Dragon Rider (5e Class)
Dragon Rider
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Elven Dragon Rider created by uncannyknack on Deviantart |
The halfling, tiny in comparison to his draconic companion, gazes over the land. Spying some travellers about to be waylaid by bandits, he calls out to his friend as he rushes to aid the humans. The would-be bandits laugh at his foolishness until the dragon appears on the other side of the road, as if from nowhere. Surprised and off guard, they quickly fall before the two. Climbing on his dragon's back, the halfling salutes the awed travellers as they vanish into the sky.
The human flings bolts of lightning, holding the demons back. Falling back, she suddenly raises her hands and cries out. A mighty thunderstorm rises in a place where there was no weather, and the demons are fried to oblivion. The human falls to her knees exhausted, and smiles as her dragon makes a quip about the overly dramatic display.
Fighting for his life, the dragonborn stumbles back as a moment's respite appears. To his left, his dragon fights her best to slay the hoard of infinite goblins. Glancing back at the village that didn't care to help them, he fights his way to her side. Melding their minds, they charge as one, slaughtering goblin after goblin. Their only thoughts are to keep each other safe.
Dragon Rider are just that - warriors who ride dragons - but they are also much more. They are powerful magicians who astound other spellcasters with their feats of magic. They are warriors who can topple champions and best heroes. They are the few who would offer a parental hand to a wyrmling with no one to turn to. They would dare to raise a dragon in a world where dragons are feared as monsters or looked to as gods. They walk the lands below and fly the skies above. Two parts of one force. They are all that and more. They are Dragon Riders.
Creating a Dragon Rider
When creating a Dragon Rider, think about the following: how did you get the dragon's egg that would later hatch into your dragon? Did you find it, abandoned or not? Maybe you were given it as a reward or as a dragon's last act. Or maybe it was under more mysterious or sinister circumstances. However you got it, why did you keep it? Maybe you wanted to be a Dragon Rider or didn't know what it was. Perhaps you kept it for other reasons. But now that your dragons has hatched, why did you let it live? Maybe it seemed cute or you just couldn't hurt it. Or perhaps you just don't know why. However you got it and whatever your reasons for keeping and sparing it, what it your life like with it? Is it a great secret or just constant running. Maybe it's something else, like hiding. In any case, remember that your dragon is its own creature. What is its personality like? What does it fear or like, hate or enjoy?
Quick Build
You can make a Dragon Rider quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma or Constitution. Second, choose the Folk Hero or Outlander background. Third, choose a martial melee weapon, a shortbow with a quiver of 20 arrows, a set of scale mail, and an explorers pack. Be sure to pick the color of your dragon.
Class Features
As a Dragon Rider you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Dragon Rider level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Dragon Rider level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: light armor, medium armor, and shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, and one martial weapon of player's choice
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength and Charisma
Skills: Three of the following: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Arcana, Athletics, Intimidation, History, Perception, Persuasion, and Survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- One martial weapon (plus 20 ammunition and suitable container (i.e. Quiver, Bolt Case, or Pouch), if applicable)
- An exotic saddle (dragon)
- (a) A Shortbow and a quiver with 20 arrows or (b) 3 Javelins
- (a) A Dungeoneer's Pack or (b) an Explorer's Pack
- (a) a set of Studded Leather Armor or (b) a set of Scale Mail
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4x10 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st | +2 | Bonded Dragon, Dragon Traits |
2nd | +2 | New Rider |
3rd | +2 | Rider's Bond (Dragon Knight, Dragon Mage, Dragon Friend) |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement |
5th | +3 | Draconic Sense |
6th | +3 | Young Rider |
7th | +3 | Rider's Bond Feature (Draconic Resistance, Magic Blade, Fearful Cast/Wondrous Figure) |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | Draconic Prowess |
10th | +4 | Adept Rider, Rider Bond Feature (Untouchable, Deadly Power, Glory's Call) |
11th | +4 | Ageless |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement |
13th | +5 | Draconic Protection |
14th | +5 | Skilled Rider |
15th | +5 | Rider's Bond Feature (Relentless, Strength Draw, Great Charge) |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement |
