction, you may turn invisible and move up to half your movement speed. This invisibility lasts until the end of your next turn, but ends early as normal otherwise. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Void Anchor
At 14th level, as an action choose a point within 60feet and launch a bolt of energy to it. At the start of your next turn, the bolt lashes out at up to 10 creatures you choose in a 20 foot radius. Creatures affected must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained for up to one minute. Creatures that are captured by your Void Anchor may repeat the save at the start of each of their turns to break free, but take 1d12 force damage each turn they start restrained by this feature, and ranged attacks against them are made with advantage.
House of Light - Void Warlock Code[edit]
- Rebirth
At 2nd level, you die and are reborn in light. Your shock dagger is lost and your servitor ceases to function, but your unarmed strikes now deal 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier force damage on a hit and have the reach property. If you are an Archon or Kell, this force damage deals 1d12 + your Intelligence modifier instead.
- Void Flash
At 6th level, as an action using one of your free hands, you lob a ball of energy to a point you choose within 60 feet. The ball detonates there in a 10 foot radius. Creatures within the radius take 1d12 force damage, though a Dexterity saving throw can halve the damage. On a failed save, a creature is vulnerable to force damage until the end of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Nova Bomb
At 10th level, as an action, you hover off the ground for a moment and project overwhelming force from your hand. Choose a point within 60 feet. Your Nova Bomb lands there and creatures within 10 feet must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d10 force damage on a failure and half as much on a success. Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.
- Shatter
At 14th level, you may use Nova Bomb twice before you need to rest. Additionally, you may alter the feature when you use it and instead split it in three. Make three ranged spell attacks, dealing 4d8 force damage on a hit.
House of Light - Solar Warlock Code[edit]
- Rebirth
At 2nd level, you die and are reborn in light. Your shock dagger is lost and your servitor ceases to function, but your unarmed strikes now deal 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage on a hit and have the reach property. If you are an Archon or Kell, this fire damage deals 1d12 + your Intelligence modifier instead.
- Backdraft
At 6th level, whenever you deal fire damage, you may use a reaction to add temporary hit points equal to that damage to yourself or a creature within 30 feet. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Burning Winds
At 10th level, as an action using one of your free hands, you lob a ball of energy at a creature you choose within 60 feet. Make a ranged attack against your target. On a hit, creatures within 5 feet of the target take 1d4 fire damage. A swirling flame appears in the square your target is in, as well as adjacent squares. This flame lasts up to one minute unless it is doused with water, and multiple flames can be active at the same time. Creatures you choose that start their turn in a flame created by this feature take 1d12 fire damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses when you finish a short rest.
- Sunsinger
At 14th level, you can use an action to activate a bright aura around you, shedding bright light out to 20 feet and dim light 20 feet beyond that. This aura lasts for one minute, and does not end early unless your body is completely destroyed. While the aura is active, you can use the Spare the Dying cantrip as a bonus action, and any fire damage you deal ignores damage resistance, as well as treating immunity as resistance. If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may choose to remain on your feet and continue fighting, though you still make death saving throws as normal and cannot be affected by the Spare the Dying cantrip.
House of Light - Arc Warlock Code[edit]
- Rebirth
At 2nd level, you die and are reborn in light. Your shock dagger is lost and your servitor ceases to function, but your unarmed strikes now deal 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier lightning damage on a hit and have the reach property. If you are an Archon or Kell, this lightning damage deals 1d12 + your Intelligence modifier instead.
- Thunderbolt
At 6th level, as an action using one of your free hands, you lob a ball of energy at a point you choose within 60 feet. At the start of your next turn, the ball detonates, dealing 2d12 lightning damage to any creature within 10 feet of it, though a successful Dexterity saving throw can halve the damage. Only one instance of this feature can be active at a time. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses when you finish a short rest.
- Violent Rift
At 10th level, you can use a bonus action to force your ether and light out of your body, empowering nearby allies. A field appears on the ground for up to one minute, centered on you, and affects your current square as well as those adjacent, but it does not move with you. Creatures you choose that are in range, yourself included, have 5 temporary hit points if they start their turn on the Rift, and can add 1d4 to a single attack or damage roll on a turn they start and end in the Rift. You may use another bonus action to detonate the Rift, dealing 2d12 lightning damage to creatures you choose within range and ending the effect. Once you use this feature, you must complete a short or a long rest before you can do so again.
- Stormtrance
At 14th level, you may use a bonus action to enter a Rage for one minute. While raging, you have advantage on Wisdom checks and Wisdom saving throws, when you make an unarmed melee attack, you deal maximum damage, and you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Your rage ends early if you are reduced to 0 hit points. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can again.
Engineering Options[edit]
Your options for construction are as listed below. You create weapons at 7th, 11th, and 15th level. You construct a Shank at 11th level, and utility items at 7th and 15th levels. Your total constructions by 15th level, therefore, include: your servitor, shock dagger and shock pistol, three weapons from the list below, one type of shank, and two utility items.
Your ammunition for any weapons that require it are cylindrical metal bars. A servitor modifies the metal into the appropriate shape and size for a given weapon, which must then be loaded. A metal bar weighs 1 pound, and is suitable if it is worth at least 1gp.
