Vegeta, God (Dragon Ball Supplement)

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This content intends to provide a different experience, or goes beyond the scope of the anticipated subjects and situations, than the 5e rules were intended to handle. Some portions of the content below may not be what you expect from traditional game content. When implementing this content, DMs and Players should read over all the information carefully, and consider the following specific notes of interest:
This creature was created as part of the Player Equivalent CR variant rule using the Martial Artist (Dragon Ball Supplement) class and Adventurer (5e Background) background, and as such does not follow traditional CR.

Medium humanoid (Saiyan), neutral good

Armor Class 29 (Battle Armor)
Hit Points 637 (51d8 + 408)
Speed 100 ft.

36 (+13) 22 (+6) 26 (+8) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Str +27, Dex +20
Skills Athletics +27, History +15, Insight +14, Intimidation +15, Perception +14
Senses passive Perception 24
Languages Common
Challenge 51 ( XP)

Ki. Vegeta has 57 Ki points which he can expend. All Ki points are regained at the end of a long rest.

Further Beyond. When Vegeta is reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, he can drop to 1 hit point instead. He can’t use this feature again until He finishes a long rest.

Powerful Build. Vegeta counts as one size larger when determining his carrying capacity and the weight he can push, drag, or lift. And requires twice as much food as a normal Medium-sized creature would.

Ki-Imbued Body. Vegeta counts as three (effectively four) sizes larger when determining his carrying capacity and the weight he can push, drag, or lift, Vegeta is immune to poisons and diseases, becoming poisoned, and poison damage.

Lasting Form. Vegeta can hold his breath for eight times as long, suffocate for eight times as long without dropping to 0 hit points, he can go eight times as long without food and water, and exhaustion from food and water deprivation takes eight times as long to occur.

Weather Resistant. Temperatures must be eight times as high or low for Vegeta to suffer from extreme heat or cold (using 50 degrees Fahrenheit as base healthy temperature), and it takes eight times as long for Vegeta to suffer exhaustion from said temperatures.

Honed Body and Mind. The number of levels of exhaustion, as well as gradual blindness, deafness, and numbness required for each effect is eight times as much, as is Vegeta's maximum age.

Brawn/Evasion/Endurance. When Vegeta is targeted by an area effect that lets him make a Strength, Dexterity or Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, such as fireball, he instead takes no damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if he fails the save.

Unarmored Movement. Vegeta can move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on his turn without falling during the move.


Multiattack. Vegeta makes six attacks with his unarmed strikes or ki blasts.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +27 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 32 (3d12 + 13) force damage (bludgeoning if out of ki).

Ki Charge As a full turn action Vegeta regains 3d12 Ki points.

Flight (1 Ki Point). As a bonus action, Vegeta gains a flying speed equal to his movement speed.

Ki Blast (1 Ki Point). As a bonus action, Vegeta's unarmed strikes have their reach increased by +100 ft. until the end of his turn. He may spend 1 additional ki point to use this as a free action.

Sledgehammer (1 Ki Point). As part of an unarmed strike, the target must succeed a DC 35 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of Vegeta's next turn. Vegeta may only make one sledgehammer attack per turn.

Stand Ground (1+ Ki Point). Vegeta takes half as much damage from all sources, but can not willingly move until the beginning of her next turn. Vegeta may use this as a bonus action for 1 additional ki point.

Perfect Dodge (1 Ki Point). As a bonus action Vegeta takes the dodge action.

Ki Dash (2 Ki Points). As a Lengthy Action, Vegeta moves forwards 400 feet, passing through creatures' spaces without additional movement speed cost, with opportunity attacks against him having disadvantage until the end of his turn.

Ki Surge (10 Ki Points). Vegeta makes one action as a Free Action.

Massive Blow (1+ Ki Points). As a Free Action when Vegeta hits a creature with an unarmed strike, they must make a DC 35 Strength saving throw or be moved up to the damage dealt in feet rounded to the nearest 5. They can only move a maximum of 15 feet for every ki point spent. Anything in the creature's way must make a DC 35 Dexterity save, or take half the damage the targeted creature took from the massive hit, stopping them from moving further, unless this drops them to 0 hitpoints.

Arm Break (2 Ki points). Once per turn when Vegeta makes an unarmed strike, if his attack roll equals the target's AC + 10 it gains the benefits of being a critical.

Laigiri (1 Ki Point). Once per turn when Vegeta hits a creature with an attack that can't be charged he deals twice the damage die of the attack. If the target hasn't taken a turn since rolling for initiative, this does not cost ki.

Ki Sense (0+ Ki Points). As a Free Action Vegeta senses the location every creature within his movement speed. Until the end of his turn, creatures that were within the area can not be invisible to you. He learn how many ki points and hit points the creature has, as well as its AC. He may spend ki increasing its range by his movement speed each time. This can not sense creatures using a Godly Transformation.