17th | +6 | Heightened Draconic Prowess |
18th | +6 | Master Rider, Rider's Bond Feature (Master of War, True Magic, Last Stand) |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Boundless Energy |
20th | +6 | United We Stand |
Bonded Dragon
At 1st level, you have a Young Dragon (species is player's choice) whose alignment can differ by one (a LG player would have a dragon of NG, LN, or LG alignment). This dragon is very loyal to you, since you are the one who raised it. You and your dragon share the same languages and can communicate telepathically with each other up to a distance of one mile. This only works with you and your dragon, you and your dragon are treated normally as far as telepathy with other creatures. You also have a lifespan equal to your dragon's and you age at half the normal rate for your race (if you age at all). An example is, if you reach adulthood at 18 and live until 80, then as a Dragon Rider, at 80, you would have aged as if you were 40. If you or your dragon start making death saving throws, the other is distracted over concern for their partner, they have disadvantage on all checks, saving throws, and attack rolls not attempted to help their partner until their partner is either stabilized or dead. If either you or your dragon dies, the remaining one makes an Intelligence saving throw (DC 20), if succeed, they retain their sanity, if failed, they become permanently insane (permanent madness) until their partner is resurrected. They cannot be cured of this madness through any other means. It is worth noting that your dragon builds its own hoard that, while you can help, you have to persuade your dragon to lend anything as you would a normal creature. Your dragon has its own personality as well as fears and dislikes, which (if DM says so) can prevent the dragon's participation. You and your dragon will have to appease or deal with the local dragons if your dragon is with you. In other words, your dragon can ( and most likely will) act like a normal dragon. (This includes gathering hoards and territory.) The following is a list of the dragon's stats (if it is not labeled here, the dragon does not have it):
large dragon, same as the rider (or really close, must have at least one in common) Armor Class 13 + dragon's Dexterity modifier (natural armor)
Saving Throws Strength and Constitution Gold, Red, and Brass: Fire Silver and White: Cold Bronze and Blue: Lightning Copper and Black: Acid Green: Poison Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water. ACTIONSBite. Melee Weapon Attack: Strength to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 + Strength modifier piercing damage Claws.Melee Weapon Attack: Strength to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + Strength modifier slashing damage.
The dragon exhales fire in an 20-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving throw, with a DC of 8 + the dragon's Constitution modifier, taking 3d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
When your dragon reaches adult age, it becomes huge in size and gain 4 additional Hit Dice. When they reach Ancient, they become Gargantuan in size and gain an additional 6 Hit Dice.
Dragon Traits
Your dragon, due to it's... unusual upbringing, it much more malleable that normal dragons. Starting at level 1 and repeating each time your gain a level as a Dragon Rider, you may select a one of the following traits to add to your dragon (all abilities that are mentioned, but not defined, appear in the dragons' stat blocks in the Monster Manual) :
- Burrow: Your dragon gains a burrowing speed of 30 ft (each additional selection increases burrowing speed by 10 ft).
- Swim: Your dragon gains a swimming speed of 30 ft (each additional selection increases swimming speed by 10 ft).
- Fly: Your dragon's flying speed is increased by 5 ft (each additional selection increases flying speed by 5 ft).
- Walk: Your dragon's walking speed is increased by 5 ft (each additional selection increases walking speed by 5 ft).
- Breath Damage: Your dragon's breath weapon's damage is increase by 1d10 (each additional selection increases damage by 1d10).
- Breath Accuracy: Your dragon's breath weapon's DC is increased by 1 (each additional selection increases DC by 1).
- Ability: One of your dragon's ability scores increases by 1 (each additional selection increases one ability score by 1) (These may increase your dragon's scores above 20, but cannot go higher than 30).
- Skill: Choose a skill that your dragon is not proficient in. They gain proficiency in that skill (each additional selection allows you to select another skill).
- Health: Your dragon gains an additional Hit Die (each additional selection grants another Hit Die).
- Scales: Your dragon's AC is increased by 1 (each additional selection increases AC by 1).
- Blindsight: Your dragon gains a Blindsight of 30 ft (If your dragon is an Adult or older, then you may make additional selections that increases the range of Blindsight by 10 ft each time).
