Humlebi (5e Race)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: As written, this far outclasses an official flying race like the aarakocra or owlin. In addition to 4o feet of flight, you have a trait from 1st level that can augment your ability scores. This is a very grey area of 5e since that means changing a lot of connected effects and skills, which is why even items that do this are very rare. Extra limbs here as written is even stronger than that of the Marilith (5e Race), which is a very strong, multilimbed race as it is. The stinger also seems to automatically cause the poisoned condition, which is in no way balanced

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Broom Icon.svg.png This page needs grammatical help. Reason: What does "prove disadvantage" mean? There's also some grammar/capitalization oopsies here and there

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This content deviates from 5e standards. Its use could dramatically alter campaigns, take extreme care. DesignDisclaimer.png
Caution - Here there be monsters!
This content intends to provide a different experience, or goes beyond the scope of the anticipated subjects and situations, than the 5e rules were intended to handle. Some portions of the content below may not be what you expect from traditional game content. When implementing this content, DMs and Players should read over all the information carefully, and consider the following specific notes of interest:
This material adds additional prehensile grasping limbs to a character, giving them more usable "hands" than is anticipated by the core rules. DMs and players should be aware that this can allow characters to do things which are normally impossible, such as: dual-wielding two-handed weapons; holding four weapons at once; having a free hand to load ammunition while holding two hand crossbows; the option to hold a shield, sword, and bow or casting focus simultaneously; the ability to grapple with a character and still have free hands to hold weapons to attack them with; the ability to be climb and defend oneself effectively at the same time; and much more. Be careful about who is allowed to use this material, as immature players will likely abuse this to break combat in unanticipated ways. As should be standard, such situations should be dealt with outside-of-game through open communication, but it is often best to avoid the situation in the first place. New players often have difficulties visualizing themselves as another person, let alone another creature with completely alien/foreign anatomy. As such, if a new player is allowed to use this material, they may need some degree of guidance to remember that their character has more than two hands, though it should only take a few sessions to really drive the point home.


A Humlebi Female Drawn by frostboi27

Physical Description[edit]

The humlebi are anthropomorphic, wiry creatures with thin, fur-covered bodies similar in shape to a bumblebee. They have thick legs and 4 smaller arms, with small feet and hands at the ends. Their heads are covered in a soft yellow and black striped fur, with white ruff fluff. Their most distinctive characteristic is the two pairs of large eyes with pupils and antennae, which allow them to track their surroundings quickly and accurately. they also have clear blue wings that can allow them to fly, with a large round abdomen that has a sharp stinger on the end.


In a long forgotten age, the humlebi thrived in peace and harmony with nature, living in a mystical forest far removed from the outside world. However, the forest and its resources drew the attention of greedy hunters, who came to take everything they could, leaving the humlebi with nothing but shattered memories and a hatred of invaders. The humlebi eventually fled and took refuge in a much more secluded part of the forest, vowing never to let outsiders come back.


The humlebi exist in a society that is largely peaceful and respectful towards each other, though they can be quite territorial and defensive when outsiders encroach upon their habitat. They live in small communal societies, often led by elders or other respected individuals, which value cooperation and harmony with nature. The humlebi are hardworking and independent, preferring to rely on each other rather than outsiders or foreign powers for their needs.

Humlebi Names[edit]

The humlebi have a unique naming system that draws inspiration from bee sounds, community roles, and their family queens.

Male: Buzzdron, Buzztron, Buzzson, Humsson, Honeyson, Honeytron

Female: Drusyon, Humette, Dronette, Humatron, Dron, Tron

Humlebi Traits[edit]

Anthropomorphic bee creatures that move quickly on two legs and four arms and have hard chitin covering their bodies.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. The humlebi reach maturity at the age of 10 years, but they are known to live for around 250 to 300 years
Alignment. The humlebi tend to be chaotic good, leaning towards neutral good. They are generally good-natured but can have a sharp sense of humor that can sometimes come off as chaotic. They are also very independent and enjoy living freely, but they try to follow their own moral code and not break any laws.
Size. The humlebi stand up to 5 to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a flying speed of 40 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Bee Wings. when you are flying, you prove disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that involve being detected by sound.
Honey Craft. The humlebi are able to extract bee pollen from bee wax and mix it with water. This yields a nectar that is then refined with the hot air and moisture of the hive, yielding 1 pint of honey within 5 hours. Eating humlebi honey restores hit points equal to 1d8 plus your Constitution modifier. Your ability score for Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution increases by 1 for 1 hour. After the hour has passed, you gain one level of exhaustion.
Extra Limbs. You have four arms that can hold objects. you can dual-wield two handed weapons in this way, and can hold up to four small tim=ngs at once.
Stinger. A humlebi's stinger does 1d4 piercing damage and causes the poisoned condition for up to 1 minute. At level 5, the damage increases to 3d4, at level 10 to 5d4, and at level 15 to 7d4. A humlebi can only use this attack once every short or long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Bumble and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 0'' +2d12 50 lb. × (2d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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