Ki Suppression (0+ Ki Points). As a Free Action bonus action, or reaction on his turn, Vegeta may select up to 1/10th of his maximum hit points, ki points, and/or AC. These he selects are put in a pool and cannot be accessed by him. He may remove from the pool up to to 1/10th of his maximum hit points, ki points, and/or AC from the as a free action, bonus action, or reaction on his turn. He may spend ki points to increase the amount added or removed from the pool by the initial amount added or removed per ki point spent.

Final Flash (1+ Ki Points). After charging for 1 round, all creatures in a 120 ft. long, 60 ft. wide line must make a DC 35 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d20 force damage for every ki point spent. On a success, they take half the damage. This circumvents features that reduce all/half effects to half/none.

Galick Gun (5+ Ki Points). After charging for 1.5 rounds, all creatures in a 60 ft. long, 20 ft. wide line must make a DC 35 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 60 (6d10 + 27) force damage. Vegeta can add an additional 32 (1d10 + 27) force damage, increase its length by 30 feet, and increase its width by 10 feet for 1 additional ki point by charging for 0.5 a round

Big Bang Attack (10 Ki Points). As an action every creature in a 30 foot radius up to 120 feet from Vegeta must make a DC 35 Constitution saving throw. On a failure they fake 12d10 force damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. This damage decreases by 2d10 for every 5 feet away from the initial target they are.

Super Saiyan (1 Ki Point). As an action, Vegeta's Strength becomes 40 (+15), his Dexterity becomes 26 (+8), and his Constitution becomes 30 (+10), his AC becomes 33, his DCs become 37, his bonus to hit for his Unarmed Strikes becomes +29, and bonus to damage for those attacks becomes +15, his maximum hit points increase by 102, and his maximum ki points by 2, his aura radiates bright light for 10 feet and dim light for another 10 feet. Vegeta can't use Ki Suppression and must spend 1 Ki Point at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

Super Saiyan 2 (2 Ki Points). As an action, or as a bonus action while Super Saiyan is active Vegeta's Strength becomes 44 (+17), his Dexterity becomes 30 (+10), and his Constitution becomes 34 (+12), his AC becomes 37, his DCs become 39, his bonus to hit for his Unarmed Strikes becomes +31, and bonus to damage for those attacks becomes +17, his maximum hit points increase by 102, and his maximum ki points by 2, his aura radiates bright light for 20 feet and dim light for another 20 feet. Vegeta can't use Ki Suppression and must spend 2 Ki Points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

Super Saiyan God (10 Ki Points). As an action Vegeta's Strength becomes 60 (+25), his Dexterity becomes 46 (+18), and his Constitution becomes 50 (+20), his AC becomes 53, his DCs become 47, his bonus to hit for his Unarmed Strikes becomes +39, and bonus to damage for those attacks becomes +25, his maximum hit points increase by 612, and his maximum ki points by 12, he is immune to Ki Sense by creatures without a Godly Transformation. And he regains hit points equal to half his Constitution modifier (10) at the end of each of his turns. and he must spend 8 Ki Points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

Kiai (1+ Ki Points). each creature within 10 feet must make a DC 35 Strength saving throw or take 1d8 force damage and be pushed to the edge of this technique’s range. For every 2 ki points up to Vegeta's Ki sense range added 1d8 damage and 10 feet is added to the affected radius and the distance the targets are pushed. Vegeta may spend 4 additional ki separate from the previous effects to use this as a reaction, causing the attacks it may be made in response to miss in addition to its normal effects as long as the Kiai deals half or more amount of damage dice as the attack does. Alternatively Vegeta may use this as part of a ki blast, changing the ki blast's range to a line and using the damage of the Kiai instead of it.

Warrior's Pride. As a free action, Vegeta retries one saving throw that is causing him to be charmed or frightened.


Deflect Missile. When Vegeta is hit by a ranged attack, reducing its damage by 62 (1d10 + 57). If this reduces it to 0, he may make an unarmed strike with a range of 20/60 feet.

Exchange Blows (2 Ki Points) When an attack roll is made against Vegeta, he makes an unarmed attack against the attacker.

Limit Break (1/Day). When Vegeta drops to 0 hit points, he takes a turn immediately before falling unconcious

After his rival achieved Super Saiyan God via the God Ritual, Vegeta was frustrated at being unable to grow in power, much less as much as Goku. After making Whis the tastiest food on Earth, rather than becoming a God of Destruction as the angel initially required, he became a student of possibly the strongest fighter in Universe 7. During this time, he trained in a special dimension within his master's staff filled with Whis' own ki that, with hard training, he was able to trap within himself, grating him the power of Super Saiyan God himself. Back in the running for Goku's rival, he would quickly gain the ability to combine Super Saiyan God with the power of Super Saiyan in secrecy.

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