- Bite: Your dragon's bite attack's damage is increased by 1d10 (no additional selections).
- Claw: Your dragon's claw attack's damage is increased by 1d6 (no additional selections).
- Multiattack: Your dragon gains the Multiattack feature that is standard for their age (they cannot perform an action they don't have, such as Frightful Presence)(no additional selections).
- Gas Breath: For Metallic dragons only! Your dragon can use its Gas breath weapon with a DC of 8+Con mod (each additional selection increases DC by 1).
- Tail: For adult dragons or older only! Your dragon gains a tail attack that has an attack roll of 1d20+(Str mod+Rider's prof bonus) and a damage roll of 1d8+Str mod (you may make one additional selection that increases damage by 1d8).
- Frightful Presence: For adult dragons or older only! Your dragon gains use of Frightful Presence with a DC of 8+Cha mod (each additional selection increases DC by 1).
- Legendary Resistence: For adult dragons or older only! Your dragon may use Legendary Resistence 3 times per day (no additional selections).
- Legendary Actions: For adult dragons or older only! Your dragon may use Legendary Action. Wing Attack DC is 8+Str mod (each additional selection increases Wing Attack DC by 1).
- Change Shape: For ancient dragons only! Your dragon may use Change Shape.
New Rider
At level 2, you find that you can draw on your own strength and use magic. You have 1d4 + your Constitution modifier Energy points (minimum of 1). You gain a level of exhaustion for every 4 Energy you spend, rounded down (spending 4 Energy is one level, while 8 energy would be 2 levels. 3 or less energy would be 4 levels of exhaustion). You may do anything within the bonds of what you can create and manipulate, at DM's agreement, however, the DM can adjust costs as needed (For Example, it could cost extra for a ranged fire attack or an exploding fire attack, or both, though both would cost the most. You could create a wave of fire that could cost a lot of Energy, perhaps more than an exploding ranged fire attack (i.e. a fireball)). For all intensive purposes, effects performed through these means are spells and are treated as such on all occasions. Your Rider spell save DC = 8 + Charisma modifier + proficiency bonus. Your Rider spell attack modifier = Charisma modifier + proficiency bonus. You recover 1d4 Energy after taking a short rest and recover all your Energy after taking a long rest. Concentration may be required (if spell has a duration and is not "self-sustaining" for that duration (Example: Light is a "self-sustaining" spell, Levitate requires concentration). Concentration spells may not require much Energy at one time but can cost extra Energy over time. (Note: The process of deciding ability functions/costs are generally as follows:
- Rider decides on what they want to happen. (Example: Jake wants to create a whip of fire.)
- DM decides if they will allow effects, then decide on cost. (Example: DM allows Jake's whip at a cost of 1 Energy each turn. The whip has a 10 feet range and does 1d4 fire damage.)
- Player makes adjustments, with DM adjusting cost. (Example: Jake increases range by 5 feet, DM adds 1 Energy to cost. Jake also increases the die type to d6 (DM adds 1 Energy to cost) and adds a second die (DM adds another Energy to cost)).
- Energy is paid, the effect is carried out, and levels of exhaustion are gained, if applicable. (Example: Jake pays 4 Energy. His character creates a whip of fire that has a range of 15 feet and does 2d6 fire damage. They gain one level of exhaustion)
(NOTES FOR DMs: A good way to determine Energy cost is to do the following:
- Determine what the effect will do (small, weak effects such as creating a fire or a small jump of electricity would cost 1 Energy while effects that are powerful or affect large areas would have higher costs, as well as effects that cannot be achieved without magic (flight, manipulation of time, altering reality, etc). To give an example, a small campfire might cost 1 Energy to create, while a weapon made of fire might cost 1 Energy, but because it requires concentration and would cost additional Energy each turn. A fireball might cost 3 Energy due to it effect an area and doing damage at a distance, while a wave of fire could cost 4 or even 5 Energy due to it hitting an even larger area that the fireball. Finally, massive effects that can normally be caused by wish spells or similar spells (such as True Resurrection, Alter Reality, Time Stop, etc.), depending on the effect, could cost 7 to even 10 (or even more, if the effect is strong enough). Note that this is the BASE cost, without modifications.