Others may wield your weapons, but without your racial feature Four Arms, any of them must load a new shot as a bonus action after each attack made with them. As a result, they are much less effective when used by other races.
- Shock Blade
A melee weapon that weighs 3 pounds, wielded in one hand. Deals 1d6 slashing and 1d6 lightning damage.
If wielded by an Archon or a Kell, it must be modified to the appropriate size: it weighs 6 pounds and gains the heavy property for creatures Medium or smaller. In this form it deals 1d12 slashing and 1d8 lightning damage.
- Wire Rifle
A ranged weapon that weighs 4 pounds and deals 1d4 piercing and 1d4 lightning damage. Has a range of 150/600, and has the loading and two-handed properties. Requires ammunition, and when loaded with a metal bar has 20 shots.
Cannot be wielded by an Archon or a Kell.
- Shock Rifle
A ranged weapon that weighs 4 pounds and deals 1d10 lightning damage. Has a range of 80/320, and has the loading and two-handed properties. Requires ammunition, and when loaded with a metal bar has 20 shots.
Cannot be wielded by an Archon or a Kell.
- Shrapnel Launcher
A ranged weapon that weighs 10 pounds and deals 1d4 slashing and 1d4 fire damage. Has a range of 30/120, and has the loading and two-handed properties. Requires ammunition, and when loaded with a metal bar has 10 shots. If fired within 10 feet, deals an additional 1d4 slashing damage.
If wielded by an Archon or a Kell, it must be modified to the appropriate size: it weighs 20 pounds and gains the heavy property for creatures Medium or smaller. In this form, it deals 1d6 slashing and 1d6 fire damage. If fired within 10 feet, deals an additional 1d6 slashing and targets Medium size or smaller must succeed on a Acrobatics check with a DC of 15 or fall prone.
- Scorch Cannon
A ranged weapon that weighs 18 pounds and deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. Has a range of 80/320, and has the loading, heavy, and two-handed properties. Requires ammunition, and when loaded with a metal bar has 5 shots. Plants a charge on hit that detonates for 2d10 fire damage at the start of the wielder's next turn, provided the wielder does not fire another shot before then and keeps ahold of the weapon.
If wielded by an Archon or a Kell, it must be modified to the appropriate size: it weighs 36 pounds and gains the heavy property for creatures Large or smaller. In this form, the detonation deals 4d10 fire damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the initial target.
- Common Shanks
Two Tiny size drones wielding a shock pistol each, requiring no ammunition. They can be deployed as a bonus action, and one can be ordered to attack as a bonus action. They occupy the same 5 foot space directly adjacent to you, and have a movement speed equal to your own. They float just off the ground, or above the surface of liquids. Their AC is 10 and their maximum hit points are equal to your Constitution score, but their materials are negligible and one can be repaired or reconstructed over a short rest with 2gp of metal materials and the help of your servitor.
- Repeater Shank
One Small size drone wielding a shock rifle, requiring no ammunition. It can be deployed as a bonus action, can be ordered to attack as a bonus action, and ignores half and three-fourths cover when firing within 150 feet. It occupies a space directly adjacent to you, and has a movement speed equal to your own. It floats just off the ground, or above the surface of liquids. Its AC is equal to 12 plus your proficiency, and it can be reconstructed over a short rest with 5gp of metal materials and the help of your servitor.
- Tracer Shank
One Small size drone wielding a wire rifle, requiring no ammunition. It can be deployed as a bonus action, and has an extended range of 300/1200. It occupies a space directly adjacent to you, and has a movement speed equal to your own. It floats just off the ground, or above the surface of liquids. Its AC is equal to 12 plus your proficiency, and it can be reconstructed over a short rest with 7gp of metal materials and the help of your servitor.
Utility Items[edit]
- Shield Unit
A wavering, blue shield that is invisible while fully charged or fully depleted. Grants a pool of temporary hit points equal to 5 x your proficiency. This shield unit regains 5 hit points at the start of your turn provided you have not taken damage since the end of your last turn.
Cannot be used by an Archon or Kell.
- Stealth Unit
When you use the Hide action, creatures have disadvantage on Perception checks to detect you that rely on sight. You blend into your surroundings with only a slight disruption in the air to give you away.
Cannot be used by an Archon or Kell.
- Adaptive Armor
A set of light armor equal to studded leather (AC = 12 + Dexterity modifier). The armor can be modified by your servitor to resist a single damage type aside from acid, lightning, psychic, piercing, bludgeoning, or slashing. The helmet hides your face completely, and has glowing lights of pale blue across it, including four where your eyes are.
- Vacuum Armor
A set of medium armor equal to half-plate (AC = 15 + Dexterity modifier, up to a total of 17), including the disadvantage on Stealth checks. While wearing the armor, you do not need air, as the suit uses ether to convert into breathable air for you while inside it. The helmet hides your face completely, and has glowing lights of pale blue across it, including four where your eyes are.
- Alloy Armor
A set of heavy armor equal to plate (AC = 18). You do not suffer any ill effects from wearing the heavy armor, including the disadvantage on Stealth rolls. The helmet hides your face completely, and has glowing lights of pale blue across it, including four where your eyes are.
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