Skull Robo Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
Huge construct (Robot), unaligned Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
Saving Throws Str +8, Con +8 Energy. The Skull Robo has 13 Energy points which they can expend. All Energy points are regained at the end of a long rest. Damage Threshold. The Skull Robo has a damage threshold of 8. Mindless Machines. Skull Robo don't have a mind of its own, it follows instructions given to it to its maximum and will do actions that bring harm to itself, if it means granting success in its mission. They don't have personality, nor any complex intellect and are limited to just their programming. Living Machine. Skull Robo is not a living being and doesn't produce Ki, for this reason it is impossible to be sensed by Ki Sense. Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a medium creature. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points and can only attack creature that are inside of it. The Swarm loses 2 in Dexterity score and gain 2 in Strength score, furthermore the hit die increase to 2 tiers (1d8 -> 1d12) with it's Hit Die are doubled and it's size become Huge. (Everything is already counted in the values on this sheet) The Swarm loses the MultiAttack feature if in the original creature sheet, if there is one, the swarm gain 1 + a extra die of damage for each attack would make additionally in the attack action (i.e: 3 Attacks with the attack action would increase the damage in 3 extra dies). if the Swarm is below half of it's maximum Hit Points, the number of damage die dealt by it's melee attacks, decreases by 1. Also, any area of effect Spell, Feature, Technique and so on, that the Swarm must make, it's done in disadvantage if it is a Dexterity, Strength or Constitution save and in addition to this, any area of effect damage Swarm receives, it receives half the damage as extra damage in total. (i.e. If it receives 10 damage from a Magnun Finger, Swarm receives +5 extra damage) Multiple Beings. The Swarm is immune to effects that would only focus one creature as a target, such as Absorption or Tuffle Parasite. Furthermore, the Swarm can when it hit a creature with a melee attack, spend a bonus action to grapple the target. Strength in Numbers. When the Swarm attacks a creature that is grappled by Swarm itself, they have advantage on the damage roll (Roll the damage twice and use the higher value) Endurance. When the Skull Robo is targeted by an area effect that lets them make a Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, such as fireball, they instead take no damage if they succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if they fail the save. Also, this feature allows Skull Robo to use Constitution Modifier for its Techniques. Custom Model. As the Creative Potential for a Machine in the world of Dragon Ball is massive and only limited to its creator's mind. At the GM's choice, a Skull Robo can have some changes to its Sheet. If the GM wants, they can give up to two feats of their choice to the Skull Robo, but reducing the Strength Score by -2 or Constitution Score by -2 for each feat. Furthermore, the GM can change any technique described here for Skull Robo. ACTIONSUnarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (4d6 + 4) Bludgeoning damage (Or Force Damage if it has at least 1 Energy Point). Techniques Skull Robo has the following Techniques:
Flurry of Blows (1 Energy Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action immediately after Skull Robo takes the Attack action on their turn, it makes two unarmed strikes. Stand Ground (1+ Energy Point)/(Half Technique slot). Skull Robo takes half as much damage from all sources but cannot willingly move until the beginning of its next turn. It may use this as a bonus action for 1 additional Energy Point. Full Power Blow (1+ Energy Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, when Skull Robo makes an attack action, it combines two of the attacks it can make into one attack, adding the damage die and half of the modifier to damage from attacks beyond the first. Skull Robo may add one more attack it can make per additional Energy Point spent. Flight (1 Energy Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, Skull Robo gains a flying speed equal to its movement speed for 1 minute. Heavy Impact (1 Energy Point)/(Half Technique slot). As part of an unarmed strike, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of Skull Robo's next turn. It may only make one Heavy Impact attack per turn. Energy-Machine Gun (1+ Energy Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, Skull Robo's unarmed strikes have their range increased by its movement speed until the end of their turn. Skull Robo may spend 1 additional Energy point to use this as a free action. Laser Cannon (1 Energy Point). As part of making an Energy-Machine Gun attack, its range becomes a line and all creatures within range must attempt a Dexterity saving throw, taking the Energy-Machine Gun's damage on a failure. REACTIONSDeflect Missile. When Skull Robo is hit by a ranged attack, it reduces its damage by 12 (1d10 + 9). If this reduces it to 0, it may make an unarmed strike with a range of 20/60 feet. Exchange Blows (2 Energy Points)/(Half Technique slot). When an attack roll is made against Skull Robo, it makes an unarmed strike against the attacker. |
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