- Then, after deciding if the spell is okay and giving the base cost and effect (if the player wanted to turn back time, you could say that you would allow it, but at a cost of 10 Energy for only 1 hour), then determine what modifications are needed (let's say the player wants 3 hours) and adjust the cost as needed (the player would have to pay 30 Energy for the 3 hours). Small effects would add 1 Energy to the cost (one additional die of damage, 5ft increase in area, make it ranged, make it an area of effect, increase range by 5 ft, even increase the hit die type (d4 to d6 to d8 to d10 to d12)), while large changes would add more energy (adding the chance to knock an enemy prone to a fireball could add 2 Energy, while the above time spell would cost three times what it normally would because the player essentially is asking to perform the spell three times in one spell).
You have the following abilities:
You can manipulate and create fire. You may describe any effect that focuses on fire (creating a campfire, shooting a fireball, sending a fire wave, even spontaneous combustion, ANYTHING with DM's agreement, but fire must be the primary focus, no levitating objects and causing them to catch on fire, just catching them on fire). Spells with cost more as their effects become more potent (Lighting a campfire would cost 1 Energy, while spontaneous combustion would probably cost about 7-8 Energy and only affect one creature that has less than 50 hit points, but probably do 5d10 fire damage on a failed Constitution saving throw or half that on a success).
Magic Blast
You can use energy to create a blast of magic. You may spend 1 energy point to create a small ball of energy that does 1d6 force damage that has a range of 60 ft away from you. This can be modified to add more damage dice, increase die type, increase range, and even change damage type, but each modification would increase Energy cost (most previously mentioned effects would increase the cost by 1 while changing damage type would probably cost 2 Energy).
Rider's Bond
At level 3, you may choose what part of your bond you want to focus on. Will you be a Dragon Knight, focusing on the physical might of dragons? Maybe a Dragon Mage, channeling the magical might that all dragons have. Or perhaps, you will be a Dragon Friend, one who focuses on the bond between them and their dragon.
Ability Score Increase
At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th And 19th level, you may increase two ability scores by one or increase one ability score by two, these improvements may not cause the score to exceed 20 unless you possess an ability or item that allows such. You may ignore the score increase and instead take a feat (the Player's Handbook has a list of feats).
Draconic Sense
At level 5, your bond with your dragon had given you draconic senses. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) check that use sight, smell, and/or hearing. Enemies have a disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks if they can be detected by sight, smell, and/or hearing.
Young Rider
At level 6, you have improved, but still have a long way go. Increase your Energy by 1d4+your current Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) (your Energy maximum does not change after this, unless an ability says so). You gain the following abilities:
Air Manipulation
You have gained some control over the air. You may describe any effect that focuses on air (such as a gust of wind, a cushion or wall of air, or even use air to expand and break or compress and squeeze something). (It would cost one Energy to create a gust of wind to blow a sail, but maybe 3 Energy to crush something with air and that crushing may need a Constitution saving throw to determine if is works).
Darkness and Light
You can control darkness and light. You can change the light level of an area with a 60ft radius around you (this could cost 5 Energy per level changed (bright to dim to darkness or vice versa)).
Draconic Prowess
At level 9, your bond with your dragon seems to have quickened your limbs. Whenever you take the attack action, you may make two attacks, however, if you are wielding a weapon with the Heavy or Oversized properties, you do not get this bonus. You also increase your walking speed by 10ft, however, if you are wearing Heavy Armor, you do not get this bonus.
Adept Rider
At level 10, you are familiar with your abilities, if not overly skillful. Your Energy increases by 1d4+your current Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) (this does not change unless an ability says so). You now gain a level of exhaustion for every 5 Energy you spend, rounded down . You also gain the ability to store Energy in gemstones. A gemstone must be worth at least 100gp to be able to store Energy. You can store 2 Energy for every 50gp a gemstone is worth. You can store and take Energy from the gemstone at will, this does not change the gemstone in anyway. You can sense if a gemstone has Energy, and how much it has, as long as you can hold it (DM may grant gemstones containing Energy as treasure, but they should be rare to find). You can draw from these gemstones as long as they are on your person to either cast a spell or regain Energy points. Using Energy from gemstones does not grant levels of exhaustion, but storing Energy in them can. If you store Energy in a gemstone, you must wait 1 minute before you can do so again. You have the following abilities:
Water Control
You have gained command over water. You may describe any effect that focuses on water (creating water, manipulating the flow of a river, freezing water, or creating a wave or even tsunami). (Creating water might cost 2 Energy per 1/2 gallon, while manipulating a river or creating a wave might cost 5 Energy (a tsunami might cost 7 Energy)).
You can create magical "shields" that can guard against specified dangers. With DM's approval, you can put a ward on any non-magic item or willing creature. The ward will protect that creature/item from one instance of an effect/5 HP in damage per Energy spent from a specific source (Sleep, Magic, Fire, Swords, etc.). Each Energy spent is treated as adding a charge, wards are not rechargable. It will only protect from that specific source. Damage negated does so in 5 HP incremants (If you take 10 damage, it consumes two charges from the ward. If you take 11 damage, the ward consumes 3 charges, but you do not get protection from the remaining 4 damage from the charge back, it is gone). If you take more damage than the ward reduces, you still take the excess (If you take 12 damage but only have two charges, the ward would consume the two charges and reduce the damage by 10, you would still take 2 damage). Wards do not have restistances, vulnerabilities, or immunities and will be consumed to protect from damage/effects regardless of whenever the creature it is protecting is immune, resistant, or vulnerable.
At level 11, your bond with your dragon seems to have stopped time...wait, never-mind, it just stopped you and your dragon from aging, too bad. You do not age, your appearance does not change because of age and you does not grow weaker due to age. This does not stop you from dying at your normal time (this also does not interfere with the long life you have from being a Dragon Rider).
Draconic Protection
At level 13, you have found that you don't notice when your dragon uses a breath attack. You gain immunity to the damage type of your dragon's breath weapon.
Skilled Rider
At level 14, you have become very skilled with your powers. You increase your Energy by 1d4+your current Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) (is does not change unless an ability says otherwise). You gain the following abilities:
Earth Command
You have gained sufficient power to command earth. You may describe any effect that focuses on earth (flinging a boulder at someone, creating a wall of rock, creating quicksand (or quick-mud), and even encase a creature in stone). (Moving a boulder might cost 1 Energy per turn that they move it, while encasing a creature in stone might cost 7 Energy and include a Dexterity saving throw or they became essentially petrified.)
You have discovered that you can make any injury be healed, aside from death. You can heal a person as long as you can touch the injury. You can heal 1d8 hit points at the cost of 1 Energy. You may increase the number of dice (1d8 to 2d8, etc.) or die type (d8 to d10 to d12) for each extra Energy you spend.
Heightened Draconic Prowess
At level 17, whenever you take the attack action, you may make up to 3 attacks. However, you can only make up to 2 attacks if you are wielding a weapon with the Heavy or Oversized properties. You also have +20 feet to movement speed, which is decreased to +10 feet if you are wearing Heavy armor (this ability effectively replaces Draconic Prowess).
Master Rider
At level 18, you can make use of abilities that only masters use. You increase your Energy by 1d4+your current Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) (this cannot change from this point forward). You now gain a level of exhaustion for every 6 Enetgy you spend, rounded down. You gain the following abilities:
Time Mastery
You have mastered Time itself. You may describe any effect that focuses on time (slow time, turn back time, even grant yourself extra turns). (Effects like these would cost anywhere from 7 to 10 Energy).
Lightning Cast
You discover that you now can command lightning. You may describe any effect that focuses on lightning (shock something, strike something with lightning, or even create a thunderstorm). (Shocking something would cost 1 Energy, while causing a thunderstorm might cost 5 energy and effect a 20ft area and strike all creatures within eah round for 1d6 lightning damage and last for 1d4 rounds.)
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The Dragon Rider created by KaelNgu on Deviantart |
Boundless Energy
At level 19, at the beginning of your turn, if you have 0 Energy, you may make a Constitution check (DC 15). If you fail, nothing changes. If you succeed, your recover 4 Energy and may make a second Constitution check (DC 20). If you fail the second check, you gain one level of exhaustion, if you succeed, you lose one level of exhustion.
United We Stand
At 20th level, the bond between you and your dragon has grown so that you are able to meld your minds. You and your dragon may join your minds for a duration of one minute. While under this effect, both bodies are treated as one person and act during one turn, under the same initiative. Both bodies may occupy the same space without mounting. When determining initiative, initiative is rolled by rolling 1d20 and adding the greater of the bodies' initiative modifiers. This ability, while active, grants two action, bonus actions, and reactions, however, these may only be taken by one body once (if you take an action to make the rider's body attack, the other action can only be taken by the dragon's body, the same with bonus actions and reactions). Since you are treated as one, everything that you do or that happens to you effects both (making an attack counts as you both made the attack, thus when determining if you hit and how much damage you do, add the corresponding modifier from both bodies (if the rider's body attacks while under this ability and has a +3 Strength modifier, while it's dragon has a +5 Strength modifier, you would add both modifiers for the attack (thus the attack roll would have a +8 bonus, not including proficiency, which you would add only once) and damage (if a longsword, 1d8+8 slashing, for example). When one body is dealt damage or healed, the damage/recovered HP may be divided as you choose between the bodies (any benefit or penalty that cannot be divided affects both). You may combine modifiers for all attack rolls, checks, saving throws (excluding death saving throws, as soon as you make one, this ability ends), and damage rolls if applicable. The bodies have separate movement speeds. This ability may not be used if you and your dragon are farther than 120 ft. from each other or one of you is unconscious, both of these as well as death will end this ability. You cannot use this again until you complete a long rest.
Rider's Bond
A Rider isn't just some kid on a beast. They are warriors who have formed a bond with a draconic partner. They are partners for life. However, not all Riders go about it the same way.
Dragon Knight
You have chosen to revel in the physical might of dragons. Few can hope to match a Dragon Knight.
Draconic Strength
At level 3, you already can feel the strength of dragons. Increase your strength score by 2. This cannot exceed 22.
Draconic Resistance
At level 7, you can resist certain attacks. Choose between piercing, slashing or bludgeoning. You gain resistance to non-magical forms of that damage.
At level 10, you can force your body to move impossibly fast. Whenever an you take damage from an attack, make a Dexterity saving throw vs the attacker's attack roll. If you succeed, negate all damage. You many do this a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum of one). You regain all uses after the completion of a long rest.
At level 15, you discovered that when you get going, almost nothing can stop you. You can be immune to one instance of each of the following statuses: Prone, Charmed, Sleep, Incapitated (excluding unconcsious), and Restrained (only before, this ability does not work while restrained, but can prevent being restrained). (If you choose to be immune to prone (by instantly getting back up), you can still be immune to Charmed, but are no longer immune to prone until your next long rest.) You cannot use this again until you complete a long rest.
Master of War
At level 18, you can always see where and when to strike, and how hard. You may double damage dealt to any enemy, this does not do damage to immune creatures unless you can do damage to them. This stacks with vulnerabilities.
Dragon Mage
The power of magic flowing through you is too great to ignore. The might of Dragon Mages is legendary, after all.
Awakened Mind
At level 3, your mind awakens and expands as you give in to the magic. All of your abilities that cost Energy cost 1 less Energy (this cannot make abilities go below 1).
Magic Blade
At level 7, you have found a way to strengthen your weapons. Whenever you attack, at the cost of 1 Energy, your weapon does one additional die of damage and has the same damage type as your dragon's breath weapon.
Deadly Power
At level 10, you can use your own life force as strength for your magic. You may, at will, convert HP into Energy. The rate is 5 HP to 1 Energy. You can also convert Energy to HP using the above rate.
Strength Draw
At level 15, you realized that it may be possible to draw on others. As long as the target has a number of hit dice less then double your number of hit dice, they make a Constitution saving throw (spell save DC). If they fail, they lose 5d6 HP and you gain 1d6 Energy. If they succeed, nothing happens. Your target must be within 30 ft of you. You cannot use this again until you complete a long rest.
True Magic
At level 18, you are a true master of magic. You have no restrictions as to what you magic focuses on (if you want on object to levitate, catch on fire, and turn invisible all at the same time, you can! It will just be rather expensive). You still pay Energy costs like normal.
Dragon Friend
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Dragon Rider created by aeflus on Deviantart |
You have chosen not to follow the normal paths of power, instead choosing that of your dragon and your shared bond. Very few Dragon Friends are known or liked.
Lesser Scales
At level 3, you grow a thin layer of transparent scales, almost unnoticable. Your based AC is increased by 1, regardless of armor.
Fearful Cast/Wondrous Figure
At level 7, you find people seem to be afraid/in awe of you. You may radiate fear/awe in a 60 ft sphere. All enemies make an Intelligence saving throw against a DC of your Charisma score. If they fail, they become frightened of/charmed by you for 24 hours. During their turn, enemies at are frightened of/charmed by you may remake the Intelligence saving throw. Enemies that succeed or enemies that the fear/charm has worn off of are immune to the ability for 24 hours. If your dragon is within 120 feet of you, this ability has a range of 120 feet and enemies are also frightened of/charmed by your dragon. You cannot use this again until you complete a long rest.
(Note:If your dragon is of good alignment, this ability is Wondrous Figure. If they are of evil alignment, the ability is Fearful Cast. If they are neutral, you may choose either Wondrous Figure or Fearful Cast. Once you have Wondrous Figure, you cannot exchange it for Fearful Cast and vice versa. If you have Wondrous Cast, it causes awe, while Fearful Cast causes fear if you have it.)
Glory's Call
At level 10, you know that every fight might be the last. You make a mighty cry that reminds your allies of the glory of the fight and bring enemies to fear your call. All allies (as well as the user) who hear this cry gain advantage on attack rolls made against enemies with a Challenge Rating (CR) equal to or greater than their level or CR. Enemies who hear this cry gain disadvantage on attack rolls made against allies (or the user) with a level or CR highier than that enemy's. (This lasts for 1 minute) If your dragon is within 120 feet of you, allies (and the user) also gain 5d6 temporary hit points for 1 hour. You cannot use this again until you complete a long rest.
Great Charge
At level 15, you know that sometimes a brazen fool's charge is all that is needed. Whenever you travel at least 20 feet in a straight line and take the Dash action, you may make a melee weapon attack on the enemy directly in front of you. That enemy makes a Strength save contested by your Strength check, if they fail, they are knocked prone. If your dragon is within 120 feet of you when you make the attack, you may also make an unarmed attack against every other enemy within range.
Last Stand
At level 18, you and your dragon are so bound together, you can even resist death for them. When you drop to 0 HP or die (including instant death, death through exhaustion, etc.), make a Constitution saving throw against DC 20. If you fail, you are treated as normal, if you succeed, you drop to 1 HP instead. You also lose one level of exhaustion. You may also spend as much Energy as you wish (Energy spent this way does not cause exhaustion). You gain 1 temporary hit point per Energy spent and resistance to all damage. This lasts as long as you still have 1 HP. You gain the resistance if you spent at least one Energy. If your dragon is within 120 feet of you, you automatically succeed in the saving throw. You also gain 2 temporary hit points per Energy spent instead (you still gain the resistance to all damage). You cannot use this again until you complete a long rest.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Dragon Rider class, you must meet these prerequisites: An Intelligence score of 13, a Charisma score of 13, and a dragon must have hatched and been raised by you for at least 50 years. (Note: You benefit from a Rider's long life after 10 years if you intend to become a Dragon Rider (unless the DM says otherwise, of course))
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Dragon Rider class, you gain the following proficiencies: One martial weapon of your choice.
Spellcasting. If you have spellcasting from another class, the following applies:
- You cannot use spell slots for Dragon Rider features.
- You can pay Energy to cast non-Dragon Rider spells (the cost is the level of the spell plus 1. Examples: Fire Bolt costs 1 Energy, a 3rd level Fireball costs 4, and a Wish costs 10). All effects from using Energy still applies.
- Otherwise, treat both classes as normal.
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